Page 18 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 18

Contents  xvii     Primary Mechanism of Action and         585       Red Squill                              618
                    Indanedione Group
                    Metabolism                            587         Toxicokinetics                        618
                    Primary Mechanism                                 Mechanism of Action                   618
                      of Action                           587         Toxicity                              618
                  Toxicity                                589         Treatment                             619
                  Toxicokinetics                          589         Conclusions                           619
                  Toxicity                                590       Fluoroacetate                           619
                    Target Species                        590         Introduction                          619
                    Resistance                            591         Background                            619
                    Pest Management                                   Toxicokinetics                        619
                      Approaches                          591         Mechanism of Action                   619
                  Nontarget Exposures                     591         Toxicity                              620
                    Mammals                               594         Diagnosis                             620
                  Diagnosis                               595         Treatment                             621
                    Necropsy/Autopsy                      597         Conclusion                            621
                    Treatment                             597       Alpha-Naphthyl Thiourea                 621
                  Diagnosis                               598         Introduction                          621
                    Analytical Chemistry                  598         Toxicokinetics and Mechanism of Action  621
                  Concluding Remarks and                              Toxicity                              621
                    Future Directions                     600         Diagnosis                             621
                  References                              600         Treatment                             621
                                                                    Zinc Phosphide                          622
                                                                      Introduction                          622
             47. Non-Anticoagulant Rodenticides                       Background                            622
                                                                      Toxicokinetics                        622
                  Ramesh C. Gupta
                                                                      Mechanism of Action                   622
                  Strychnine                              613         Toxicity                              622
                    Introduction                          613         Diagnosis                             623
                    Background                            613         Treatment                             623
                    Toxicokinetics                        613         Conclusion                            623
                    Mechanism of Action                   614       Thallium                                623
                    Toxicity                              614         Introduction                          623
                    Diagnosis                             614         Background                            623
                    Treatment                             615         Toxicokinetics                        623
                    Conclusion                            615         Mechanism of Action                   624
                  Bromethalin                             615         Toxicity                              624
                    Introduction                          615         Diagnosis                             624
                    Background                            615         Treatment                             625
                    Toxicokinetics                        615         Conclusion                            625
                    Mechanism of Action                   615       References                              625
                    Toxicity                              615       Further Reading                         626
                    Diagnosis                             616
                    Treatment                             616   Section IX
                    Conclusion                            616
                  Cholecalciferol                         616   Gases, Solvents and Other Industrial
                    Introduction                          616   Toxicants
                    Background                            617
                    Toxicokinetics                        617   48. Toxic Gases and Vapors
                    Mechanism of Action                   617
                                                                    Rhian Cope
                    Toxicity                              617
                    Treatment                             617       Introduction                            629
                    Conclusion                            617       General Principles                      629
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