Page 143 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 143

110 SECTION | I General  The adverse effects of antimicrobials are a concern because  only allowed on veterinary prescription for direct applica-
                                                                tions or in medicated feed. These restrictions are deemed
             of the important role that the intestinal microflora play in
                                                                necessary, as antimicrobials may lead to the selection of
             maintaining and individual’s health. Also, perturbation of
             the intestinal microflora may compromise the effectiveness  resistant bacterial strains in animals that could be trans-
             of other drug therapies and thereby adversely affect public  ferred to humans, by direct contact or via foodstuffs, and
             health. Most studies of antimicrobial drugs and their effects  subsequently lead to an impairment of the efficacy of
             on the human intestinal microflora were performed with  antibiotics used in therapy of human infectious diseases.
             therapeutic levels of antibiotics. In contrast to the well-
             documented negative effects of therapeutic doses of antibio-
             tics, the effect of low levels (i.e., ppb or ppm) of antibiotics  Hormonal Effects
             on perturbing the intestinal microflora is not well defined.  Growth-promoting hormones, such as steroids and xeno-
                It is possible that low doses of antimicrobial agents,  biotics, have been used legally and illegally to increase
             such as those found as residues in foods, could alter intes-  live-weight gain and feed efficiency in various species,
             tinal enzyme activity and have an effect on certain hor-  more intensively in cattle and to lesser extent in ovine,
             mones and drugs, since in most cases the lowest doses at  swine, poultry, and fish. Promoting steroid hormones can
             which the perturbations in the intestinal microflora occur  be divided into four groups of molecules: (1) natural
             have not been determined. In order to ensure human food  steroids (oestradiol-17β, progesterone, testosterone);
             safety the FDA’s CVM considered data gathered from a  (2) xenobiotics (trenbolone acetate and zeranol); (3) syn-
             large number of compounds and determined that the max-  thetic steroids (ethinylestradiol, methyltestosterone, chlor-
             imum safe concentration for antimicrobial products is  madinone acetate, and others); and (4) diethylstilbestrol
             1 ppm in a total diet of 1.5 kg. This equals a maximum  (DES) and related substances (hexestrol, dienestrol).
             antibiotic dose of 1.5 mg/day from consuming residues in  The endogenous steroid hormones have a wide range
             food. This level of an antimicrobial residue in food should  of actions that affect almost all systems of the body.
             produce no effects on the intestinal microflora (Paige  These hormones act by binding with high affinity and
             et al., 1997).                                     high specificity to protein receptors, located in hormone-
                All antimicrobial veterinary products are assessed for  responsive tissues. The toxicity or adverse effects of the
             toxicological and pharmacological hazards as appropriate  steroid hormones in humans are apparent even at physio-
             to the drug class and to the specific drug under consider-  logical concentrations. A physiological level of testoster-
             ation. Those animal drugs with microbiological activity  one contributes to acne, baldness, prostatic disease and
             are assessed for the potential hazard of ingested residues  prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, and peptic ulcers.
             altering the intestinal microbiome and promoting emer-  Physiological concentrations of estrogens, and to a lesser
             gence and selection for resistant bacteria in the gastroin-  extent progesterone, have been implicated in premenstrual
             testinal tract of humans. The antimicrobial substances  tension, dysmenorrhea, and some cancers of the reproduc-
             may give rise to transfer of antimicrobial-resistant micro-  tive system, including uterine and cervical, and breast
             organisms or resistance determinant associated with  (Taylor, 1983). The estrogen induction of DNA adduct
             animal-derived foods to humans. An ADI for chronic  formation has been described. The endogenous hormones
             exposure of antimicrobial drug residues in the human diet  are regulated as promoters rather than primary inducers of
             is needed. Typically the ADI used to regulate the residues  cancer in hormonally sensitive tissues.
             of the drug in food reflect the lowest ADI that could be  The natural sex steroid hormones estradiol, testoster-
             established based on the endpoints evaluated. In some  one, and progesterone may be in use illegally for growth
             substances, the lowest ADI value is based on the mADI  promotion.
             assessment of changes in the human intestinal micro-  DES is perhaps the most widely known estrogenic
             biome (FDA, 2013).                                 growth promoting agent. It is structurally different from
                Antimicrobial feed additives have been used in animal  the endogenous estrogens in that it does not possess the
             production for many decades because of their favorable  fused steroid ring structure but rather two phenolic
             economic effects in livestock production. Added in low  hydroxyl groups, which gives DES a special orientation
             doses to the feed of farm animals, they improve growth  similar to estradiol. The relative binding affinity of DES
             and performance and hence are known as antimicrobial  for the estrogen receptor is 141% (vs 100% for estradiol),
             growth promoters. Due to the emergence of microbes  but DES is 10 20 times more active than estradiol via
             resistant to antibiotics that are used to treat human and  the oral route. DES is also metabolized to radical or
             animal infections, the European Commission (EC)    quinone intermediates that react with cellular macromole-
             decided to phase out, and ultimately ban as of January 1,  cules, including DNA (Metzler, 1984). DES is carcino-
             2006, the marketing and use of antibiotics as growth pro-  genic in humans and in laboratory animals. DES was first
             moters in animal feed. Since then, the use of antibiotics is  used therapeutically in pregnant women in the United
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