Page 23 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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xxii  Contents

                                                                      Common Names: Live Oaks (Evergreens),  62. Poisonous Plants of the Europe                   Robinia pseudoacacia (Papilionaceae Family)  902
                                                                        and Acorns
                  Arturo Anadon, Marı ´a R. Martı ´nez-Larran ˜ aga,
                  Irma Ares and Maria A. Martı ´nez
                                                                      Common Names: False Acacia,
                  Introduction                            891           Locust Tree and Black Locust Tree   903
                    Plant Identification                  892       Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae Family)  903
                    Diagnosis of Plant Poisoning          892         Common Name: Castor Bean              903
                    Conditions Conducive to Plant Poisoning  894    Senecio spp. (Compositeae Family)       903
                    Predictive and Toxicity Factors       894         Common Names: Ragwort and Groundsel   903
                  Amianthium muscaetoxicum                          Taxus baccata L. (Taxaceae Family)      904
                    (Liliaceae Family)                    896         Common Name: Yew                      904
                    Common Names: Fly Poison, Stagger Grass,        Thuja occidentalis L. (Cupressaceae Family)  905
                      and Crow Poison                     896         Common Name: Thuja                    905
                  Cannabis sativa (Cannabinaceae Family)  896       Treatment                               905
                    Common Names: Marijuana, Marihuana,               Nonspecific Treatment                 905
                      Bhang, Hashish, Ganja, and Sinsemilla  896      Specific Treatment                    907
                  Colchicum autumnale L (Liliaceae or               Supportive Therapy                      908
                    Colchicaceae Family)                  897       Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  908
                    Common Names: Colchium, Meadow Saffron,         References                              909
                      Autumn Crocus, Wonder Bulb, and
                      Naked Ladies                        897   63. Poisonous Plants of Australia and
                  Conium maculatum (Apiaceae (Formally              New Zealand
                    Umbilliferae) Family)                 897
                                                                    Rhian Cope and Selina Ossedryver
                    Common Name: Hemlock                  897
                  Convallaria majalis (Liliaceae Family)  898       Introduction                            911
                    Common Names: Lily of the Valley, May Lily,     Reducing Livestock Losses Associated With
                      Jacob’s Lily and Our Lady’s Tears   898         Poisonous Plants in Australia and
                  Coriaria myrtifolia (Coriariaceae Family)  898      New Zealand                           911
                    Common Names: Tanner’s Herb,                    Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  933
                      Mediterranean Coriaria, and Redoul  898       References                              933
                  Datura spp. (Solanaceae Family)         898
                    Common Name: Thorn Apple              898   64. Cyanogenic Glycoside Containing
                  Datura stramonium (Solanaceae Family)   899       Plants
                    Common Name: Datura, Jimson Weed, False
                                                                    Kip E. Panter
                      Castor Oil Plant, Stramonium,
                      Spiny Apple, or Mad Apple           899       Introduction                            935
                  Equisetum spp. (Horsetail Familly)      899       Clinical Disease                        936
                    Common Names: Horsetail, Monkey Grass,          Acute Poisoning                         937
                      Snake Grass, Scouting Rush          899       Chronic Poisoning                       937
                  Galega officinalis L (Papilionaceae Family)  899  Factors Affecting Cyanide Levels in Plants  938
                    Common Name: Goat’s Rue               899       Mechanism and Conditions of Poisoning   938
                  Hypericum perforatum (Hypericaceae Family) 900    Detoxification Mechanism                938
                    Common Names: St. John’s Wort,                  Diagnosis and Pathology of Cyanide
                      Goat Weed, and Klamath Weed         900         Poisoning                             939
                  Lupinus spp.                            900       Prevention and Treatment of CN Poisoning  939
                    Common Names: Lupines, Bluebonnet     900       Concluding Remarks and Future Directions  939
                  Nerium oleander (Apocynaceae Family)    901       References                              939
                    Common Name: Oleander                 901
                  Poisonous Plants Affecting the Animals  901   65. Nitrate- and Nitrite-Accumulating
                    Aconitum napellus (Ranunculaceae Family)  901   Plants
                  Pteridium aquilinum Lor Pteris aquilina L
                    (Polypodiaceae Family)                901       Jeffery O. Hall
                    Common Name: Bracken Fern             901
                                                                    Introduction                            941
                  Quercus spp. (Fagaceae Family)          902
                                                                    Background                              941
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