Page 12 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 12

Contents  xi     References                              223         Steatohepatitis                       247
                    Agents Known to Produce Lung Injury
                      in Animals
                                                                      Hepatic Fibrosis
                                                                      Pigment Accumulation                  248
                                                                      Hepatic Neoplasia                     249
             14. Cardiovascular Toxicity                              Megalocytosis                         249
                                                                    Mechanisms of Liver Damage              249
                  Csaba K. Zoltani
                                                                      Oxidative Stress Mediated by Free Radicals  250
                  Introduction                            227         Disruption of Calcium Homeostasis and
                  Plant-Induced Cardiotoxicity            227           Cell Membrane Damage                251
                  Phytochemicals Affecting the Cardiac                Mitochondrial Injury                  251
                    System                                228         Disruption of Cytoskeleton            252
                  Glycoside-Containing Plants             228         Cholestasis                           252
                  Cyanide-Containing Plants               230         Hepatogenous Photosensitization       252
                  Alkaloid-Containing Plants              230         Inhibition of Tissue Repair Response  253
                  Oxalate-Containing Plants               232       Idiosyncratic Reactions                 253
                  Nitrate-Containing Plants               233       Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  254
                  Metal-Induced Cardiac Toxicity          233       References                              255
                    Arsenic                               233
                  Ionophores (Antibiotics)                233   16. Renal Toxicity
                  Fertilizers                             233
                  Herbicides                              234       Sharon M. Gwaltney-Brant
                  Insecticides and Other Pesticides       234
                                                                    Introduction                            259
                    Organophosphates and Carbamates       234
                                                                    Functional Anatomy                      259
                    Amitraz                               234
                                                                    Toxic Effects on the Kidney             261
                    Metaldehyde                           234
                                                                      Acute Renal Failure                   261
                  Mycotoxins                              235
                                                                      Chronic Renal Failure                 261
                  Ancillary Causes of Cardiac Toxicity    235
                                                                    Patterns of Toxic Renal Injury          262
                    Anthropods                            235
                                                                      Glomerular Injury                     265
                  Hymenoptera                             235
                                                                      Proximal Tubular Injury               265
                  Ophidian                                235
                                                                      Distal Nephron/Renal Papillary Injury  266
                  Cantharidin                             236
                                                                    Nephrotoxic Agents                      266
                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  236
                                                                      Mycotoxins                            266
                  References                              236
                                                                      Drugs                                 266
                                                                      Metals                                267
                                                                      Plants                                268
             15. Liver Toxicity
                                                                      Miscellaneous                         269
                  Karyn Bischoff, Motoko Mukai and                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  271
                  Shashi K. Ramaiah                                 References                              271
                  Introduction                            239
                  Structural and Functional Organization        17. Reproductive Toxicity and Endocrine
                    of the Liver                          239       Disruption
                    Lobule and Acinus                     239
                                                                    Tim J. Evans
                    Diverse Function of the Liver         241
                    Cell Types of the Liver               242       Introduction                            273
                  Factors Influencing Toxic Liver Injury  243       Important Definitions and Concepts      273
                    Uptake and Concentration of Xenobiotics  243      Reproduction                          273
                    Bioactivation and Metabolism          244         Reproductive Toxicity                 274
                    Inflammation                          246         Hormones and Hormone Receptors        275
                  Types of Toxicant-Induced Liver Injury  246         Endocrine Disruption                  276
                    Cell Death                            246       Normal Animal Reproduction              280
                    Hepatic Steatosis                     247         Neuroendocrine Control of Reproduction  280
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