Page 453 - Feline Cardiology
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478  Index

              Digital radiography, 37            HCM–compensated (“asymptomatic”)   Dobutrex (dobutamine), indications,
              Digoxin, 165, 452                        and, 433                         dosage, available sizes, 448
                arrhythmogenic right ventricular   recurrent heart failure and, 297  Dogs
                      cardiomyopathy and, 191    references for, 465, 466, 467, 468  cardiac tumors in, 201–202
                atrial fibrillation and, 227     supraventricular arrhythmias and, 166,   cats vs., breed-related cardiac variation
                dilated cardiomyopathy and, 186, 434   180                              in, 39
                indications, dosage, available sizes, 446  Diltiazem HCl, 157      CVC measurement in, 43
                premature atrial complexes/atrial   indications, dosage, available sizes, 447  heartworm infection transmitted to,
                      tachycardia/atrial fibrillation   Diltiazem IV                    353
                      and, 437                   indications, dosage, available sizes, 447  infective endocarditis in, 198
                references for, 464, 465         references for, 468               premature ventricular complexes in,
                restricted/unclassified cardiomyopathy   supraventricular arrhythmia, treatment   229
                      and, 435                         for, 224                    sinus node dysfunction in, 243
                supraventricular arrhythmias and, 180  Diltiazem SR, indications, dosage,   Domestic longhair cats
              Dilacor (diltiazem), 446                 available sizes, 447        dilated cardiomyopathy in, 184
              Dilacor XR (diltiazem sustained-release   Dirofilaria immitis, 353–363  HCM in, 118
                      formulation), HCM–         life cycle of, in cat, 354        PPDH and, 343
                      compensated (“asymptomatic”)   pneumothorax secondary to, 356  restrictive cardiomyopathy in, 178
                      and, 433, 434              prevalence of, 354              Domestic shorthair cats
              Dilated cardiomyopathy, 105, 109, 110,   reach-back effect of macrolytic lactones   dilated cardiomyopathy in, 184
                      183–186, 258, 280                on, summary, 362t           HCM in, 118
                anesthetic management and, 413   severe lower airway inflammation and,   restrictive cardiomyopathy in, 178
                BNP elevation in, 149                  26–27                     Domitor (medetomidine), 448
                complications and monitoring, 186  Wolbachia and, 355              indications, dosage, available sizes, 454
                defined, 183                    Disal (furosemide), 447          Do Not Attempt Rescuscitation order, 30
                diagnostic testing, 184–185      indications, dosage, available sizes, 450  Dopamine, 417, 451
                  diagnosis, 185                Disopyramide, HCM in people and, 155  anesthesia with
                  echocardiography, 184–185     Displacement theory, LVOT and, 116  arrhythmia treatment and, 419
                  electrocardiography, 184      Disseminated granulomatous disease,   for cardiac patient, 414t
                  radiography, 184                     lung radiopacity and, 46     hypotension treatment and, 419
                  taurine measurement, 185      Disseminated intravascular coagulation,   indications, dosage, available sizes, 448
                differential diagnosis, 184            pulmonary thromboembolism   references for, 467
                drugs for, 434–435                     and, 384t                 Doppler echocardiographic assessment, of
                etiology, 183                   Diuretic resistance, identifying, managing   diastolic function, 137
                heart from adult cat with, 184         coexisting cardiac and renal   Doppler echocardiography, 51–52
                history and chief complaint, 184       problems, 372               normal values, feline, inside covers
                left ventricular pressure volume curve   Diuretics               Doppler principle, 51–52
                      of normal cat and cat with, 264  anesthetic management and, 415  Doppler probe, BP measurement and
                M-mode echocardiogram of left    coexisting cardiac and renal problems   proper placement of, 335
                      ventricle from adult cat with,   and, tapering, 372        Doppler tissue imaging, diastolic heart
                      185                        congestive heart failure and, 286–287  failure and, 137
                outcome and prognosis, 186, 434–435  heart failure and administration of, 163  Doppler ultrasonic unit, with probe,
                pathology, 184                   hospitalized cats with HCM and, 290    blood pressure measurement
                pathophysiology, 184             pleural effusion and, limitations with, 22  with, 334, 335
                radiographs from cat with congestive   separating parenteral fluids from,   Dopram (doxapram), indications, dosage,
                      heart failure and, 185           concurrent cardiac and renal     available sizes, 448
                signalment, 184                        problems and, 373         Dorsal cardiac segment, 39
                treatment, 186, 434–435         Dizziness, people with HCM and, 155  Dorsoventral radiographs, low stress in
              Diltiazem, 156, 445               DMB. See Dry matter basis               cat with, 274
                anesthesia with                 Dobutamine, 417                  Double chamber right ventricle
                  arrhythmia treatment and, 420  anesthesia with                   diagnostic testing
                  for cardiac patient, 414t        for cardiac patient, 414t        echocardiography, 96
                arrhythmogenic right ventricular   hypotension treatment and, 419   electrocardiography, 96
                      cardiomyopathy and, 191    cats with “burnt-out” HCM and, 163  radiography, 96
                atrial fibrillation and, 227     CHF and, medical therapy and      differential diagnosis, 96
                congestive heart failure and, 289      monitoring, 285t            history and chief complaint, 96
                HCM and                          hospitalized cats with HCM and, 290,   pathophysiology, 96
                  asymptomatic cats with, 158          292                         physical examination, 96
                  early, compensated, 434        indications, dosage, available sizes, 448  prognosis, 96
                  forms of, 157–158              references for, 467               treatment, 96
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