Page 196 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 196  Chapter 10

             Toxicoproteomics in Diagnostic


             Christina R. Wilson and Stephen B. Hooser

             INTRODUCTION                                       from proteolytic digestion of protein mixtures. Analysis
                                                                of these heterogeneous components has proven to be an
             During the past decade, advances in genomics research have
                                                                analytical challenge due to the large dynamic range of
             resulted in the completion of entire genome sequences for
                                                                proteins and the microheterogeneity of protein expres-
             multiple species. This abundance of genetic information,
                                                                sion in biological samples. For instance, serum albumin
             compiled in genome sequence databases, has been used to                                    9
                                                                concentrations can range from 35 to 50 3 10 pg/mL
             characterize changes in gene expression in response to exter-
                                                                and proteins of lower abundance, such as interleukin 6,
             nal stimuli, such as toxicants (toxicogenomics). Because
                                                                can range in concentration from 0 to 5 pg/mL
             genomic data reflects changes in gene expression at the
                                                                (Anderson  and  Anderson,  2002).  This  is  also
             mRNA level, DNA sequence databases can be queried to
                                                                complicated by protein heterogeneity due to polymorph-
             predict what proteins may be present in the cell. However,
                                                                isms, alternative mRNA splicing, or variations in post-
             this approach is problematic because there is a poor correla-
                                                                translational modifications. When analyzing global
             tion between mRNA levels and protein concentrations in
                                                                proteolytic digests of proteins (i.e., at the peptide level),
             cells (Gygi et al., 1999a; Anderson and Seilhamer, 2005).
                                                                the  sample  complexity  is  compounded  further.
             Additionally, the biological activity of proteins is controlled
                                                                Proteolytic digests of the serum proteome, which could
             by posttranslational protein modifications or protein protein
                                                                contain as much as 20,000 proteins, can potentially
             interactions, both of which cannot be predicted by the geno-
                                                                result in 200,000 600,000 peptides (Anderson and
             mic data. Therefore, characterizing the entire protein com-
                                                                Anderson, 2002; Issaq et al., 2005). Therefore, one can
             plement expressed by genes (proteome) in response to
                                                                appreciate the analytical challenges encountered when
             external stimuli serves as a better indicator of the response
                                                                conducting proteomics research in complex biological
             of an organism, tissue, or cell to toxic insult. This has given
                                                                systems. Attempts to overcome these drawbacks have
             rise to the “proteomic” approach to toxicological evaluation.
                                                                imposed improvements in sample preparation and
             Toxicoproteomics can encompass global analysis of all of
                                                                separation methodologies. Multidimensional levels of
             the proteins expressed, called “shotgun proteomics,” or can
                                                                separation can be achieved when these techniques are
             entail analyzing a subset of proteins of interest, often termed
                                                                combined affording increased resolution, sensitivity,
             “targeted  proteomics.”  Regardless  of  the  approach,
                                                                and accuracy of detection.
             proteomics-based research has created an analytical chal-
             lenge, requiring sophisticated, high-throughput analytical
             techniques, and complex computer algorithms.       Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis
                                                                Since its inception in 1975 (O’Farrell, 1975), two-
                                                                dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) has become one
                                                                of the most common platforms for separating and profil-
             ANALYSES                                           ing complex protein mixtures. This technique is two-
                                                                dimensional in that there are two levels of protein
             The Proteome and Sample Complexity
                                                                separation. The first dimension uses immobilized pH
             The initial step in proteome analysis typically involves  gradient-isoelectric focusing, which separates proteins
             the separation of intact proteins or peptides generated  based on differences in net charge (Go ¨rg et al., 2000). In
             Veterinary Toxicology. DOI:
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