Page 9 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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viii  Contents

                    Other Toxins     Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  54        Mechanism of Action                    75
                                                                      Concluding Remarks                     77
             4.   Epidemiology of Animal Poisonings                 Lewisite                                 77
                  in Asia                                             Background                             77
                                                                      Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics        77
                  Pawan K. Gupta                                      Mechanism of Action                    77
                  Introduction                             57         Toxicity                               77
                  Pesticides (Agrochemicals and Fertilizers)  57      Treatment                              78
                  Metals                                   58         Concluding Remarks                     79
                    Lead (Pb)                              58       Phosgene Oxime                           79
                    Mercury (Hg)                           59         Background                             79
                    Arsenic (As)                           59         Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics        79
                    Copper (Cu)                            59         Mechanism of Action                    79
                  Nonmetals and Metalloids                 59         Toxicity                               79
                    Selenium (Se)                          59         Treatment                              80
                    Nitrate and Nitrite                    60         Concluding Remarks                     80
                    Fluorosis                              60       Cyanide and Hydrogen Cyanide             80
                  Drugs and Related Compounds              61         Background                             80
                  Mycotoxins                               62         Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics        80
                  Household Products                       63         Mechanism of Action                    81
                  Methyl Isocyanate (Union Carbide Plant              Toxicity                               81
                    Disaster in Bhopal)                    64         Treatment                              81
                  Feed Associated Toxicants                64         Concluding Remarks                     82
                  Plastic Bags                             65       Military Nerve Agents                    82
                  Other Toxins                             66         Background                             82
                  Radiations Effects of the Hiroshima and             Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics        83
                    Nagasaki Atomic Bombs                  66         Mechanism of Action                    83
                    Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  66      Toxicity                               83
                  References                               66         Treatment                              84
                  Further Reading                          69         Concluding Remarks                     85
                                                                    References                               85
             5.   Chemicals of Terrorism

                  Tina Wismer                                   6.  Regulatory Considerations in
                  Introduction                             71       Veterinary Toxicology: An FDA
                  Chlorine Gas                             71       Perspective
                    Background                             71
                    Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics        72       Susan J. Bright-Ponte, Tong Zhou and
                    Mechanism of Action                    72       Michael J. Murphy
                    Toxicity                               72       Introduction                             89
                    Treatment                              72         Brief History of the Food and Drug
                    Concluding Remarks                     73           Administration                       89
                  Phosgene                                 73         FDA Organization                       90
                    Background                             73       FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine       91
                    Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics        73         Overview                               91
                    Mechanism of Action                    73         Regulation of Animal Health Products:
                    Toxicity                               73           Jurisdiction Considerations and Regulatory
                    Treatment                              74           Definitions                          91
                    Concluding Remarks                     74         New Animal Drug Approval               92
                  Mustard Gas                              74         Target Animal Safety Evaluation        92
                    Background                             74         Human Food Safety Assessment           93
                    Pharmacokinetics/Toxicokinetics        74         Approval                               96
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