Page 11 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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x   Contents  10. Toxicoproteomics in Diagnostic                   Conclusion                              190
                  Christina R. Wilson and Stephen B. Hooser
                  Introduction                            163       Further Reading                         192
                  Analytical Tools for Proteomic Analyses  163
                    The Proteome and Sample Complexity    163   Section II
                    Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis   163   Organ Toxicity
                    High Performance Liquid Chromatography  164
                    Protein and Peptide Microarrays       165   12. Nervous System Toxicity
                    Mass Spectrometry                     165
                    Bioinformatics Tools                  166       Donna Mensching and Camille DeClementi
                  Proteomics Applications in Diagnostic
                                                                    Introduction                            197
                    Toxicology                            167
                                                                    Structural Toxicoses                    197
                    Aquatic Toxicology and Pesticides     168         Neuronopathy                          197
                    Hepatotoxicity                        168         Axonopathy                            199
                    Toxins                                168         Myelinopathy                          199
                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  169     Functional Toxicoses                    200
                  References                              169         Acetylcholine                         200
                                                                      Catecholamine Neurotransmitters       202
             11. Toxicology and the Law                               Serotonin                             203
                                                                      Glycine                               203
                  Michael J. Murphy
                                                                      GABA                                  204
                  Introduction                            173         Glutamate/Aspartate                   205
                  Reasons for Conducting Toxicology Analyses  173     Histamine                             205
                    When the Reason for Testing the Sample is         Mixed Neurotransmitter Effects        205
                      Known                               174       Ion Channels                            206
                    When the Reason for Testing the Sample            Sodium Channels                       206
                      is Not Known or Changes After Testing  175      Potassium Channels                    207
                    Hypothetical Case                     175         Chloride Channels                     208
                  Jurisdiction: What are the Rules and              Other Mechanisms of Neurotoxicity       208
                    Who Decides the Winner ?              177       Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  208
                  Standard of Proof: How Sure Do                    References                              211
                    I Need to Be?                         178
                  Evidence                                179
                    Documents                             179   13. Respiratory Toxicity
                    Specimens                             180
                                                                    Deon van der Merwe
                    Testimony                             180
                  Admissibility of Expert Testimony       181       Introduction                            215
                    Frye                                  181       The Upper Airways                       215
                    Daubert                               182         Normal Function                       215
                    Is the Expert Qualified?              185         Toxic Diseases of the Nasal Passages  216
                  Has the Person Been Trained and Educated            Toxic Diseases of the Conducting Airways  216
                    in the Discipline of Toxicology?      185       The Gas Exchange Region                 216
                  Has the Person Been Certified as a                  Normal Function                       216
                    Toxicologist?                         185       General Principles in the Pathogenesis
                  Do Other Criteria Support an Argument               of Lung Damage Caused by Chemicals    218
                    That the Person is a Toxicologist?    186         Oxidant Burden                        218
                  General Causation                       186         Toxic Inhalant Gases                  218
                  Specific Causation: The Differential Diagnosis 187  Particle Size and Clearance           220
                  Application of Daubert in Toxicology Cases  188   Lung Injury                             221
                  Some Questions to Consider                          Acute Responses to Lung Injury        221
                    When Using Laboratory Results         189         Chronic Responses of the Lung to Injury  222
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