Page 202 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Toxicoproteomics in Diagnostic Toxicology Chapter | 10  169  in venom, assess geographic venom variability and evalu-  to proteomics researchers. Despite these concerns, toxico-
                                                                proteomics has the potential to better define molecular
             ate antivenin efficacy. In one study conducted in venom
             from the Asian forest scorpion (Heterometrus petersii), 10
                                                                mechanisms of toxicity and elucidate biomarkers or signa-
             families of venom peptides and proteins were identified.  ture protein profiles for clinical and diagnostic toxicology.
             The proteins identified in the venom were potassium  This technology promises to establish new guidelines for
             channel toxins, antimicrobial and cytolytic peptides, cal-  preventive and predictive toxicity, ultimately revolutioniz-
             cium channel toxins, La1-like peptides, phospholipase  ing and redefining our future understanding of toxicology.
             A2, serum proteases, acid phosphatases, and diuretic pep-
             tides (Ma et al., 2010). Comparative proteomic analysis  REFERENCES
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             FUTURE DIRECTIONS                                  Cretich, M., Damin, F., Pirri, G., et al., 2006. Protein and peptide arrays:
                                                                  recent trends and new directions. Biomol. Eng. 23, 77 88.
             Recognition of the diagnostic accuracy of proteomics data  Davis, J.M., Giddings, J.C., 1985a. Statistical method for estimation of
             and standardization of methodologies remain a challenge  number of components from single complex chromatograms: theory,
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