Page 191 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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158 SECTION | I General  it is possible to eliminate compounds that exhibit high  will therefore be to continue monitoring and improving
                                                                the welfare of animals used in toxicity testing and to
             levels of basal toxicity in several cell types and reduce
                                                                advise on issues relating to the development of in vitro
             unnecessary suffering in animals. In both in vitro and
             in vivo testing it is important to use a battery of appropri-  alternatives.
             ate endpoint measurements of both basal toxicity and cell/
             tissue-specific toxicity at each level, in order to increase
             the reliability and predictive potential of the data
             produced.                                          REFERENCES
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             its application in developmental toxicity testing, stem cell  Davis, J., 2002. Basic Cell Culture. A Practical Approach. Oxford
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                In conclusion, although it is a desirable goal to replace
             all animal testing, animal-based toxicological testing is
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             likely to continue for the foreseeable future. Further
                                                                  Guidelines OPPTS 870.3700 Prenatal Developmental Toxicity
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             of improved in vitro systems will eventually minimize the  Guidelines OPPTS 870.5450 Rodent Dominant Lethal Assay. EPA
             use of animals for toxicity studies. The veterinarian’s role  712-C-98-227.
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