Page 186 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Toxicological Testing: In Vivo and In Vitro Models Chapter | 9  153  more closely in models of developmental toxicity albeit at  (Hansen and Inselman, 2011). These cell lines are nor-
                                                                mally maintained in growth media containing mitogens,
             a much higher financial cost compared to the well-
                                                                and can be induced to differentiate into different cell
             established tumor cell lines, such as those mentioned
             earlier.                                           types (e.g., cardiomyocytes, pancreatic, and neural cells)
                Clonal cell lines are derived from the mitotic division  by removal of mitogens and/or the addition of specific
             of a single cell seeded in a sterile microtiter plate by lim-  trophic factors (Rolletschek et al., 2004). Embryonic stem
             iting dilution as used in the cloning of hybridoma cell  cells (ESCs) have the potential to differentiate into any
             lines. Thus, cell lines can be cloned to exhibit a specific  cell type whereas progenitor cells are already committed
             trait (e.g., high levels of specific receptors, drug resis-  to follow a specific developmental pattern. Alternatively,
             tance, etc.). While a homogeneous response to toxin treat-  progenitor cell lines can be established; e.g., neural pro-
             ment might then be expected from such a cell line, there  genitor cells can be induced to differentiate into a cocul-
             is the risk of losing other features of a more heteroge-  ture of neuronal and glial cell types, simulating the early
             neous population. In some cases, clones of transfected  stages and cell cell interactions of neural development
             cell lines provide useful tools for mechanistic studies  in vivo (Breier et al., 2010). However, while stem cell
             of cell differentiation and/or toxicity. For example, some  cultures may represent excellent in vitro models for study-
             cell cultures have been transfected with certain cyto-  ing developmental toxicity, they are unlikely to exhibit
             chrome P450 transgenes to make them metabolically  identical cell cell interactions and growth patterns as
             more competent during long-term studies (Tzanakakis  those in mature adult tissue.
             et al., 2002).                                       One way to address this issue may be to develop a
                Primary cultures are derived by a combination of  postmitotic system containing predifferentiated cells prior
             mechanical and enzymic disruption of the tissue of inter-  to the addition of toxin. However, this issue may be better
             est, which releases a collection of cells that most closely  addressed by using organotypic cultures. In this case, tis-
             resembles the tissue of origin both genetically and in  sue slices (typically 200 μm thickness) are cut from fresh
             terms of cell heterogeneity. It is then possible to enrich  tissue on a microtome, then subsequently rinsed and cul-
             specific cell types by using either selective culture media  tured in growth medium with agitation, as discussed
             and/or cell growth inhibitors, immunomagnetic beads, or  above. Such slices maintain the complexity of cell cell
             fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). If a monocul-  interactions and extracellular matrix composition of the
             ture is desirable (i.e., predominantly one specific cell  original tissue and in some cases can survive up to several
             type), the resultant culture would then need to be screened  weeks (Sundstrom et al., 2005). Nevertheless, even this
             for cell-specific markers to determine purity/enrichment  kind of cellular system lacks the systemic interaction with
             of the preparation, as a pure culture is rarely achieved.  the immune and circulatory systems that would occur
             Typically, this would take the form of monitoring cultures  in vivo and is not, therefore, a complete substitute for
             for the expression of a unique morphological or molecular  in vivo testing. However, using cell cultures as part of
             trait of the desired cell type to determine the level of  a tiered system of increasing complexity from in vitro to
             enrichment. For example, expression of glial fibrillary  in vivo measurements would improve throughput, decrease
             protein and aster-like morphology would be good markers  costs and allow drastic reduction in the use of live animals
             for astrocytic glial cells. Cells may be cultured as mono-  in screening compounds for potential toxic effects. Some
             layers or, if a system simulating cell cell interactions of  examples of in vitro toxicity testing systems currently in
             the tissue of origin is required, cells may be cultured in  use are indicated in Table 9.5.
             suspension with mild agitation or by using a rolling cell
             culture. Under these circumstances, cells form clusters,
             spheroids, or reaggregates that may continue to grow/  Endpoint Determination for In Vitro
             proliferate over a period of several days or weeks, making  Testing Systems
             them amenable to studies of long-term effects. For exam-
             ple, brain reaggregates prepared in this way have been  A good in vitro testing system should be sensitive but at
             maintained for up to several weeks and used in studies of  the same time yield low levels of false-positive and false-
             pesticide toxicity (Sales et al., 2000). However, many pri-  negative results. It should have endpoint measurements
             mary cultures tend to be very short lived. Primary cell  that: (1) show dose response relationships for a given
             cultures do not necessarily exhibit identical cell cell  toxin, (2) reflect and are predictive of the in vivo pattern
             interaction patterns as those in the tissue of origin, and  of toxicity for a given group of agents, (3) are objective
             cell types that divide more rapidly could become more  and reproducible, and (4) have internal controls. It is also
             predominant than they would be in vivo.            useful if the testing system involves rapid assays of toxic-
                A more recent development has been the use of stem  ity, allowing medium to high throughput analysis and
             cell lines as models for developmental toxicity testing  simultaneous testing of multiple compounds and/or doses.
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