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Index  471

                clinical electrocardiology, 215–216  pathophysiology, 189          signalment, 307
                  diagnostic decision-making, 215  physical examination, 190       spontaneous echocardiographic
                  heart rate, 216                short-axis echocardiogram of cat with,   contrast and, 133
                  patient evaluation, 215–216          190                         terminal aorta from cat affected with,
                defined, 213                     signalment, 189–190                    306
                etiology, pathophysiology, and gross   survival time for, 297      treatment of, 310–319, 436
                      pathology, 213–215         treatment, 191                     acute case management, 310–312
                feline, categories of, 437       tricuspid valve malformation vs., 87  anticoagulant therapy, 312–313
                HCM and, 124                     ventricular arrhythmia and, 229    antiplatelet therapy, 315–317
                hyperthyroidism and, 400        Arrhythmogenic right ventricular    aspirin, 313
                left anterior fascicular block, 242–243  dysplasia/cardiomyopathy,   combined anticoagulant therapy, 319
                morphologic ECG abnormalities,         syncope and, 15              heparins, 317–319
                      249–251                   Arsenicals for heartworms, injectable,   long-term management, 313–315
                  axis, 249                            thromboembolism and, 360–361  low molecular weight heparin, 313
                  electrical alternans, 249     Arterial blood gas measurement,     unfractionated (UF) heparin, 313
                  J wave/Osborn wave, 250–251          pulmonary thromboembolism    vitamin K antagonists: warfarin, 317
                  P pulmonale/P mitrale, 249           and, 386                    wound secondary to tissue necrosis in
                  small QRS complex amplitude, 249  Arterial blood pressure             hindlimb following episode of,
                  ST segment depression/elevation,   arrhythmias and, 215               314
                      249–250                    congestive heart failure and, 281  Arteriovenous fistula, surgical correction
                  T wave alternans, 251          measuring, 334                         of, 437
                  U wave, 251                   Arterial thromboembolism, 305–320  Artifacts, cMRI in cats and sources of, 143
                normal sinus rhythm, 216–217     algorithm, clinical approach to, 311  ARVC. See Arrhythmogenic right
                potassium and calcium abnormalities   antemortem, congestive heart failure   ventricular cardiomyopathy
                      and, 245–249                     and, 267–268              ARVD/C. See Arrhythmogenic right
                  hypercalcemia, 249             aortogram obtained from cat with       ventricular dysplasia/
                  hyperkalemia, 245–248                “saddle” embolus, 310            cardiomyopathy
                  hypocalcemia, 248–249          arginine concentrations,        ASA. See American Society of
                  hypokalemia, 245                     cardiomyopathic cats and, 69     Anesthesiologists
                premature atrial complexes, 220–222  arrhythmogenic right ventricular   Ascending aorta, 39
                premature ventricular complexes,       cardiomyopathy and treatment   Ascites
                      227–233                          for, 191                    congestive heart failure and, 272
                respiratory sinus arrhythmia, 219–220  B vitamins, blood levels and, 69  heartworm disease and, 355
                sick sinus syndrome, 243–244     cat with typical caudal paresis after, 308  right atrial dilation/right heart failure
                sinus bradycardia, 218–219       chief complaints with, 118             and, 279
                sinus node dysfunction, 243–244  complications and monitoring,     right-sided heart failure and, 261, 267,
                sinus tachycardia, 217–218             319–320                          271
                syncope, 15                      diagnostic testing, 309–310     ASD. See Atrial septal defect
                treatment of, 437                differential diagnoses for, 120, 308–309  Aspirin, 164
                ventricular flutter, ventricular   “five P’s” and, 308             aortic thromboembolism and, 436
                      fibrillation, pulseless electrical   footpads from cat presenting with, 308  arterial thromboembolism and, 313,
                      activity, and asystole, 237  forelimb in cat affected by, 308     315–316
                ventricular preexcitation and    gross pathology, 307              indications, dosage, available sizes, 443
                      macroreentry, 244–245      HCM and, 116–117                  left atrial enlargement and, 434
                ventricular tachycardia, 233–237  heart failure and, 295           medical therapy and monitoring cats
              Arrhythmogenic right ventricular   history and chief complaint, 307–308   with CHF, 285t
                      cardiomyopathy, 189–191, 258,   hock weakness and soft brace on cat   pulmonary thromboembolism and, 387
                      259                              after occurrence of, 314    references for, 464, 466, 467, 468
                complications and monitoring, 191  homocysteine, blood levels and, 69  Aspirin + warfarin, arterial
                defined, 189                     long-term outcome and prognosis, 320   thromboembolism and, 319
                diagnostic testing, 190–191      overview of, 305                Assays, cardiac biomarkers and, 71–72
                  echocardiography, 190–191      pathophysiology, 305–307        Asthma (feline)
                  electrocardiography, 190       prevalence of, 307                algorithm for diagnosis/therapy of
                  radiography, 190               prophylactic anticoagulant therapy and,   dyspneic cat and, 26
                differential diagnosis, 87, 190        164                         alternatives to glucocorticoids for cats
                etiology, 189                    severe HCM and, 166                    with, 375–376
                history and chief complaint, 190  short-axis echocardiogram from right   cardiac disease concurrent with,
                M-mode echocardiogram of cat with,     parasternum obtained at heart    375–376
                      190                              base showing aorta and left   characteristics of, 25
                outcome and prognosis, 191             atrium, 310                 heartworm disease and, 355
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