Page 455 - Feline Cardiology
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480  Index

              Electrocardiograms (Cont’d)       Elizabethan collar               End-systolic cavity obliteration, HCM
                normal values, inside covers     echocardiography and use of, 52        and, 130
                premature ventricular complexes and,   electrocardiography and use of, 78  End-systolic dimension, echocardiography
                      229, 230–232              EMD. See Electromechanical dissociation  and, 58
                relationships between timing of heart   Enacard (enalapril), indications, dosage,   End-systolic volume
                      sounds and, 6                    available sizes, 449        diastolic function assessed with cMRI
                of rhythms in cardiac arrest, 32  Enalapril, 463                        and, 146
                sinus node dysfunction and, 243  anesthesia, isoflurane-induced    myocardial failure and, 264
                syncope and, 16                        hypotension and, 415      Enoxaparin, 164, 449
                of ventricular fibrillation, 33  congestive heart failure and, 287  indications, dosage, available sizes, 450
              Electrocardiography, 77–81           medical therapy and monitoring of   for left atrial enlargement, 434
                advantage of multiple leads with, 78   cats with, 285t             outpatient treatment for CHF and, 284
                aortic stenosis and, 93            outpatient treatment for CHF and,   Enriched inspired oxygen, hospitalized
                arrhythmias and, 213–253               284                              cats with HCM and, 290
                arrhythmogenic right ventricular   HCM and, 158                  Enrofloxacin, 200
                      cardiomyopathy and, 190    indications, dosage, available sizes, 449  Enterococcus, feline infectious pericarditis
                arterial thromboembolism and, 309  pulmonary arterial hypertension and, 390  and, 346
                atrial septal defect and, 94     references for, 465, 467        Envelopes, spectral Doppler
                clinical indication for, 77      SAM of the mitral valve with           echocardiographic, 52
                correct and incorrect technique with,   congestive heart failure and, 434  Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays,
                      79                         systemic hypertension and, 436         troponin levels and, 71
                cor triatriatum sinister and, 95  Enalaprilat, hypertensive crisis and, 338  Eosinophilia, heartworm disease and, 359
                dilated cardiomyopathies and, 184  End-diastolic volume, diastolic function   Epicardial tracing, for endocardial and
                endocardial fibroelastosis and, 207    assessed with cMRI and, 146      epicardial tracing to quantify
                excessive moderator bands and, 208  Endocardial cushion effect. See Common   myocardial mass in cat with
                hexaxial lead system with, 80          AV canal (endocardial cushion    HCM, 144
                Holter and event monitoring with,      effect)                   Epicardium, 343
                      80–81                     Endocardial fibroelastosis, 206–207  Epinephrine, 442
                hyperthyroidism and, 401         diagnostic testing, 207           indications, dosage, available sizes, 449
                left atrial enlargement detected with,    differential diagnosis, 207  references for, 465, 467
                      46                         echocardiography, 207           Epistaxis, systemic hypertension and, 332
                minimally traumatic ECG clip vs.   electrocardiography, 207      E point to septal separation, defined
                      alligator-type clip with, 79  etiology, 206                       (EPSS), 57
                mitral valve malformation and, 89  history and chief complaint, 207  Escape rhythm, 239
                mitral valve stenosis and, 90    outcome and prognosis, 207      Escherichia coli, feline infectious
                myocarditis and, 206             pathology, 206–207                     pericarditis and, 346
                normal evolution of ECG through life,   pathophysiology, 206     Esmolol, 444
                      80                         radiography, 207                  anesthesia, arrhythmia treatment and,
                normal sinus rhythm in cat, 78   signalment, 207                        419, 420
                normal values, feline, inside covers  treatment, 207               anesthesia, for cardiac patient, 414t
                patent ductus arteriosus and, 97  Endocardial fibrosis, restrictive   atrial tachycardia and, 224
                peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic     cardiomyopathy and, 179     hypertensive crisis and, 338
                      hernia and, 344           Endocardial tracing, to quantify   indications, dosage, available sizes, 449
                pulmonic stenosis, pulmonary artery    myocardial mass in cat with   injectable, ventricular tachyarrhythmias
                      stenosis and, 98                 HCM using cMRI, 144              and, 289
                restrictive cardiomyopathy and, 179  Endocrine diseases affecting heart, 395–406  for premature ventricular complexes/
                technique for, 77–80             acromegaly, 404–405                    ventricular tachycardia, 437
                tetralogy of Fallot and, 99      diabetes mellitus, 405            references for, 465, 467
                tricuspid valve malformation and, 87  hyperadrenocorticism, 405    ventricular tachycardia and, 234, 236, 237
                ventricular septal defects and, 92  hyperaldosteronism, 405–406  ESV. See End-systolic volume
              Electrode                          hyperthyroidism, 395–404        Ethanol septal ablation, HCM in people
                ECG, contact between patient and, 79  Endothelial damage and disruption, in   and, 155
                positioning, for cMRI in cats, 143     cats with familial HCM, 116  Etomidate
              Electrolyte abnormalities, congestive heart   Endothelin 1 (ET-1), 70  anesthesia, for cardiac patient, 414t
                      failure and, 296–297       cardiomyopathies and, 150         induction of anesthesia in patient with
              Electromechanical dissociation, 29 (See   HCM and, 148, 150               cardiac disease, 416
                      also Pulseless electrical activity)  Endotracheal intubation, artificial   European short-haired cats, tricuspid
              Elektrokardiogramm, 77                   respiration and, 30              valve malformation in, 86
              ELISA. See Enzyme-linked          End-stage HCM, 117               Euthyroidism, 403
                      immunosorbent assays      End-stage renal disease, HCM and, 123  reversion to, 401
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