Page 25 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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xxiv  Contents

                                                          989     Toxicodynamics                          989   72. Ochratoxins and Citrinin
                    Mechanisms of Action
                                                                    Ramesh C. Gupta, Ajay Srivastava
                    Immunotoxic Effects
                    Reproductive and Teratogenic Effects  990       and Rajiv Lall
                  Toxicopathology of Aflatoxins           990       Introduction                           1019
                    Clinicopathology                      990       Background                             1019
                    Macroscopic and Microscopic Pathology  991      Toxicokinetics                         1020
                  Treatment and Preventative Antidotes    992       Mechanism of Action                    1021
                  Aflatoxin Interactions                  992         Nephrotoxicity                       1021
                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  992       Neurotoxicity                        1021
                  References                              993         Immunotoxicity                       1022
                                                                      Carcinogenicity                      1022
             70. Ergot and Fescue Toxicoses                         Toxicity                               1022
                                                                    Diagnosis                              1024
                  Ramesh C. Gupta, Tim J. Evans and                 Treatment                              1024
                  Steven S. Nicholson                               Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  1024
                                                                    Acknowledgment                         1024
                  Introduction                            995
                  Background                              995       References                             1025
                  Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics         996
                  Mechanism of Action                     996   73. Slaframine
                  Toxicity                                998
                                                                    Geof W. Smith
                  Treatment                              1000
                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  1000    Introduction                           1029
                  References                             1000       Background                             1029
                                                                    Chemistry and Toxicokinetics           1029
                                                                    Mechanism of Action                    1029
             71. Fumonisins
                                                                    Toxicity                               1030
                  Geof W. Smith                                     Diagnosis and Treatment                1031
                                                                    Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  1031
                  Introduction                           1003
                                                                    References                             1031
                  Background                             1003
                    Chemical Structure                   1003   74. Tremorgenic Mycotoxins
                    Occurrence and Distribution          1003
                  Pharmcokinetics/Toxicokinetics         1004       Tim J. Evans and Ramesh C. Gupta
                  Mechanism of Action                    1005
                                                                    Introduction                           1033
                    Sphingolipid Alterations             1005
                                                                    Background                             1033
                  Toxicity                               1006         Penicillium-Associated Tremorgenic
                    Spontaneous and Experimental Fumonisin              Mycotoxins                         1033
                      Toxicosis in Swine                 1006
                    Fumonisins in Swine-Pulmonary Effects  1007       Aspergillus-Associated Tremorgenic   1035
                    Fumonisins in Swine-Hepatic Effects  1010
                                                                      Neotyphodium-Associated Tremorgenic
                    Fumonisins in Swine-Cardiovascular Effects 1010
                                                                        Mycotoxins                         1036
                    Fumonisins in Swine-Immunologic Effects  1010
                                                                      Claviceps-Associated Tremorgenic
                    Fumonisin Toxicosis in Horses-Historical  1011
                                                                        Mycotoxins                         1036
                    Spontaneous and Experimental Fumonisin
                                                                      Bermudagrass Staggers                1036
                      Toxicosis in Horses                1012
                                                                    Toxicokinetics                         1036
                    Neurologic and Hepatic Effects in Horses  1012
                                                                    Mechanism of Action                    1037
                    Fumonisin Toxicity in Cattle         1014
                                                                    Toxicodynamics                         1037
                    Fumonisin Toxicity in Poultry        1015
                                                                      Central Effects                      1037
                  Diagnosis and Treatment                1015
                                                                      Peripheral Effects                   1038
                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  1016
                                                                      Genotoxicity                         1038
                  References                             1016
                                                                      Acute Toxicity                       1038
                  Further Reading                        1018
                                                                      Potential Interactions               1038
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