Page 449 - Feline Cardiology
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474  Index

              Calcium gluconate                 Cardiac lymphoma, syncope and, 15  Cardiac silhouette
                hyperkalemia addressed with, 312  Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, 137  clock face superimposed on, localizing
                indications, dosage, available sizes, 445  assessment of diastolic left ventricular   important structures, 41, 42
              Calcium handling, altered, impaired early   function by, 147         double, in obese cat without heart
                      relaxation in HCM and, 114  delayed enhancement, in cats with     disease, 40, 42
              Calcium infusions, intravenous, severe   HCM, 146                    in obese cats, radiography and, 40
                      hyperkalemia and, 248      diastolic function assessed with,   pericardial effusion and, 346
              Calcium overload, diastolic dysfunction   146–147                    pleural effusion and, 21, 21
                      and, 262                   endocardial and epicardial tracing to   radiography and, 38
              Candesartan, 289                         quantify myocardial mass in cat   Cardiac tamponade, 284
              Canned cat food, hyperthyroidism and,    with HCM using, 144         assessing, 279
                      398–399                    four-chamber long-axis view and short-  pericardial effusion and, 345, 347
              Carbimazole, 404                         axis view of heart of cat with   Cardiac troponin-C, 70
              Cardiac amyloidosis, 121                 HCM using, 144, 144       Cardiac troponin-I (cTn-I), 70
              Cardiac angle, flattened, aging in cats and,   HCM in cats and, 142–147  cardiomyopathies and, 150
                      9, 39, 40                  for left ventricular mass quantification,   congestive heart failure and, 283–284
              Cardiac arrest, 29–34, 237               144–145                     elevated levels of, assays and, 72
                asystole with, misleading equivalence,   myocardial fibrosis assessed with,   half-life of, 71
                      29                               145–146                     HCM and, 150
                defined, 29                      normal values, feline, inside covers  hyperthyroidism and, 403
                electrocardiograms of rhythms in, 32  technique of, 143–144        reference ranges for normal cats, 71
                prognosis for CPCR and, 34      Cardiac murmurs, 6                      (box 8.1)
              Cardiac arrhythmias. See Arrhythmias  auscultation and, 6          Cardiac troponins, 70–71
              Cardiac auscultation, 5–11         causes of, 7                    Cardiac troponin-T, 70, 71
                abnormal, congestive heart failure and,   Cardiac necropsy techniques, in cats   Cardiac tumors, 201–204
                      271                              suspected of dying from, 111   Cardiac ultrasound, for cats with
                systemic hypertension and, 333         (box 11.1)                       abnormal cardiac auscultation,
              Cardiac axis, in DV or VD projection,   Cardiac neoplasia, 201–203        415
                      40–41                      diagnostic testing, 202–203     Cardiocare NT-proBNP assay, 149
              Cardiac biomarkers. See Biomarkers,   advanced tests, 203          Cardiogenic effusions, 22
                      cardiac                      initial tests, 202–203          pleural, fluid characteristics of, 282
              Cardiac catheterization, echocardiography   differential diagnosis, 202  Cardiogenic pulmonary edema, 274, 275
                      and supplanting of, 51     etiology, pathophysiology, and gross   Cardiomegaly
              Cardiac chambers, defining, radiography   pathology, 201             HCM diagnosis and, confirming
                      and, 39, 41                history and chief complaint, 201–202   presence of, 125
              Cardiac depolarization/repolarization,   outcome and prognosis, 203  heartworm disease and, 357
                      sequence of, in normal cat,    physical examination, 202   Cardiomyocytes, identifying mutations in
                      217                        signalment, 201                        proteins within, molecular
              Cardiac disease. See also Anesthesia in   treatment, 203                  techniques for, 107
                      patient with cardiac disease  Cardiac output               Cardiomyopathies
                feline asthma concurrent with,    heart rate and effect on, 214, 214  arterial thromboembolism and, 305
                      375–376                    normal values, feline, inside covers  distinguishing between, 110
                idiopathic cystitis/feline lower urinary   Cardiac pseudohypertrophy, 379  Cardiopulmonary arrest
                      tract signs and, 373–374  Cardiac screening programs, 425–428  defined, 29
                modes of inheritance for, 425    congenital defects                diagnosis of, 29
                unrelated pleural effusion concurrent   adult onset disease, 426   differential diagnosis, 29–30
                      with, 377–379                diagnosis of, 426               outcome for, 34
                  critical care requiring fluid therapy   recommendations for, 426  treatment
                      in cat with, 378–379       genetic screening, 427–428         algorithm for, 31
              Cardiac disorders                    heteroygous cats, 428            CPCR, stepwise process in, 30, 32–33
                functional classification of, 412–413  homozygous cats, 428        treatment of, 30, 32–34
                renal disorders concurrent with,   mutation screening, 427–428   Cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation
                      principles for management of,   recommendations, 428         algorithm for treatment, monitoring,
                      368                        HCM, 426–427                           and decision-making during, 31
              Cardiac event monitors,              diagnosis, 426–427              contraindications to, 30
                      electrocardiography and, 80, 81  recommendations, indeterminate or   positive response to, 34
              Cardiac hypertrophy, congestive heart    affected, 427               synchronizing complete effort with,
                      failure and, 43              signalment, 426                      33–34
              Cardiac index, normal values, feline,   modes of inheritance, 425–426  Cardio-renal-anemia syndrome, heart
                      inside covers              other forms of cardiomyopathy, 428     failure and, 269
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