Page 198 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 198

Toxicoproteomics in Diagnostic Toxicology Chapter | 10  165  parent protein can be determined by the relative peak  entail either label-free or labeled probe methods (Espina
                                                                  Detection strategies for protein or peptide microarrays
             areas of UV-detected peptides observed from that protein
                                                                et al., 2004; Cretich et al., 2006). The label-free strategy
             (Chelius and Bondarenko, 2002). Another HPLC-based
             approach for relative protein quantitation involves the use  is a direct detection method that includes MS, surface
             of internal protein standards (Bondarenko et al., 2002). In  plasmon resonance, or atomic force microscopy. SELDI
             this technique, biological samples are spiked with an  microarray chips commonly use MS-based detection of
             internal standard protein prior to enzymatic digestion of  proteins or peptides. Labeled probe methods of detection
             the proteins into peptides. The chromatographic peaks  include utilizing chromagens (similar to ELISA proto-
             observed can be normalized to the peak area of the inter-  cols), chemiluminescence, fluorescence, or radioactive
             nal standard and the relative concentrations of the proteins  decay-based detection techniques.
             are inferred.                                        Microarray technology is progressively becoming a
                Unlike 2-DGE/MS tools, multidimensional HPLC/MS  versatile platform for its potential use in diagnostic toxi-
             is amenable to high-throughput analyses and has the ability  cology. Although efforts to standardize array analyses
             to resolve peptide mixtures regardless of molecular mass or  have been challenging, microarrays make it possible to
             hydrophobicity. This is important because resolving peptide  simultaneously screen thousands of samples and profile
             mixtures by 2-DGE is impractical due to their narrow  large numbers of proteins from biological samples.
             isoelectric points and molecular weight ranges and because
             2-DGE tools cannot be directly interfaced with MS instru-  Mass Spectrometry
             mentation. Even though 2-DGE is superior when separating
             intact proteins, methods based on pairing multidimensional  Recent developments in hybrid mass spectrometers have
             HPLC and MS technology are becoming more refined and  revolutionized the ability to analyze proteins and peptides,
             continue to advance proteomics research.           providing high-throughput automation combined with
                                                                high sensitivity and resolving power. In general, mass
                                                                spectrometers have three components, an ion source, a
             Protein and Peptide Microarrays
                                                                mass analyzer, and a detector. The ion source is the com-
             Protein and peptide microarray technologies offer a com-  ponent in which protein and peptide ions are produced;
             plimentary approach to traditional separation methodolo-  the mass analyzer separates or resolves these ions based
             gies and mass spectrometry. This technology incorporates  on their mass-to-charge (m/z); and the detector detects the
             the use of a variety of high-throughput microarray plat-  selected ions from the mass analyzer. One stage mass
             forms to probe protein function, abundance and to glob-  analysis is commonly used to measure the molecular
             ally analyze protein expression in biological systems. The  weights of intact proteins or peptides. However, in order
             platforms commonly used in proteomics include prote-  to obtain peptide sequence information, hybrid mass spec-
             ome, antibody, reverse-phase protein, and lectin microar-  trometers must be employed. MS/MS, or tandem mass
             rays (Lina et al., 2011).                          spectrometry, detects intact peptide ions in the first mass
                Protein function microarrays use immobilized capture  analyzer. Once selected, the peptide ion enters the colli-
             ligands to screen for protein drug, protein enzyme,  sion cell where it is fragmented into secondary ions by
             protein protein interactions (Kawahashi et al., 2003;  collision-induced dissociation (CID). These ions are then
             Nielsen et al., 2003; Zhu et al., 2003; Cretich et al.,  separated in the second mass analyzer, their m/z ratios
             2006). Analytical microarrays, such as those used in  detected,  and  MS/MS  spectra  are  generated.
             surface-enhanced laser desorption (SELDI)/TOF MS, use  Bioinformatics database tools use the MS/MS data to gen-
             retentate chromatography for protein profiling and detec-  erate peptide amino acid sequence information and com-
             tion (Merchant and Weinberger, 2000; Cretich et al.,  pare them with theoretical sequences in protein or
             2006). This technique is capable of on-chip sample  genome databases to identify proteins.
             fractionation utilizing various chromatographic surface  There are two major types of hybrid mass analyzers
             chemistries and can probe for chemical properties in  used in proteomics research, matrix-assisted laser desorp-
             proteins such as phosphorylation, glycosylation, hydro-  tion ionization/time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF/TOF) instru-
             phobicity, or anionic cationic properties.         ments and electrospray ionization/tandem MS instruments
                Microarrays require immobilization of a capture ligand  (ESI/MS/MS) (Karas and Hillenkamp, 1988; Fenn et al.,
             or chromatographic media onto a planar solid support,  1989; Hillenkamp et al., 1991). The MS technology cho-
             often resulting in thousands of spots per slide (MacBeath  sen depends on the type of MS data that needs to be gen-
             and Schreiber, 2000; Kumble, 2003). Samples of interest  erated from toxicoproteomic experiments. For example,
             are added to the microarray and the entire array is  MALDI-TOF/TOF instruments are fast, robust mass ana-
             scanned to detect proteins or peptides that interact with  lyzers, have a large dynamic range and do not require
             the ligand or chromatographic media.               labor-intensive sample preparation. MALDI-TOF/TOF
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