Page 281 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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248 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  distribution of lipidosis and inflammation is random and  Steatosis                 Normal liver
             multifocal. Conditions usually associated with steatohepatitis
             are alcoholic liver disease, NAFLD, and endotoxemia sec-
             ondary to intestinal disease. Any toxic compounds that can
             cause steatosis can cause steatohepatitis if left untreated.                      ROS/RNS production
             Steatohepatitis in humans can progress to fibrosis/cirrhosis
             and hepatocellular carcinoma (Diehl, 2002). The clinical bio-      ADH &
             chemistry alterations include elevated serum transaminases.       CYP2E1          Oxidative stress
                                                                                               Cytokines and
                                                                                  Acetaldehyde  chemokine release
             Hepatic Fibrosis
             Fibrosis is a nonspecific lesion that usually results from  Steatohepatitis         Fibrosis/cirrhosis
             chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can be the
             result of continuous exposure to a variety of hepatotoxic
                                                                FIGURE 15.2 Progression of alcoholic liver disease. Consumption of
             chemicals such as organic arsenicals, vinyl chloride, high
                                                                ethanol produces hepatic pathology in a sequence ranging from steatosis
             doses of vitamin A (Zimmerman, 1999), chronic ethanol  (fatty liver) on one extreme to fibrosis/cirrhosis on the opposite end of
             ingestion and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Fibrosis  the spectrum. Steatosis and steatohepatitis represent acute stages of alco-
             usually occurs around the portal area, in the space of  holic liver disease. ROS, reactive oxygen species; RNS, reactive nitrogen
             Disse, and around the central veins. Hepatocytes are lost  species.
             and replaced with fibrous connective tissue. Periportal
             fibrosis can lead to portal hypertension.
                                                                (Apte et al., 2005). Inflammation is predominantly neutro-
                                                                philic within regions of necrosis and Mallory body forma-
             Cirrhosis                                          tion. Although many of these changes have been observed
                                                                in experimental models of alcoholic hepatitis, progression
             Hepatic cirrhosis is end-stage liver disease. Cirrhosis
                                                                to cirrhosis has rarely been experimentally reproduced.
             describes irreversible changes characterized by accumula-
             tion of excessive collagen deposition in the form of bridg-
             ing fibrosis, disrupting hepatic architecture. Entrapped  Pigment Accumulation
             hepatocytes undergo random mitosis and growth, termed
             nodular regeneration. Cirrhosis is either micronodular or  Various substances can accumulate within hepatocytes
             macronodular, depending on the amount of fibrosis and  or Kupffer cells and are often microscopically visible as
             tissue regeneration. A liver with micronodular fibrosis has  pigment. Occasionally, these pigments lend a grossly
             a grossly cobblestoned surface and is firm and difficult to  visible tint to the liver. If there is cholestasis due to
             cut with a knife.                                  damage to the biliary tract or biliary obstruction, bile
                Serum transaminase concentrations are low at this  pigment can accumulate in canaliculi and bile ducts,
             stage due to the lack of functional hepatocytes. Bile acids  producing a grossly yellow to green color (Zimmerman,
             and ammonia are markedly elevated due to loss of hepatic  1999; Plumlee, 2004). Yellow pigment can be seen in
             function. Prognosis for recovery is poor. Physicians resort  hepatocytes and Kupffer cells in the event of canalicular
             to liver transplantation in human patients.        rupture.
                Alcoholic hepatic steatosis, steatohepatitis, fibrosis  Iron in the form of hemosiderin, a yellow-brown pig-
             and cirrhosis represent a sequential progression in alco-  ment, is stored in the liver and can be better visualized
             holic liver disease. Investigations of animals dosed with  using Pearl’s Prussian blue (Plumlee, 2004). Copper is
             ethanol for one to several months have shown that the  yellow-brown and is visualized using rhodanese. Newly
             mechanisms of liver injury are numerous, indicating a  regenerated hepatocytes may not have had time to accu-
             complex, multifactorial pathogenesis for alcoholic liver  mulate copper, thus showing less pigment.
             disease, as seen in Fig. 15.2 (Lieber, 1994). The roles of  Lipofuscin can be present as a yellow-brown pigment
             CYP2E1, fatty acid metabolism, oxidative damage, endo-  within hepatocytic lysosomes and is a senile change,
             toxin, Kupffer cell and neutrophil infiltration have been  resulting from the inability of cells to break down old and
             extensively investigated (Di Luzio, 1966; Bardag-Gorce  damaged cytosolic organelles (Plumlee, 2004). Melanin
             et al., 2000; Kono et al., 2000; Hoek and Pastorino,  can also be present in hepatocytes, Kupffer cells, and the
             2002). Progression of liver disease correlates well with  portal connective tissue, particularly in reptiles, without
             the dose of ethanol consumed daily and the duration of  any disease or toxic insults. Differentiation of pigments
             alcohol consumption. Females are more sensitive than  can be difficult histologically without the use of histo-
             males and experience a higher incidence of liver injury  chemistries and special stains.
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