Page 141 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 141

108 SECTION | I General  β-agonists can be used to induce tocolysis in bovine and  agonists is increased heart rate. This effect may be either
                According to the Directive 2008/97/EC (EC, 2008a),
                                                                  One side-effect of animal treatment with β-adrenergic
                                                                a direct or indirect effect of treatment. The acute toxic
             equidae as well as to treat respiratory problems, navicular
             disease, and laminitis.                            effects observed in animals include muscle tremors,
                In contrast to other β 2 -agonists, clenbuterol is well  tachycardia, and nervousness. In addition, treated animals
             absorbed after ingestion (bioavailability 70% 80%). Peak  show a higher incidence and severity of hoof lesions.
             serum levels occur within 3 h, and the elimination half-  Furthermore, specific histological changes have been
             life is 25 39 h. At larger doses, it also shows β 1 -receptor  observed in treated animals, in particular the formation of
             mediated cardiac effects.                          vacuoles of epithelial cells in the prostate and Bartholin’s
                The anabolic effect of clenbuterol along with other  gland of male and female calves, respectively. The levels
             long-acting β 2 -agonists appears to be mediated through  of clenbuterol in the edible tissues are expected to be at
             the β 2 -receptors in skeletal muscle. Through its thermo-  the highest.
             genic properties, clenbuterol increases energy expenditure
             and hence reduces muscle glycogen and body fat deposi-
             tion. In farm animals, clenbuterol accumulates in the  Teratogenic Effects
             lungs, liver, and kidney, and to a lesser extent in the mus-  Another acute toxicity effect that may occur as a result of
             cle. Residues of β-agonists in animal tissues used for food  exposure to violative animal drug residues is a teratogenic
             may result in serious human health risks.          effect. Teratogens are active at very low doses and even
                Clenbuterol has been implicated in several outbreaks  brief exposure during a critical period of development can
             of food-borne poisoning following the consumption of  result in a lifelong deformation. Although the hazard
             liver, meat, and lung of bovine and lung and liver of pig.  associated with teratogens is severe, the possibility of the
             In 1990, a poisoning incident was reported in Spain when  event occurring is infrequent. Therefore, the chances of a
             135 people became ill after consuming beef liver contain-  woman at the critical stage of pregnancy coming in con-
             ing clenbuterol residues (Martinez-Navarro, 1990). A  tact with a violative residue are very low (Paige et al.,
             second episode of clenbuterol food poisoning was   1997). Other effects caused by a single exposure can be a
             reported 1 year later in France affecting 22 people who  hemotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and endocrine effects.
             consumed veal liver. The patients suffered tachycardia
             and tremors for 2 3 days. The infective dose is calcu-
             lated as 1 2 μg/kg per day (Pulse et al., 1991). In 1992, a  Long-Term Chronic Effects (Carcinogenesis)
             further episode of clenbuterol poisoning appeared in
             Spain after ingestion of veal liver. Analysis of liver indi-  Long-term chronic toxicity studies identify whether or not
             cated concentrations of clenbuterol in the range of  problems such a cancer are associated with a specific
             160 500 μg/kg. Consumption of 100 g of liver would  drug. These studies will determine a dose that does not
             exceed the pharmacological effect level of clenbuterol of  create any health concerns. Most residues of veterinary
             5 μg/person. Clenbuterol was detected in 47 urine samples  drugs or chemicals occur in food at low concentrations,
             in amounts ranging from 11 to 486 ppm. Other instances  therefore they rarely pose a chronic or long-term health
             occurred in Hong Kong (1997 98) after the consumption  hazard to consumers. Furthermore those effects as a result
             of pig lung or liver people fell ill after eating pork  of exposure to drug or chemical residues in food are
             products contaminated with clenbuterol. The common  particularly difficult to detect and are certainly under-
             clinical symptoms in these food-borne clenbuterol poison-  ascertained as well as under-reported. Carcinogenic
             ings consisted of muscle tremors, heart palpitation/sinus  studies are a cornerstone for toxicological assessment;
             tachycardia, nervousness, general myalgia, fever, nausea/  however, carcinogenicity studies are rarely used to estab-
             vomiting, headache, dizziness/vertigo, and chills. The  lish a NOAEL. Special problems emerge where the
             latency period varied between 10 min and 6 h, and the  substance in a genotoxic, carcinogen or a mutagen, due to
             duration of symptoms between 90 min and 6 days (mostly  no threshold. A substance may not have ADI and MRL
             lasting less than 3 days). Some patients also presented  for a variety of reasons, in particular when important piv-
             with weakness or confusion. Others developed transient,  otal studies are missing or are of insufficient quality and
             mild hypokalemia. Electrocardiograms for some patients  the elaboration procedure had to be discontinued because
             revealed sinus tachycardia of 120 150 beats/min with  the sponsor was not prepared to conduct further work. An
             ventricular and supraventricular ectopics. Patients with  example can be carcinogenicity studies. No allocation of
             underlying cardiac disease are generally expected to be  a toxicological ADI and no recommendation of MRL
             more susceptible to the cardiac effects of clenbuterol.  mean safety concerns as a result of the substance were
             There were no reported deaths.                     negatively evaluated by a competent regulatory body.
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