Page 190 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 190

Toxicological Testing: In Vivo and In Vitro Models Chapter | 9  157  approach is recommended to get an accurate overall pic-  recent developments in the area of in vitro toxicity testing
                                                                have contributed significantly to the gradual reduction in
             ture of the chain of events following exposure to toxin.
                                                                animal use for toxicity screening and have helped to
             CONCLUDING REMARKS                                 improve knowledge relating to mechanisms of cell- or
                                                                organ-specific toxicity. Veterinarians have played an
                                                                important role in the development of legislation and
             A major issue facing toxicological science today is how  guidelines relating to the use and replacement of labora-
             to convert experimental data from in vivo and in vitro  tory animals in toxicity assessment.
             models into knowledge about molecular mechanisms of  The generally accepted approach to screening com-
             toxicity and safe levels of exposure to the agents tested.  pounds for toxicity is to use a multitiered system starting
             A number of animal models that have been used for many  with simple monocultures of specific cell types, followed
             years for screening purposes have been gradually refined  by cocultures that simulate metabolic effects and/or
             with increasing emphasis on improved experimental  cell cell interactions in the whole organism, before car-
             design, animal welfare, and reduced animal use. More  rying out final testing on animals (Fig. 9.3). In this way,

             FIGURE 9.3 Flow chart showing principles of multitiered approach to toxicity testing.
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