Page 149 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 149

116 SECTION | I General  TABLE 7.5 Biocides: Main Groups and Product Types to be Used in Animal Husbandry

               Main Group
                              Product Type
               Group 1:       3: Veterinary hygiene       Products used for veterinary hygiene purposes such as disinfectants,
               Disinfectants                              disinfecting soaps, oral, or corporal hygiene products or with
                                                          antimicrobial function
               Group 1:       4: Food and feed area       Products used for the disinfection of equipment, containers, consumption
               Disinfectants                              utensils, surfaces or pipework associated with the production, transport,
                                                          storage or consumption of food or feed (including drinking water) for
                                                          humans and animals
               Group 1:       5: Drinking water           Products used for the disinfection of drinking water for both humans and
               Disinfectants                              animals
               Group 3: Pest  18: Insecticides, acaricides and  Products used for the control of arthropods (e.g., insects, arachnids and
               control        products to control other   crustaceans), by means other than repulsion or attraction
               Group 3: Pest  19: Repellents and attractants  Products used to control harmful organisms (invertebrates such as fleas,
               control                                    vertebrates such as birds, fish, rodents), by repelling or attracting,
                                                          including those that are used for human or veterinary hygiene either
                                                          directly on the skin or indirectly in the environment of human or animals
               Group 4: Other  21: Antifouling products   Products used to control the growth and settlement of fouling organisms
               biocidal products                          (microbes and higher forms of plant or animal species) on vessels,
                                                          aquaculture equipment, or other structures used in water

             marker residues, animal species in which the substance is  human or veterinary medicine drugs when using antimi-
             authorized, MRLs, target tissues, therapeutic classification  crobials as growth promoters.
             and other provisions according to Article 14(7) of   In 1997, the European Commission introduced a
             Regulation (EC) No. 470/2009 (EC, 2009a). In addition,  requirement to monitor the occurrence of resistance in ani-
             Commission Directive 2009/8/EC (EC, 2009a) sets maxi-  mal bacteria associated with the use of antimicrobial feed
             mum content levels for 11 coccidiostats in feed including  additives and related substances (EC, 1997), suspending,
             lasalocid sodium, narasin, salinomycin, monensin sodium,  at the same time, the use of avoparcin as a feed additive in
             semduramicin sodium, maduramicin ammonium, robeni-  January 1997 and ardacin in January 1998. This obligation
             dine hydrochloride, decoquinate, halofuginone hydrochlo-  was reconfirmed by Council Regulation (EC) No. 2821/98
             ride, nicarbazin, and diclazuril. These maximum levels  (EC, 1998a) suspending in December 1998 the use of four
             are set in mg/kg (ppm) relative to a feed stuff with a  other antibiotics (zinc bacitracin, virginiamycin, tylosin
             moisture content of 12%.                           phosphate, and spiramycin) that had been used as growth
                Regulations have introduced many new aspects into  promoters in feed under the conditions that their use
             the preexisting legislation on feed additives, having been  should be reexamined (Anado ´n and Martı ´nez-Larran ˜aga,
             one of the first pieces of food safety legislation adopted  1999). Subsequently, the European Commission supported
             following Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 (EC, 2002b). By  a surveillance program, conducted by industry, to monitor
             introducing the granting of time-limited authorizations  antimicrobial resistance against feed additives in bacteria
             valid for a period of 10 years and by setting up a  isolated from pigs and broiler chickens in the slaughter-
             Community Reference Laboratory for feed additives, the  houses in six European countries. However, as stated in
             possibility of establishing MRLs for certain additives that  the “White Paper on Food Additives” (adopted January
             may result in residues when added to feed is greatly  2000), the European Commission at that time already con-
             increased and the possibility of laying down postmarket-  sidered the prohibition or phase-out of antibiotics used as
             ing monitoring programs at the time of authorization is  growth promoters within the EU, as part of a broader strat-
             enhanced as well as other provisions. The regulation also  egy to control and combat antibiotic resistance. With the
             kept coccidiostats and introduced histomonostats as a new  aim of avoiding economic losses, in particular in the pro-
             category of feed additive, while establishing the phasing  duction of pigs and broiler chickens, and to avoid a signif-
             out of the use (and marketing) of the existing antibiotics  icant increase in the use of antimicrobials under veterinary
             as feed additives from January 1, 2006, taking into  prescriptions, the EC supported the view that the phasing
             account the risks of selecting bacterial strains resistant to  out of antimicrobial feed additives would be easier to
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