Page 140 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 140

Regulatory Aspects for the Drugs and Chemicals Used in Food-Producing Animals Chapter | 7  107  urticarial vasculitis (Dayan, 1993). Reportedly, both epi-  acute. Similarly, the pharmacological effects of some drugs
                                                                can be important (e.g., clenbuterol and isoxuprine). This
             demiologic and experimental data indicate that levels of
             penicillin as low as 5 10 IU is sufficient to produce an
                                                                was illustrated by incidents where the β-agonist action of
             allergic reaction in previously sensitized individuals  thedrugclenbuterol resultedinadverse effectsinthose
             (Sundlof, 1994). Adverse human reactions occur at very  who consume liver containing residues of the drug. No
             low doses, and it is highly probable that individuals aller-  observable effect levels (NOELs) can be determined for
             gic to the drug previously enumerated, when exposed via  pharmacological effects and then used in the calculation of
             the food, could suffer an allergic reaction. The reason that  the ADI. It is known that there are two major classes of
             so few cases are documented is likely that many cases  adrenergic receptors, α and β, based on the relative effec-
             might be masked with other health conditions, especially  tiveness of several adrenergic compounds to produce a vari-
             in elderly populations, as well as problems with underesti-  ety of actions in different body tissues. There are two β
             mation and underreporting.                         receptor subtypes, β 1 and β 2 , based on the relative potency
                There are two veterinary drugs that may be toxic in  of a series of compounds with structural similarities to epi-
             humans when used therapeutically. Both are used in veteri-  nephrine and norepinephrine on physiological processes,
             nary medicine causing adverse reactions by mechanisms  including cardiac stimulation and bronchodilation. The β 2
             involving hypersensitivity and where there is no clear rela-  receptors predominate in smooth muscles and blood vessels
             tionship with dose. The first one is chloramphenicol, which  whereas β 1 receptors predominate on the heart. Metabolic
             may produce two types of bone marrow reactions: a revers-  effects such as glycogenolysis in skeletal muscle or liver
             ible dose-related interference with iron metabolism and an  and lipolysis are mediated primarily through β 2 and β 3
             irreversible idiosyncratic form of an often fatal aplastic ane-  receptors are expressed predominantly in adipose tissue.
             mia. The mechanism for pathogenesis of aplastic anemia is  It is known that the β-agonist clenbuterol has been used
             known, but it may be involved in reduction of the nitro-  illegally as a growth promoter in farm animals, as a nonste-
             group to produce toxic metabolites. The reversible form is  roidal anabolic and metabolism accelerator. Clenbuterol
             likely to occur with high doses, a prolonged duration of  was the first of the synthetic phenethanolamine compounds
             treatment and in patients with liver disease. Irreversible idi-  with demonstrated ability to increase lean and decrease fat
             osyncratic aplastic anemia occurs in ,1 in 25,000 patients  in food animals. In addition to their therapeutic effects,
             given chloramphenicol. The onset may be delayed until  β 2 -agonists are effective also as “repartitioning agents.” The
             after therapy has been discontinued. “Gray baby syndrome,”  use of clenbuterol to enhance lean tissue growth requires a
             which is often fatal, occurs in newborns and is related to  dose that is 10 times higher than the normal therapeutic
             the inability of the immature liver to metabolize chloram-  dose of 0.8 μg/kg body weight. Factors affecting response
             phenicol and will manifest with standard doses. The second  to β-adrenergic agonist include level of dietary protein,
             drug is levamisole, which is known to cause reversible  length of treatment, genotype, and sex. Clenbuterol, a selec-
             agranulocytosis in humans; the mechanism is unknown.  tive β 2 -agonist, is used as a bronchodilator in human and
             Levamisole is widely used as an anthelmintic in animals,  veterinary medicine and it is available as 0.01 and 0.02 mg
             and the possible occurrence of its residues in animal tissues  tablets as well as a respiratory solution. In humans, it is
             has caused concern (Woodward, 1991).               used at the recommended oral dosage of 0.02 0.03 mg
                                                                twice daily. The eye, vitreous humor, or retina have been
                                                                suggested as tissues for residue screening. More recently,
             Pharmacological Effects                            accumulation of clenbuterol in hair has been demonstrated
             Pharmacological effects may help in the understanding of  and suggested as a sensitive indicator of β-adrenergic ago-
             toxicological phenomena, and toxicological effects may  nist residues in animalsinthe EU andislistedinTable I
             result from exaggerated pharmacological responses. These  of the Annex of Commission Regulation (EU) No., and
             adverse pharmacological effects are generally regarded as  37/2010 (EU, 2010)asanallowedsubstance (Table 7.2).

               TABLE 7.2 Clenbuterol and Its Classification Regarding Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs)
               Pharmacologically   Marker     Animal    MRL      Target    Therapeutic Classification
               Active Substance    Residue    Species   (μg/kg)  Tissues
               Clenbuterol         Clenbuterol  Bovine,  0.1     Muscle    Agents acting on the nervous system/agents acting
               hydrochloride                  Equidae   0.5      Liver     on the autonomic nervous system
                                                        0.5      Kidney
                                              Bovine    0.05     Milk
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