Page 146 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Regulatory Aspects for the Drugs and Chemicals Used in Food-Producing Animals Chapter | 7  113  TABLE 7.4 Minimum Required Performance Limits (MRPLs) Established for Several Antimicrobials  MRPL

               Substance and/or Metabolite
               Chloramphenicol                                        Meat, eggs, milk, urine, aquaculture  0.3 μg/mL
                                                                      products and honey
               Nitrofuran metabolites: furazolidone, furaltadone, nitrofurantoine,  Poultry meat, aquaculture products  1 μg/mL for all

                Recently, maximum tolerances for the presence of  the Decision 2002/657/EC (EC, 2002b), and established
             active substances contained in coccidiostats have been  MRPLs for different antimicrobials (see Table 7.4) where
             established in food of animal origin and in feed stuffs  results of analytical tests on products: (1) are at or above
             (Commission Regulation (EC) No. 124/2009 (EC, 2009b);  the MRPLs, the consignment concerned shall be consid-
             Commission Directive 2009/8/EC (EC, 2009b)). The occur-  ered noncompliant with community legislation and (2) are
             rence of unavoidable carryover and/or cross-contamination  below the MRPLs, the products will not be prohibited
             of coccidiostats in nontarget feed, even below maximum  from entering the food chain.
             levels established, may result in the presence of residues of  On the other hand, according to Article 1 of the
             coccidiostats in food products of animal origin (i.e., in feed  Regulation (EC) No. 470/2009 (EC, 2009a), the “refer-
             for which the use of coccidiostats or histomonostats are not  ence point for action” is defined as the level of a residue
             authorized, such as feed intended for animal species or cat-  of a pharmacologically active substance established for
             egories not provided for in the additive authorization). The  control reasons in the case of certain substances for which
             maximum levels were set out for the coccidiostats lasalocid  an MRL has not been laid down. The MRPL corresponds
             sodium, narasin, salinomycin sodium, monensin sodium,  to the average limit above which the detection of a sub-
             semduramicin, maduramicin, robenidine, decoquinate, and  stance or its residues can be construed as methodologi-
             halofuginone. However, other antimicrobials used as pre-  cally meaningful. Regulation (EC) No. 470/2009 (EC,
             mixes for medicated feed stuffs have not yet been evalu-  2009c) states that the setting of reference points for action
             ated for this purpose.                             should in no way serve as a pretext for condoning the ille-
                                                                gal use of prohibited or nonauthorized substances to treat
                                                                food-producing animals. Therefore, any residues of those
             Minimum Required Performance Limits and
                                                                substances in food of animal origin should be considered
             Reference Point for Action                         undesirable. Regulation (EC) No. 470/2009 (EC, 2009c)
                                                                highlighted that the reference points for action shall be
             With the minimum required performance limits (MRPLs),
                                                                reviewed regularly in light of new scientific data relating
             the European Commission has proposed a temporary mea-
                                                                to food safety and the outcome of investigations, analyti-
             sure to address urgent problems related to prohibited or
                                                                cal tests, and technological progress. In conclusion, the
             authorized substances in the EU, in particular in relation to
                                                                EU would demand from its trading partners prohibition of
             third country trade. Commission Decision 2002/657/EC
                                                                the use of substances banned in the EU or to establish
             introduced MRPLs intended to ensure harmonized imple-
                                                                split systems and ask third countries to provide respective
             mentation of Directive 96/23/EC (EC, 1997) for substances
             for which no permitted limits have been established.  guarantees. As a consequence, detection of prohibited
                                                                substances below the MRPL would still be documented
             MRPLs is defined as the minimum content of an analyte in
                                                                and reported.
             a sample, which at least has to be detected and confirmed.
             In contrast to MRLs for substances that may be used in
             food-producing animals in the EU, the MRPLs would be
             control tools based on expert advice on feasibility of con-  PESTICIDE SUBSTANCES/RESIDUES
             trols, and other legitimate factor in risk analysis.  FROM CONSUMPTION OF STOCKFEED
             Consignments containing residues above the MRPLs would  TREATED WITH AGRICULTURAL
             be rejected. If guarantees are provided, they may be  CHEMICALS
             returned to the sender.
                The MRPLs laid down in Annex II to Commission   The use of agricultural chemicals can result in residues in
             Decision 2002/657/EC (EC, 2002b) are used as “reference  crops and pastures that are subsequently consumed by
             points for action” irrespective of the matrix tested. The  animals and therefore pose a risk to these animals due to
             Commission Decision 2003/181/EC (EC, 2003) amended  a single or at most a few days of exposure. Residues of
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