Page 465 - Feline Cardiology
P. 465
490 Index
Plasma and whole blood taurine Pneumothorax, heartworm disease and, Premature atrial complexes, 220–222
concentrations, myocardial 355, 356, 357 artifact mimicking incidence of, in cat,
failure and, 282 Point of maximal intensity, heart 221
Platelet count, arterial thromboembolism murmurs and, 7 atrial fibrillation and, 225
and, 311 “Poison peptides,” 107 drugs for, 437
Platelets, arterial thrombi and, 307 Polycythemia treatment of HCM and, 124
Plateletworks® ADP tubes, clopidogrel severe, treatment of, 437 two cases of, 221
therapy monitoring with, 317 tetralogy of Fallot and, 99 Premature ventricular complexes, 227–233
Plavix (clopidogrel), 457, 458 Polydipsia/polyuria accelerated idioventricular rhythm in
indications, dosage, available sizes, 445 acromegaly and, 404 cat, 231
Pleural effusion, 19–23, 369 hyperthyroidism and, 400 arterial thromboembolism and, 309
cardiac disease and, 377–379 Polymorphic PVCs, 230 HCM and, 124
critical care requiring fluid therapy Polymorphisms in genes, severity of in cat hospitalized in ICU due to
in cat with, 378–379 phenotypic expression of HCM restrictive cardiomyopathy,
in cats with severe HCM, 110–111 in people and, 108–109 congestive heart failure, and
chronic, 23 Post-capillary pulmonary hypertension, 388 hypokalemia, 228
congestive heart failure and, 271, 272 Posterior paresis, acute, arterial diastolic filling and, 228
defined, 19 thromboembolism and, 308 differential diagnosis for wide, bizarre
echocardiography and, 21–22 Postsystolic thickening, HCM and, QRS complexes on ECG with,
gross pathology and radiograph of cat 141–142 231
with severe HCM and, 271 Potassium chloride IV supplement, distinguishing impostors from, 232
HCM and, 120 indications, dosage, available in dogs and humans, 229
heartworm disease and, 357 sizes, 458 drugs for, 437
historical and physical examination Potassium gluconate, heart failure and, ECG and, 230–231
findings, 20 163 electrocardiographic features of, 230
hospitalized cats with HCM and Potassium salts oral supplement, follow-up for, 233
dyspnea, 290 indications, dosage, available history and physical examination, 230
left atrial dilation/left heart failure and, sizes, 458 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and, 120,
279 Potassium supplementation, electrolyte 124, 227, 229,
in people with left-sided heart disease, abnormalities and, 296 mechanisms of, 227–228
116 PPDH. See Peritoneopericardial mimicking of, electrocardiographic
pulmonary edema comorbid with, in diaphragmatic hernia impostors and, 231–232
CHF, 276 P-P interval, third-degree AV block and, motion artifact and mimicking of, in 3
radiographic evidence of, 46 239 cats, 231
radiography and cause of, 20–21, 21 P pulmonale, 249 prevalence of, 229
refractory congestive heart failure and, Prazocin, 455 prognosis, 232–233
294 indications, dosage, available sizes, 458 restrictive/unclassified cardiomyopathy
right-sided heart failure and, 261, 271 references for, 465, 466 and, 179, 228, 229
secondary to right or left heart failure, Preanesthetic preparation with cardiac signalment, 229–230
267 patients, 413, 415 spontaneous depolarization of
symptomatic cats with HCM and heart Pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension, ventricles and, 228–229
failure and, 167 388 syncope or sudden cardiac death and,
thoracic radiographs of cat with, 275 Precoagulation phase of in vitro clot 233
severe, 276 formation, normal TEG tracing systemic alterations and, 229
thoracocentesis for, procedure, 22–23, from feline patient and, 319 treatment of, 229–233, 437
22 (box 3.2) Precordial thump, 32 three, in cat with HCM, 227
transudate, modified transudate, Prednisolone, heartworm disease and, 360 Pre-proBNP, 72
exudate and, 20 (box 3.1) Prednisone, cardiac neoplasia and, 203 Prerenal azotemia
Pleural effusion fluid analysis and Preejection period furosemide therapy and, 161
cytology, congestive heart failure defined, 59 life-threatening heart failure and, 163
and, 282 measuring, pulsed-wave Doppler Pressure gradient, across valve, estimating,
Pleural space disease echocardiogram and, 59 62
algorithm for diagnosis/therapy of normal range, feline, 60t, inside covers Pressure overload, pathophysiology and
dyspneic cat and, 26 Preexcitation, description of, 244 etiology of, 259
dyspnea and, 25 Pregnancy, congestive heart failure and, Presyncope, 16
P mitrale, 249 269 people with HCM and, 155
Pneumonia, lung radiopacity and, 46 Preload Prilium (imidapril), 458
Pneumonitis decreased, anesthesia in patient with indications, dosage, available sizes, 451
heartworm disease and, 357 cardiac disease and, 417 Primary myocardial failure, pathophysiology
radiographic changes and, 46 TDI measurements and, 139 and etiology, 259