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Regulatory Aspects for the Drugs and Chemicals Used in Food-Producing Animals Chapter | 7  121  TABLE 7.7 Conditions and Restrictions for the Use or Application of a Pharmacologically Active Substance Used

               in Veterinary Medicinal Products
               Other Provisions                                Pharmacologically Active Substances
               Not for use in animals from which milk is produced for human  Abamectin (OV); acetylsalicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid
               consumption (according to Article 14(7) of Regulation (EC) No.  DL-lysine (all food-producing species except fin fish); aluminum
               470/2009)                                       salicylate (BO); apramycin (BO, OV, PO, CH, RA); bromhexine
                                                               (BO); carbasalate calcium (all food-producing species except fin
                                                               fish); clorsulon (BO); closantel (BO); Cimicifugae racemosae
                                                               rhizome (all food-producing species); clodronic acid (in the form
                                                               of disodium salt) (EQ); cyromazine (OV); decoquinate (BO, OV);
                                                               derquantel (OV); dicyclanil (OV); difloxacin (BO, OV, CA);
                                                               doramectin (all mammalian food-producing species); doxycycline
                                                               (all food-producing species); florfenicol (BO, OV, CA); fluazuron
                                                               (BO); flumethrin (OV); gamithromycin (all ruminants except BO);
                                                               halofuginone (BO); imidocarb (OV); ivermectin (all mammalian
                                                               food-producing species); levamisole (BO, OV); lasalocid (BO);
                                                               mebendazol (OV, CA); monepantel (BO); oxolinic acid (all food-
                                                               producing species); paromomycin (all food-producing species);
                                                               phoxim (all food-producing species except fin fish); rafoxanide
                                                               (BO, OV); Ruta graveolens (all food-producing species); sisapronil
                                                               (BO, CA); sodium acetylsalicylate and salicylate (all food-
                                                               producing species except fin fish); sodium salicylate (BO, PO);
                                                               tildipirosin (BO, CA); toltrazuril sulfone (all mammalian food-
                                                               producing species); tulathromycin (OV, CA, BO)
               For milk MRL further provisions in Commission Directive  Alpha-cypermethrin (BO, OV); cypermethrin (all ruminants);
               98/82/EC are to be observed                     permethrin (BO)
               For milk MRL further provisions in Council Directive 94/29/EC  Cyfluthrin (BO, CA); cyhalothrin (BO)
               are to be observed
               Not for use in animals from which eggs are produced for human  Acetylsalicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid DL-lysine (all food-
               consumption (according to Article 14(7) of Regulation (EC) No.  producing species except fin fish); amoxicillin (all food-producing
               470/2009)                                       species); ampicillin (all food-producing species except fin fish);
                                                               apramycin (CH); avilamycin (POU); benzylpenicillin (all food-
                                                               producing species); bromhexine (POU); carbasalate calcium (all
                                                               food-producing species except fin fish); cloxacillin (all food-
                                                               producing species); danofloxacin (POU); diclazuril (POU);
                                                               dicloxacillin (all food-producing species); difloxacin (POU);
                                                               doxycycline (POU); enrofloxacin (POU); florfenicol (POU);
                                                               flumequine (POU); kanamycin (all food-producing species except fin
                                                               fish); levamisol (POU); oxacillin (POU); oxolinic acid (all
                                                               food-producing species); paromomycin (all food-producing species);
                                                               salicylic acid (TU); sarafloxacin (CH); sodium acetylsalicylate (all
                                                               food-producing species except fin fish); spectinomycin (all other
                                                               food-producing species); spiramycin (CH); sulfonamides (all food-
                                                               producing species); thiamphenicol (all food-producing species);
                                                               tilmicosin (POU); toltrazuril (POU); trimethoprim (all other food-
                                                               producing species); Virginiamycin (POU)
               Not for use in fish from which eggs are produced for human  Azagly-nafarelin (Salmonidae)
               consumption (according to Article 14(7) of Regulation (EC) No.
               Only for zootechnical use and in accordance with the provisions  Altrenogest (PO, Equidae)
               of Directive 96/22/EC
               Only for intravaginal therapeutic and zootechnical use and in  Progesterone (BO, OV, CA, Equidae (female))
               accordance with the provisions of Directive 96/22/EC
               For zootechnical use only                       Chlormadinone (synthetic progesterone analogue) (BO)
               For intravaginal use for zootechnical purposes only  Flugestone acetate (OV, CA); medroxyprogesterone acetate (OV)
               For therapeutic and zootechnical purposes only  Norgestomet (bovine); 17β-oestradiol (all mammalian food-
                                                               producing species)

               BO, bovine; CA, caprine; CH, chicken; EQ, equidae; OV, ovine; PO, porcine; POU, poultry; RA, rabbit; TU, turkey.
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