Page 10 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Contents  ix     Postapproval Surveillance Activities     96   8.  Toxicokinetics in Veterinary Toxicology
                    Overview of the CVM’s Pharmacovigilance
                                                                    Deon van der Merwe, Ronette Gehring and
                    Communication of Safety Information    99       Jennifer L. Buur
                    Animal Food                            99       Introduction                            133
                  References                              100       Underlying Physiology                   133
                                                                      Absorption                            133
                                                                      Distribution                          134
             7.   Regulatory Aspects for the Drugs and                Biotransformation                     134
                  Chemicals Used in Food-Producing                    Excretion                             134
                  Animals in the European Union                     Empirical (Compartmental) Toxicokinetic
                                                                      Models                                135
                  Arturo Anadon, Marı ´a R. Martı ´nez-Larran ˜ aga,  Introduction                          135
                  Irma Ares and Marı ´a A. Martı ´nez                 Measures of Absorption                136
                                                                      Volume of Distribution                136
                  Introduction                            103
                                                                      Clearance                             136
                  Veterinary Medicinal Products Legislation  104
                    Marketing Authorization Procedures    104         Half-Life                             136
                  Human Health Risks From Drug Residues               Flip-Flop Kinetics                    136
                    in Foods                              106         Residues                              136
                    Acute Toxicity Effects                106       Physiologically Based Toxicokinetics    137
                    Long-Term Chronic Effects                         Introduction                          137
                      (Carcinogenesis)                    108         Model Construction                    137
                    Carryover of the Feed of Coccidiostats            Parameter Estimation and Identifiability  140
                      and Other Medicated Feed            111         Model Validation                      141
                    Minimum Required Performance Limits and           Applications                          141
                      Reference Point for Action          113       Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  142
                  Pesticide Substances/Residues From                References                              142
                    Consumption of Stockfeed Treated With
                    Agricultural Chemicals                113   9.  Toxicological Testing: In Vivo and
                  Biocidal Substances Used in Animal                In Vitro Models
                    Husbandry                             114
                                                                    Magda Sachana and Alan J. Hargreaves
                  Feed Additives Legislation              115
                    Technological Additives               117       Introduction                            145
                    Sensory Additives                     117       In Vivo Models in Toxicity Testing      145
                    Nutritional Additives                 117         Introduction                          145
                    Zootechnical Additives                118         Routes of Test Compound Administration  146
                  Comparative Setting Toxicological Standards         Reproductive Toxicity Tests           147
                    for Food Safety                       118         Developmental Toxicity Testing        148
                    Establishment of European Community               Cutaneous Toxicity Testing            148
                      Maximum Residue Limits for Drugs                Genotoxicity Testing                  149
                      and Feed Additives                  118         Carcinogenicity Tests                 149
                    Maximum Residue Level                 120         Neurotoxicity                         149
                    Establishment of Codex Maximum                    Immunotoxicity                        150
                      Residue Limits for Drugs and Feed               Transgenic Animals in Toxicity Testing  150
                      Additives                           123       In Vitro Models of Toxicity Testing     151
                    Changes in Calculation of MRLs        124         Introduction                          151
                    United States of America: Food and Drug           Types of Cell Culture System Used
                      Administration Tolerance Setting    126           in Toxicity Testing                 151
                    Drug Withdrawal/Withholding Periods   127         Endpoint Determination for In Vitro Testing
                  Industrial Chemicals                    127           Systems                             153
                  Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  129     Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  157
                  References                              129       References                              158
                  Further Reading                         131       Further Reading                         161
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