Page 462 - Feline Cardiology
P. 462
Index 487
Magnesium hydroxide, indications, Methadone Mitral valve malformation, 85, 88–90
dosage, available sizes, 454 anesthesia, for cardiac patient, 414t, 417 diagnosis, 89
Magnesium-restricted diets, for cats with premedication of cats with HCM and, etiology, 88
concurrent heart disease and 415 gross pathology, 88
lower urinary tract disease, 374 Methimazole history and chief complaint, 89
Magnesium sulfate beta blockers used with, 157 outcome and prognosis, 89–90
indications, dosage, available sizes, 454 hyperthyroidism and, 403, 404 pathophysiology, 88
references for, 465 Methylprednisolone, congestive heart physical examination, 89
ventricular tachycardia and, 234, 236, failure and, 165, 269, 375 signalment, 88
237 Metoprolol, 453 treatment, 89
Magnetic field, for cMRI in cats, 143 indications, dosage, available sizes, 455 Mitral valve prolapse, systolic clicks and,
Magnetic resonance imaging. See cardiac references for, 465 11
magnetic resonance imaging. Mexiletine Mitral valve stenosis, 90–91
Maine coon cats hypokalemia and, 245 Mixed hemodynamic response, 388
HCM in, 117, 426 indications, dosage, available sizes, 455 M-mode echocardiogram
diagnostic criteria and, 130 for premature ventricular complexes/ anatomic. See Steerable M-mode.
familial, endothelial damage and ventricular tachycardia, 437 of left atrial dilation in cat with severe
disruption with, 116 ventricular arrhythmias and, 166 HCM, 133
familial, MYBPC3 test and, 152, ventricular tachycardia and, 234 of left ventricle of cat with moderate
426–428 Mexitil (mexiletine), indications, dosage, HCM, 128
familial, sarcomeric mutations of available sizes, 455 M-mode echocardiographic
MYBPC3 gene and, 148 Midazolam, 415, 463 measurements, feline, normal,
as heritable disease in, 106 anesthesia, for cardiac patient, 414t 58t, inside covers
MYBPC3 mutation and, 105, 117, echocardiography and use of, 55 M-mode echocardiographic studies,
426–428 indications, dosage, available sizes, 455 obtaining, 57
papillary muscle hypertrophy and, induction of anesthesia in patient with M-mode echocardiography, 51
110 cardiac disease, 416 showing normal mitral valve motion in
severe, gross pathology of, 112 Milbemycin oxime normal cat, vs. SAM of mitral
severe, histopathologic examination heartworm disease and, 361, 362 valve in cat with hypertrophic
of heart and lungs of, 113 reach-back effect on Dirofilaria immitis obstructive cardiomyopathy,
PW TDI and identification of diastolic and, 362t 136
dysfunction in, 141 Milkweed, HCM and, contraindications, Mobitz type I second-degree AV block,
spironolactone and severe ulcerative 165 237–238, 240
dermatitis in, 294 Minimally traumatic ECG clip, 79 Mobitz type II second-degree AV block,
Maximal amplitude of Minipress (prazocin), 455 238, 238, 240
thromboelastography tracing, indications, dosage, available sizes, 458 Modified transudates, pleural effusion
final clot strength and, 319 Mitral annular wall motion and, 19, 20 (box 3.1)
MBPC mutations, familial HCM in determination of, 64, 65, 140 Modified truncated ellipse model, left
people and, 107 early diastolic, TDI and description of, ventricular mass quantification
Mean electrical axis, 249 64 and, 130
postnatal shift in, 80 Mitral Doppler velocity, diastolic heart Montelukast, heartworm disease and,
Mean pulmonary artery pressure failure and, 137 360
factors related to, 388 Mitral inflow velocities, measurement of, Mosquitoes, female, as heartworm
normal, in cats, 387, inside covers 63, 63, 64, 281 infection hosts, 353–354
Mechanical probes, echocardiographic, 52 Mitral regurgitation Motion artifact
Medetomidine, 416, 448 degenerative valve disease and, 195, 196 atrial fibrillation and, 225
anesthesia, for cardiac patient, 414t hyperthyroidism and, 403 mimicking PVCs in 3 cats, 231
anesthetizing fractious cats and, 418 mitral valve dysplasia and, 197 PVCs vs., 232
balanced anesthesia and, 416 SAM of the mitral valve and, 115 Moxidectin
echocardiography and use of, 55 differential diagnosis for, 134 heartworm disease and, 361, 362
hypertensive patients and, Mitral stenosis, diastolic murmur and, 7 reach-back effect on Dirofilaria immitis
contraindication, 415 Mitral valve. See also Systolic anterior and, 362t
indications, dosage, available sizes, 454 motion (SAM) of the mitral MPAP. See Mean pulmonary artery
references for, 465–467 valve pressure
Metabolic acidosis left ventricular volume overload and MRI. See Cardiac magnetic resonance
acute heart failure and, 297 abnormalities of, 264 imaging
treating, 312 Mitral valve dysplasia, 122 Multiform PVCs, 230
Metatarsus, right, plantar surface of, differential diagnosis and, 134 Murmurs. See Heart murmurs
blood pressure measurement heart from cat with, 89 Mutation screening, 427–428
and, 335 mitral regurgitation and, 197 MVG. See Myocardial velocity gradient