Page 467 - Feline Cardiology
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492  Index

              QRS duration, arterial thromboembolism   pulmonary venous congestion, lateral   Relative sinus bradycardia, 219
                      and prolongation of, 309         and ventrodorsal views, 44  Renal diets, cachexia in heart failure
              QT interval                        pulmonic stenosis, pulmonary artery    patients and, 164
                hypercalcemia and, 249                 stenosis and, 98          Renal disorders, cardiac disorders
                hypocalcemia and, 248            restrictive cardiomyopathy and, 179    concurrent with, principles for
              Quinidine, hypokalemia and, 245    severe left atrial enlargement in cat,   management of, 368
                                                       lateral thoracic view, 47  Renal dysfunction
              R                                  tetralogy of Fallot and, 99       HCM diagnosis and, 123
              RAAS. See Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone   tricuspid valve malformation and, 87,   heart failure and, 296
                      system                           88                        Renal failure, systemic hypertension and,
              RAAS antagonists, asymptomatic cats   ventricular septal defects and, 92  331
                      with HCM and, 158          vertebral heart size method and, 41  Renal insufficiency, heart failure and, 166
              RAAS polymorphisms, familial HCM-  Radioiodine therapy, for hyperthyroidism,   Renal serum/blood profile
                      related mutations and, 109       403, 404                    arrhythmogenic right ventricular
              Radiation, heart murmurs and sound, 7  Ragdoll cats                       cardiomyopathy and, 191
              Radiographic artifacts, 37         HCM as heritable disease in, 106, 426  dilated cardiomyopathy and, 186
              Radiographic exposure, adequate,   HCM diagnostic criteria and, 130  restrictive cardiomyopathy and, 180
                      description of, 37–38      MYBPC3 mutation and HCM in, 117,   symptomatic cats with HCM and heart
              Radiographic interpretation, steps in, 39  426                            failure and, 167
              Radiographs, correct interpretation of, 48  MYBPC3 test and familial HCM in,   Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system,
              Radiography, 37–48                       152, 426                         258, 262, 263
                aortic stenosis and, 93          sarcomeric mutations of MYBPC3 gene   activation of, 265
                arrhythmogenic right ventricular       and familial HCM in, 148    chronic activation of, deleterious effects
                      cardiomyopathy and, 190   Ramipril, 166, 442, 463                 of, 266
                atrial septal defect and, 94     congestive heart failure and, 287, 288  diuretics and, 338
                cat correctly restrained for lateral and   HCM and, 158            hyperthyroidism and, 398
                      VD radiographs, 38         indications, dosage, available sizes, 460  maintenance of normotension and, 329
                clock face superimposed on cardiac   medical therapy and monitoring of cats   natriuretic peptides and
                      silhouette, 43                   with CHF, 285t                   counterregulation of, 148
                cor triatriatum sinister and, 95  outpatient treatment for CHF and, 284  Replacement fibrosis
                digital, 37                      references for, 465, 466          echocardiographic assessment of, 131
                dilated cardiomyopathies and, 184  treatment of symptomatic cats with   of left ventricular myocardium, in
                echocardiography vs., coughing/        HCM and, 161                     Maine coon cat with severe
                      dyspneic feline patients, 37  Rapid passive phase of ventricular filling,   HCM, 113
                endocardial fibroelastosis and, 207    112                       Respiratory acidosis, respiratory failure
                excessive moderator bands and, 208  Rate pressure product, normal, feline,   and, 297
                HCM in cat, alveolar pulmonary         inside covers             Respiratory distress
                      pattern consistent with   RCM. See Restrictive cardiomyopathy  pulmonary thromboembolism and,
                      congestive heart failure, lateral   Reach-back effect             385
                      and ventrodorsal views, 45  heartworm chemoprophylaxis and, 361,   severe, heartworm disease and, 356
                HCM in cat, pulmonary interstitial     362                       Respiratory log, 297
                      pattern consistent with    of macrolytic lactones on Dirofilaria   Respiratory rate
                      congestive heart failure, lateral   immitis, summary, 362t   arrhythmogenic right ventricular
                      and ventrodorsal views, 45  Rectal hypothermia, arterial          cardiomyopathy and, 191
                heartworm disease and, 355             thromboembolism and, 308,   furosemide therapy and, 161
                hyperthyroidism and, 401, 402          320                         heart failure and monitoring of, 166
                lateral radiograph showing “lazy” aorta,   Recumbency, electrocardiography and, 78,   home monitoring of, by owners, 297
                      40                               79                          normal, inside covers
                left atrial enlargement detected with, 46  Recurrent heart failure, monitoring for,   symptomatic cats with HCM and heart
                mitral valve malformation and, 89      297                              failure and, 167
                mitral valve stenosis and, 90   Refractory congestive heart failure, 164,   Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, 219–220
                myocarditis and, 206                   165                         in cat with upper airway obstruction by
                normal values, feline, inside covers  treatment of, 293–294             large nasopharyngeal polyp, 220
                obese cat without heart disease, lateral   Regional wall thinning rate technique,   Restraint of cat
                      and ventrodorsal views, 42       diastolic function quantification   blood pressure measurement and, 334,
                patent ductus arteriosus and, 97       and, 147                         335
                patient positioning and, 37     Regularly irregular heartbeat      electrocardiography and use of, 78
                peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic   premature ventricular complexes and,   for lateral and VD radiographs, 38
                      hernia and, 344                  230                         pericardiocentesis and, 347
                pleural effusion and, 20–21, 21  respiratory sinus arrhythmia, 219  stress in cat, SAM severity and, 137
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