Page 468 - Feline Cardiology
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Index  493

              Restrictive cardiomyopathy, 105, 109,   Right heart base, auscultation of, 6  Selamectin
                      177–180, 257, 259         Right heart disease, pleural effusion and,   heartworm disease and, 361, 362
                anesthetic management and, 413, 415    19                          reach-back effect on Dirofilaria immitis
                as cause of congestive heart failure, 280  Right parasternal long-axis   and, 362t
                complications and monitoring, 180      echocardiographic image   Sepsis, pulmonary thromboembolism
                diagnostic testing, 179–180      from normal cat at 4-chamber view, 61  and, 384t
                  diagnosis, 179–180             from normal cat at left ventricular   Septal myectomy, HCM in people and,
                  echocardiography, 179                outflow tract view, 61           155
                  electrocardiography, 179      Right-sided heart failure, 259   SERCA. See Sarcoplasmic reticulum
                  radiography, 179               clinical abnormalities with, 271  Serum biochemistry profile
                differential diagnosis, 178–179  congestive heart failure, 257, 261  arrhythmias and, 216
                drugs for, 435                     pathology of, 267               block, 237
                etiology, 177                    constrictive pericarditis and, 348  cardiac neoplasia and, 202
                gross pathology of heart from cat with,   dilated vena cava, right heart   Serum cardiac troponin I (cTn1),
                      178                              enlargement and pleural          283–284
                histopathologic sample from left       effusion with, 278        Serum chemistry
                      ventricle of cat with, 178  pathophysiology, 258             HCM diagnosis and, 122
                history and chief complaint, 178  Roundworm infestations, controlling, 362  pulmonary thromboembolism and, 385
                idiopathic, 110                 R-R interval                     Serum growth hormone
                lead II electrocardiogram from cat   atrial fibrillation and, 225–226  acromegaly and concentrations of, 404
                      with, 179                  premature ventricular complexes and,   CM and, 150–151
                outcome and prognosis, 180             228                       Severe concentric hypertrophy of left
                pathology, 178                   third-degree AV block and, 239         ventricle, in Maine coon cat
                pathophysiology, 178            RSA. See Respiratory sinus arrhythmia   with severe HCM, 113
                physical examination, 178                                        Sevoflurane
                severe, thoracic radiographs of cat with,   S                      anesthesia, for cardiac patient, 414t
                      275                       SA block, 237                      maintenance of anesthesia and, 416,
                shortest survival time for, 297  “Saddle” embolus, aortogram from cat   417
                signalment, 178                        with, 310                 Shampoos, inflammatory skin disease
                transmitral flow velocities from cat   Salix (furosemide), 460          and, 377
                      with, 180                  indications, dosage, available sizes, 450  Shivering, atrial fibrillation and, ECG
                treatment, 180, 435             SAM of the mitral valve. See Systolic   manifestation of, 225, 226
                2D short-axis view from cat with, 179  anterior motion (SAM) of the   Shortening fraction, 60t
              Restrictive diastolic heart failure pattern,   mitral valve        Shunting defects, anesthetic management
                      Doppler echocardiographic   Sarcomere, 107                        for cats with, 420
                      assessment of, 137        Sarcomeric protein mutations     Siamese cats
              Retinal detachment, systemic       enhanced calcium sensitivity of   dilated cardiomyopathy in, 184
                      hypertension and, 332            contractile apparatus and, 107  restrictive cardiomyopathy in, 178
              Retinal hemorrhages, systemic      HCM and variety of, 108           tricuspid valve malformation in, 87
                      hypertension and, 332     Sarcoplasmic reticulum, 261–262  Siamese kittens, endocardial fibroelastosis
              Retinal lesions, taurine deficiency and,   SAS. See Subvalvular aortic stenosis  in, 207
                      184, 185                  Scarring, myocardial. See Replacement   Siberian cats
              Rex cats, inherited form of HCM in, 106  fibrosis                    HCM in, 118
              Reynolds number, heart murmurs and, 7  Scottish fold                  inherited form of, 106
              Rhabdomyosarcoma, asymmetrical     HCM in, 118                     Sick sinus syndrome, 219, 243–244
                      concentric hypertrophy and,   inherited form of, 106       Signal to noise ratio, for cMRI in cats, 143
                      121                       Screening. See Cardiac screening   Sildenafil
              Rheolytic thrombectomy system, arterial   programs                   pulmonary arterial hypertension and,
                      thromboembolism and, 312  SEC. See Spontaneous echocardiographic   390
              Rhododendron, HCM and,                   contrast                    recurrent heart failure and, 297
                      contraindications, 165    Second-degree atrioventricular (AV)   Silent atrium, 243
              Rhythm abnormalities, HCM and, 120       blocks, 237–238           Simpson’s rule
              Right atrial dilation, identifying, CHF   Sector probes, echocardiographic, 52  assessment of diastolic left ventricular
                      and, 279                  Sedation                                function by, 147
              Right axis deviation due to hypertrophy/  echocardiography and use of, 54–55  cMRI in cats and, 144
                      displacement, features     for hospitalized cats with HCM, 293  left ventricular mass quantification and,
                      distinguishing PVCs from, 232  Seizures                           130
              Right bundle branch block, features   heartworm disease and, 355   Sinoatrial (SA) node, normal heartbeat
                      distinguishing PVCs from, 232  syncope vs., 13, 16                originating in, 216
              Right heart apex, auscultation of, 6  systemic hypertension and, 331  block, 237
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