Page 457 - Feline Cardiology
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482  Index

              Glaucoma, secondary, systemic      diastolic, factors causing, 114  Heartworm adulticide agents, risks to cat,
                      hypertension and, 332–333  diastolic dysfunction and, 112         360
              Glucocorticoids                    identifying, in cats, 257       Heartworm-associated respiratory disease
                cardiac disease and deleterious effects   left ventricular volume overload and,   (HARD), 360
                      with, 269, 375, 376              264–265                   Heartworm chemoprophylaxis, monthly/
                concurrent cardiac disease and other   outcome and prognosis for, 297–298  year-round, guidelines, 361
                      disorders treated with, 376–377  presenting complaints in cats with, 118  Heartworm disease, 27, 46, 353–362
                  immune-mediated liver disease,   Heart murmurs, 7–10             algorithm for diagnosis and treatment
                      lymphocytic-plasmacytic    anesthetic management and, 413         of, 357
                      cholangiohepatitis, 377    cardiovascular disease and, 8–9   clinical signs, 356t
                  inflammatory bowel disease, 376–377  characterization of, 6–7    coughing and, 26
                  inflammatory or immune-mediated   based on point of maximal intensity   diagnosis, 359–360
                      skin disease, 377                and timing, 8 (box 1.4)     differential diagnosis, 356–360
                heart disease with extracardiac   classification of, 7             echocardiography, 357–359
                      disorders and, 367         congenital defects and, 85, 426   etiology and life cycle, 353–354
              Glycopyrrolate, 415–416            degenerative valve disease and, 195  feline asthma and testing for, 376
                anesthesia, for cardiac patient, 414t  diagnosing, 9               history and chief complaint, 355–356
              Goitrogenic substances, diet,      differential diagnoses, 120       left lateral and ventrodorsal
                      hyperthyroidism and, 398–399  excessive moderator bands and, 208  radiographs from heartworm
              Gradient echo assessment           grading of, 7 (box 1.3)                positive cat, 358
                of cardiac function, 146         HCM and, 105                      monitoring, 361
                cMRI in cats and, 143            hyperthyroidism and, 400          outcome and prognosis, 361
              Growth hormone, HCM and, 150–151   incidental, treating cats with suspected   pathogenesis, 354–355
              “Gutters,” paravertebral, in thoracic    but not confirmed HCM with,   prevalence of, 353, 354
                      radiography, 38                  155–156                     prevention of, 361–362
                                                 incidental discovery, reasonable   proposed classification for, 355
              H                                        approach to, 10, 119        right parasternal echocardiographic
              Hairball evacuation, dyspnea in cats with   incidental discovery of HCM and,   images obtained from cat with,
                      heart failure mistaken for, 118  118–119                          359
              Hair loss, skin disease and, 377   innocent, 86                      stages of, in cat, 355
              Halitosis, renal failure and, 369  intensity, beta blocker therapy and,    syncope and, 15
              HARD. See Heartworm-associated           156                         thoracic radiographs (lateral and VD)
                      respiratory disease        nonpathologic, anesthesia in patient   from cat presenting with acute
              HCM. See Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy     with cardiac disease and, 418    crisis and pneumonitis after
              Heart disease                      physiologic, due to dynamic right      adult worm death, 358
                algorithm for diagnosis/therapy of     ventricular outflow tract   thoracic radiography and, 357, 358
                      dyspneic cat and, 26             obstruction, 8, 119, 155, 418  treatment, 360–361
                cardiac necropsy techniques in cats   prevalence of, 9–10           acute crisis due to dying worms, 360
                      suspected of dying from, 111   systemic hypertension and, 333  Heartworm testing, pulmonary
                      (box 11.1)                 treatment plan                         thromboembolism and, 385
                comorbidities with, 367            echocardiographic findings and, 10  Hemodynamic parameters, normal values,
                dyspnea secondary to, 25           radiographic findings and, 10        feline, inside covers
                kidney disease concurrent with,   Heart rate                     Heparin. See also Low molecular weight
                      368–373                    adult, 216, inside covers              heparin; Unfractionated
                  chronic management strategies,   beta blocker therapy and, 156        heparin
                      371–373                    bpm, 60                           pulmonary thromboembolism and,
                  chronic vs. acute decompensation,   cardiac output and, 214, 214      387
                      370–371                    diastolic function and, 114       references for, 466, 467
                  predominant disorder, 369–370  in kitten, 216                  Hepatic enzyme elevations, HCM
                pulmonary thromboembolism and,   sinus tachycardia and, 218             diagnosis and, 123
                      384t                      Heart size, normal, in cats, 125, inside   Hepatic venous distension, cats with
              Heart enlargement, with congestive heart   covers                         ascites secondary to right heart
                      failure, 43               Heart sounds                            failure and, 261
              Heart failure, 180, 257–302        location and characterization of, 6–7  Hepatomegaly, right heart failure and, 271
                cause of, 257                    relationships between ECG and timing   Heska I-stat, cardiac troponin-I
                compensatory mechanisms in, 265–266    of, 6                            measurement with, 71, 72
                  acute, 265                    Heart weight                     Heterozygous cats, genetic screening for
                  chronic, 265                   normal, inside covers                  HCM in, 428
                diastolic, Doppler echocardiographic   restrictive cardiomyopathy and increase  High-frequency probes,
                      assessment of, 137           in, 178, 180                         echocardiographic, 53
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