Page 161 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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128 SECTION | I General  TABLE 7.10 Exceptional Off-Label (Extra-Label) Use of Authorized Medications (“Cascade” System)

               No authorized veterinary medicinal product (VMP) in a member state for a specific condition (1) A VMP authorized in the member state
               concerned for use for another animal species, or for another condition in the same species; or
               Medicinal product                    Medicinal product or imported VMP
               (2) A medicinal product for human use  (2) If there is no such product authorized, either: (a) a medicinal product for human
               authorized in the member state concerned  use authorized in the member state concerned, or (b) a VMP authorized in another
                                                    member state for use in the same species or in another food-producing species for
                                                    the condition in question or for another condition may be used
               (3) If, however, there is no such product, a VMP prepared extemporaneously by a person authorized to do so following a veterinary
               prescription may be used

             the Dangerous Substances Directive (EEC, 1967) and its  manufacturers and importers need to demonstrate that
             subsequent  amendments,  as  well  as  the  Council  they have appropriately done so by means of a registra-
             Regulation (EEC) No. 793/93 of March 23, 1993 on the  tion dossier, which must be submitted to the ECHA. The
             evaluation and control of the risks of existing substances  ECHA is the driving force in implementing the EU’s
             (EEC, 1993). On the other hand, REACH is the       groundbreaking chemical legislation for the protection of
             Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and  human health and the environment. The ECHA work
             Restriction of Chemicals (EC, 2006). It entered into force  helps ensure that chemicals are used safely and that the
             on June 1, 2007. It streamlines and improves the former  most hazardous ones are substituted by safer alternatives.
             legislative framework on chemicals of the EU. The main  ECHA may then check that the registration dossier com-
             aims of REACH are to ensure a high level of protection  plies with the regulation and must evaluate testing propo-
             of human health and the environment from the risks that  sals to ensure that the assessment of the chemical
             can be posed by chemicals, the promotion of alternative  substances will not result in unnecessary testing, espe-
             test methods, the free circulation of substances on the  cially on animals, but also that adequate information is
             internal market, and enhancing competitiveness and inno-  provided. Where appropriate, authorities may also select
             vation. REACH makes industry responsible for assessing  substances for a broader substance evaluation to further
             and managing the risks posed by chemicals and for pro-  investigate substances of concern. Six substances of very
             viding appropriate safety information to their users.  high concern will be banned within the next 3 5 years
             Under the REACH Regulation, companies are responsible  unless an authorization has been granted to individual
             for providing information on the hazards, risks and safe  companies for their use. These substances are carcino-
             use of chemical substances that they manufacture or  genic, toxic for reproduction, persist in the environment,
             import. REACH information requirements to be consid-  and accumulate in living organisms. The following
             ered in the assessment embraces: (1) collecting existing  substances are concerned: musk xylene, 4’,4’-methylene-
             data on the substance or on similar substances including  dianiline (MDA), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD),
             information on use, exposure and risk management, and  di-(2-ethylhexil) phthalate (DEHP), benzyl butyl phthalate
             (2) data on analogous substances in a weight of evidence  (BBP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP).
             approach, if “read-across” or membership of a “chemical  REACH also foresees an authorization system aiming to
             category” is possible as well as considering QSAR analy-  ensure that substances of very high concern are properly
             ses or estimation. Data generated from in vitro test meth-  controlled and progressively replaced by suitable alternative
             ods (validated and prevalidated) (Anado ´n et al., 2013) can  substances or technologies where these are economically
             be used either as a standalone to fill in a data gap or as  and technically viable. Where this is not possible, the use
             part of a weight of evidence approach under REACH pro-  of substances may only be authorized where there is an
             vided that the information for the hazard endpoint is suffi-  overall benefit for society in using the substance. In addi-
             cient for the purpose of classification and labeling and/or  tion, EU authorities may impose restrictions on the manu-
             RA. In parallel, the EU can take additional measures on  facture, use, or placing on the market of substances causing
             highly dangerous substances where there is a need for  an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment.
             complementing action at the EU level. All manufacturers  The EU member states authorities are responsible for enfor-
             and importers of chemicals must identify and manage  cing REACH through inspections as well as penalties in
             risks linked to the substances they manufacture and  case of noncompliance. From June 1, 2009, Annex XVII of
             market. For substances manufactured or imported in quan-  the REACH Regulation replaced Directive 76/769/EEC
             tities of 1 ton or more per year per company,      (EEC, 1976) on the approximation of the laws, regulations
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