Page 459 - Feline Cardiology
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484  Index

              Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)   with pulmonary interstitial pattern   Hypocalcemia
                      (Cont’d)                         consistent with congestive heart   arrhythmias and, 309
                  end-stage, 117                       failure, lateral and ventrodorsal   arterial thromboembolism and, 309
                  isovolumic relaxation and early      views of cat with, 45       cardiac effects with, 248–249
                      diastolic filling in, 114–115  recommendations after genetic   Hypochloremia , 296
                  passive diastolic filling in, 115    screening                 Hypokalemia, 296
                  resolution of left ventricular   clear of HCM genetic mutation, 427  acute decompensation of cardiac or
                      hypertrophy in some cats,    for treatment, 433–434               renal disease and, 371
                      117–118                      indeterminate HCM mutation status,   cardiac effects with, 245
                  SAM of the mitral valve, 116         427                         hyperaldosteronism and, 405
                differential diagnosis, 120–122  relationship of other cardiomyopathies   premature ventricular complexes and, 229
                drugs for, 433–434                     with, 109–110               ventricular tachycardia and, 234
                echocardiogram, 126–142          serum growth hormone, 150–151   Hyponatremia, 296
                  identification of SAM of the mitral   severe                   Hyporexia, congestive heart failure and, 268
                      valve, 134–137               delayed enhancement seen on cMRI   Hypotension, 338
                  left atrial size, 131–133            in cat with, 145, 145       anesthesia and treatment of, 419
                  left ventricular hypertrophy, 127–131  gross pathology and radiograph of   in cats with left ventricular thickening,
                  overview, 127                        cat with pleural effusion and,   anesthetic management and, 413
                  pulsed-wave Doppler                  271                         low output heart failure and, 261
                      echocardiography, 137–139    M-mode echocardiogram showing   syncope and, 13
                  tissue Doppler imaging, 139–142      left atrial dilation in cat with, 133  Hypothermia
                echocardiography, conclusive diagnosis,   pressure volume curves of cat with,   arterial thromboembolism and poor
                      151–152                          115                              prognosis with, 308, 320
                elevated SF% and, 58               thoracic radiographs of cat with   excessive moderator bands and, 208
                etiology of, in humans and molecular   congestive heart failure and, 126  J wave/Osborn wave and, 250–251
                      mechanisms of, 106–109     signalment, 229, 426              low output heart failure and, 261
                familial                         strain, left ventricular,       Hypoxemia
                  in cats, 104, 106                    echocardiographic and, 142  premature ventricular complexes and,
                  in people, sarcomeric proteins with   syncope and, 15, 16, 17         229
                      mutations as cause of, 104  thyrotoxic heart disease concurrent   pulmonary edema and, 291
                  experimental animal models of, 109   with, 399                   ventricular tachycardia and, 234
                genetic screening test, 148, 425–428  treatment of, 152–165, 433–434
                gross pathology, 110–112           acute congestive heart failure in cats   I
                hallmark histologic abnormalities in,   with, 162–164            IBD. See Inflammatory bowel disease
                      111, 263                     asymptomatic cats, 152        Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, 263
                heart failure secondary to, negative   beta blocker therapy, 156–157  shortest survival time for, 297
                      prognostic indicators for, 297  calcium channel blocker therapy,   IE. See Infective endocarditis
                history and chief complaint, 118–119   157–158                   ILRs. See Implantable loop recorders
                left ventricular pressure volume curve   decision processes for asymptomatic   Imidapril, 458
                      of normal cat and cat with, 263  cats with HCM, 152, 153–154t,   indications, dosage, available sizes, 451
                left ventricular wall measurements and,  154–155                   references for, 468
                  criteria for, 127–131            neurohormonal antagonists in   Implantable event recorders,
                  echocardiographic technique for      asymptomatic HCM, 158–159        electrocardiography and, 81
                      obtaining, 57                outpatient treatment of symptomatic   Implantable loop recorders,
                  normal values for comparison, inside   cats with HCM, 160–162         electrocardiography and, 81
                      covers                       prophylactic anticoagulant therapy,   Inderal (propranolol), 451
                natriuretic peptides, 148–150          164–165                   Idexx Cardiopet proBNP test, 73
                  cardiac troponin I, 150          refractory congestive heart failure, 164  Infective endocarditis, 197–200
                  endothelin 1, 150                suspected but not confirmed HCM,   blood cultures and, 200
                normal vs. forme fruste of, focal basilar   155–156                chronicity with, 198
                      concentric hypertrophy of    symptomatic cats with severe HCM,   diagnosis of, 199
                      interventricular septum and,     159–160                      criteria for, 200t
                      129                       Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy,   major vs. minor criteria for, 199t
                outcome and prognosis, 167             59, 105                     pathogenesis of, 197
                pathophysiology, 108, 112        kidney disease concurrent with, 369  pathologic bacteria associated with, 198
                physical examination, 119–120    M-mode echocardiography showing   prevalence of, 197
                pleural effusion and, 19               normal mitral valve motion in   therapy for, 199–200
                premature ventricular complexes in cat   normal cat vs. SAM of the   Inflammation, biomarkers and, 69
                      with, 227                        mitral valve in cat with, 136  Inflammatory bowel disease, 367
                prevalence of, 105               murmur intensity and, 271         glucocorticoids and, 376–377
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