Page 20 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Contents  xix

                                                          691     Background                              693   54. Aquatic Toxicology
                  Physicochemical Properties
                                                                    Robert W. Coppock and P. Nick Nation
                    Brominated Flame Retardants
                    Perfluorinated Compounds              694       Introduction                            733
                  Toxicokinetics                          694       Background                              733
                    Brominated Flame Retardants           694       Water Safety                            733
                    Perfluorinated Compounds              696         Nitrogen Cycle                        734
                  Mechanism of Action and Toxicity        696         Ammonia                               734
                    Brominated Flame Retardants           696         Nitrite (NO )                         735
                    Perfluorinated Compounds              700         Nitrate (NO )                         735
                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  702       Chlorine                              736
                  Acknowledgments                         702       Metals                                  736
                  References                              702         Copper                                736
                                                                      Methylmercury                         736
                                                                    Mycotoxins                              737
                                                                      Fumonisins and Moniliformin           737
             Section X                                                Ochratoxins                           737
             Avian and Aquatic Toxicology                             Trichothecenes                        737
                                                                      Zearalenone                           737
             53. Avian Toxicology                                     Aflatoxins                            738
                                                                    Contaminants in Aquaculture Fish        738
                  Arya Sobhakumari, Robert H. Poppenga
                                                                    Acoustic Pollution and Fish             738
                  and Snehal Tawde
                                                                    Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  738
                  Introduction                            711       References                              738
                    Environment as a Toxicological Risk
                      Factors in Birds                    711
                    Physiologic Differences of Birds Relevant   Section XI
                      to Toxicology                       711   Bacterial and Cyanobacterial Toxins
                  General Comments About Diagnosing
                    Avian Intoxications                   712   55. Botulinum Neurotoxins
                  Natural Toxicants                       712
                                                                    Rhian B. Cope
                    Algal Toxins                          712
                    Plants                                713       Introduction                            743
                    Mycotoxins                            713       Serotypes of Veterinary Significance    743
                    Aflatoxins                            713       Bacterial Synthesis                     743
                    Fusariotoxins                         718       Mechanism of Action                     743
                    Ochratoxin and Citrinin               719       Toxicodynamics                          743
                    Zootoxins                             719       Quantification of Neuromuscular Blocking
                    Feed Additives                        719         Potency                               745
                    Pesticides                            720       Toxicokinetics                          746
                  Metals                                  725       Botulism in Humans                      746
                    Lead                                  725       Botulism in Veterinary Species          746
                    Zinc                                  725         Equine Botulism                       746
                    Mercury                               726         Bovine Botulism                       749
                    Iron                                  726         Avian Botulism                        751
                  Environmental Toxicants                 727         Canine and Feline Botulism            754
                    Petroleum                             727       Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  755
                    Cyanide                               727       References                              755
                  Toxic Gases                             728       Further Reading                         757
                    Ammonia                               728
                    Carbon Monoxide                       728   56. Enterotoxins
                    Polytetrafluoroethylene: Teflon       728
                  Concluding Remarks and Future                     Larry J. Thompson
                    Directions                            728       Introduction                            759
                  References                              729       Background                              759
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