Page 8 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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             List of Contributors                        xxvii      Postscript                               32
             Preface                                     xxxi       References                               32

             Section I                                          2.  Epidemiology of Animal Poisonings
             General                                                in the United States
                                                                    Sharon M. Gwaltney-Brant
             1.   Concepts in Veterinary Toxicology
                                                                    Introduction                             37
                  Roger O. McClellan                                Background                               37
                                                                    Demographics                             38
                  Introduction                              3
                                                                      Dogs                                   38
                  Historical Perspective                    4
                                                                      Cats                                   40
                    Historical Events                       4
                                                                      Other Species                          40
                    Textbooks                               4
                                                                    Agents Involved                          40
                    Organizations                           6
                                                                    Signs and Outcomes                       42
                  Evolution of Veterinary Toxicology        7
                    Roots in Veterinary Medicine and Toxicology  7  Conclusions                              43
                    Emergence of Science-Based Toxicology   7       References                               43
                    Toxicology Joined to the Risk Paradigm  9       Further Reading                          44
                  A Framework for Acquiring Information    15
                    Linkages From Sources to Health Impacts  15  3.  Epidemiology of Animal
                    Toxicokinetics                         16       Poisonings in Europe
                    Toxicodynamics                         17
                                                                    Francesca Caloni, Philippe Berny,
                    Veterinary Toxicology is Multifaceted  18
                                                                    Siska Croubels, Magda Sachana
                  Sources of Information                   18
                                                                    and Raimon Guitart
                    Case Observations in the Species of Interest  18
                    Epidemiological/Epizootiological Studies  19    Introduction                             45
                    Experimentation                        20       Species Involved                         45
                    Schematic Experimental Designs         21       Toxic Classes                            47
                    Acquiring Toxicokinetic Data           21       Nonmetals and Metalloids                 48
                    Acquiring Exposure (Dose)-Response Data  22     Metals                                   48
                  Toxicologic Descriptors                  24         Copper (Cu)                            48
                    Toxicology Rooted in Observations      24         Lead (Pb)                              48
                    Quantifying Exposure                   24         Other Metals and Inorganic Compounds   51
                    Describing Absorption, Distribution,            Pesticides                               51
                      Metabolism, and Excretion            25         Insecticides                           51
                    Toxicant-Induced Responses             26         Rodenticides                           52
                    Describing Exposure Response                      Other Pesticides                       52
                      Relationships for Noncancer Endpoints  27     Oil                                      52
                    Cancer as an Endpoint                  29       Feed-Associated Toxicants                52
                    New Potential Endpoints                29       Drugs and Related Compounds              53
                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  30      Household Products                       53
                  Dedication                               31       Toxins                                   53
                  Acknowledgments                          31         Plants                                 54

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