Page 14 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Contents  xiii  Section IV                                       Section V
                                                                Metals and Micronutrients
             Drugs of Use and Abuse
             21. Toxicity of Over-the-Counter                   23. Arsenic
                                                                    Tam Garland
                  Karyn Bischoff
                                                                    Introduction                            411
                  Introduction                            357       Background                              411
                  Suspected OTC Drug Reactions            357       Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics         411
                  Analgesics                              358       Mechanism of Action                     412
                    Acetaminophen                         358       Toxicity                                413
                    Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory                   Treatment                               413
                      Drugs                               362       Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  414
                    Aspirin and Other Salicylates         370       References                              414
                  Cold, Cough and Allergy Medications     373       Further Reading                         415
                    Decongestants                         373
                    Antihistamines                        375   24. Cadmium
                  Drugs Used to Treat Gastrointestinal
                                                                    Stephen B. Hooser
                    Symptoms                              378
                    Antacids                              378       Introduction                            417
                    Laxatives, Cathartics and Enemas      379       Background                              417
                    Antidiarrheal Drugs                   381       Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics         418
                  Topical Drugs                           381       Mechanism of Action                     418
                  Concluding Remarks and Future                     Toxicity                                419
                    Directions                            382       Treatment                               420
                  References                              382       Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  420
                  Further Reading                         384       References                              420

             22. Toxicity of Drugs of Abuse                     25. Chromium, Iodine, and Phosphorus
                  Karyn Bischoff                                    Larry J. Thompson

                  Introduction                            385       Chromium                                423
                    Illicit Drugs and Small Animals       385       Iodine                                  423
                    Illicit Drugs and Large Animals       386       Phosphorus                              424
                    The Veterinarian and the Drug Enforcement       References                              424
                      Administration                      386
                  Depressants                             386   26. Copper
                    Marijuana                             387
                                                                    Larry J. Thompson
                    Barbiturates                          390
                    Opioids                               392       Introduction                            425
                    Other CNS Depressants                 394       Background                              425
                  Stimulants                              395       Pharmacokinetics                        425
                    Cocaine                               395       Mechanism of Action                     426
                    Amphetamines                          397       Toxicity                                426
                    Other Stimulants                      399       Treatment                               427
                  Hallucinogens and Dissociative                    Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  427
                    Drugs                                 401       References                              427
                    LSD and LSA                           402
                    Phencyclidine and Ketamine            403   27. Fluoride
                    Other Compounds                       405
                                                                    Larry J. Thompson
                  Concluding Remarks and Future
                    Directions                            406       Introduction                            429
                  References                              406       Background                              429
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