Page 160 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Regulatory Aspects for the Drugs and Chemicals Used in Food-Producing Animals Chapter | 7  127  (i.e., 500 g). For milk the denominator is 1.5 kg and for  form, route of administration, or dosage regimen, the with-
                                                                drawal period stated in the product labeling applies only to
             eggs 0.1 kg.
                                                                that particular formulation when administered via the
             Drug Withdrawal/Withholding Periods                recommended route and in accordance with the dose
                                                                regime. Alteration to any of these factors affects the phar-
             A critical factor in the medication of all food-producing  macokinetics behavior of the drug in the animal and inva-
             animals is the mandatory withdrawal period, defined as  lidates the withdrawal period.
             the time during which a drug must not be administered  In the EU a veterinary prescription is required for vet-
             prior to the slaughter of the animal for consumption. The  erinary products for food-producing animals. If it is nec-
             withdrawal time is the period of time between the last  essary for a VMP to be prescribed for a species for which
             administration of a drug and the collection of edible tis-  it is not licensed or at a dosage higher than the one
             sue from a treated animal. The withdrawal period is an  licensed, the veterinarian will specify an appropriate with-
             integral part of the regulatory authorities’ approval pro-  drawal period. In exceptional cases, where no medication
             cess and is designed to ensure that no significant drug  is authorized, there is a possibility for the veterinarian to
             residue is present in the animal at slaughter. Drug resi-  use, e.g., products that are authorized in other EU coun-
             dues in food-producing animals should comply with the  tries or for other animal species. This exception exists to
             MRL values for their target tissues in the animal species.  avoid unacceptable suffering of animals. In these cases
             The withdrawal period is intended to ensure that no  the veterinarian has to follow specific steps, the so-called
             harmful residues remain in edible tissues after slaughter  “cascade,” and has to make sure that there is no risk for
             and it is usually established at slaughter time when resi-  the animal(s) concerned and for consumers of food pro-
             due levels in all the edible tissues are below the MRL.  ducts of animal origin. The exceptional off-label (extra-
             Compliance with the preslaughter withdrawal period  label) (cascade) use of authorized medications is allowed
             ensures that total residues deplete to below the safe con-  under specific conditions described in Directive 2001/82/
             centration, and the marker residues deplete to below the  EC (EC, 2001) as amended by Article 11 of Directive
             MRL. Adherence to the withdrawal period provides   2004/28/EC (EC, 2004b)(Table 7.10).
             assurance that food derived from treated animals will not  The veterinarian may administer the medicinal product
             exceed the MRL for the drug substance. Failure to keep  personally or allow another person to do so under the
             the preslaughter withdrawal period while using veterinary  veterinarian’s responsibility. For food-producing animals,
             drugs is the major cause of violative drug tissue residues  these provisions apply to animals on a particular holding
             in food animal production in the EU. Even if the with-  only. The pharmacologically active substances in the
             drawal period involves only a few days or a few hours,  medicinal products used must be listed in the Annex of
             the resulting residues can violate the national regulations  the Commission Regulation (EU) No. 37/2010 (Table 7.1,
             against sale of adulterated foodstuffs, which can originate  allowed substances) (EC, 2010). The pharmacologically
             distortions of competition between member states of the  active substances in the medicinal products must have
             EU. Withdrawal period, based on the MRL, is fixed by  been assessed according to Regulation (EC) No. 470/2009
             the regulatory authorities and will take into account the  on the residue limits of pharmacologically active sub-
             use of veterinary drugs in avian species. Regulatory  stances in foodstuffs of animal origin (EC, 2009c), and a
             authorities determine withdrawal periods on the basis of  veterinarian must specify an appropriate withdrawal
             residue depletion data generated using healthy animals  period, which shall be at least 7 days for eggs, 7 days for
             representative of those normally treated with the veteri-  milk, 28 days for meat from poultry and mammals (includ-
             nary drug. For example, for the determination of the  ing fat and offal), and 500 days for fish.
             withdrawal period in avian species, six animals per
             slaughter time are needed. An appropriate withdrawal  INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS
             period is then established to ensure that the residues in
             edible tissues are depleted below the MRLs. A with-  The area of regulations covering industrial chemicals is
             drawal period should be established for the substances  one of increasing harmonization within the EU. This is
             with MRLs included in Annex (Table 7.1) of Regulation  particularly true with regard to the need for providing
             (EC) No. 37/2010 (EC, 2010). The EMA recommends the  adequate toxicity data on new chemicals, to allow any
             harmonization of withdrawal periods using linear regres-  potential hazard to humans to be identified, and in the
             sion analysis of log-transformed tissue concentrations  area of labeling of dangerous substances and preparations
             determined at the time when the 95% upper one-side toler-  (i.e., mixtures of substances). A key directive is Council
             ance limit was below the MRL with 95% confidence   Directive 67/548/EEC on the approximation of the laws,
             (Anado ´n et al., 2008a,b, 2011, 2012). Unlike an MRL,  regulations and administrative provisions relating to the
             which applies to a veterinary drug regardless of the dosage  CLP of dangerous substances, commonly referred to as
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