Page 278 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Liver Toxicity Chapter | 15  245  methyl groups derived from methionine, and amino acids  cats, as noted above, affecting their ability to detoxify
                                                                numerous compounds including acetaminophen (Court
             such as glycine and cysteine. These groups enhance water
                                                                and Greenblatt, 1997; Brown, 2001). The Gunn rat, a
             solubility to allow for renal or biliary excretion of the
             metabolite. Disruption of phase II reactions allows accu-  mutant strain of the Wistar rat, is also deficient in UDP-
             mulation of reactive phase I metabolites (Sturgill and  glucuronosyltransferase enzyme. Ferrets also have less
             Lambert, 1997).                                    capability to glucuronidate (Court, 2001). Swine have
                Glucuronidation is the most common phase II reaction  reduced sulfate conjugation abilities (Brown, 2001). Dogs
             in humans, though it is deficient in the neonate (Sturgill  do not have the ability to acetylate aromatic groups,
             and Lambert, 1997; Brown, 2001; Pineiro-Carrero and  which may interfere with their ability to metabolize sul-
             Pineiro, 2004), and, of considerable veterinary impor-  fonamide antimicrobials (Brown, 2001; Trepanier, 2004).
             tance, cats, which lack a functional UGA1A6 gene for  Reactive metabolites of phase I metabolism can act as
             glucuronyl transferase (van Beusekom et al., 2015).  free radicals, substances with unpaired electrons. Free
             Substrates with a molecular weight greater than 500, such  radicals generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as
             as steroid hormones, thyroxin, bilirubin, salicylates, acet-  superoxide (O 2 2  ), hydroxyl radicals (  OH), and hydro-
             aminophen and many other drugs are likely to undergo  gen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) through interactions with other
             glucuronide  conjugation.  Glucuronyltransferases  are  molecules. Free radicals reacting with phospholipids of
             microsomal enzymes that catalyze the transfer of glucuro-  the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum membrane
             nide from uridine 5 -diphosphate (UDP). UDP becomes  or mitochondrial membranes cause a self-propagating
             depleted in overdoses of acetaminophen or other drugs  chain reaction leading, eventually, to cell death (Dahm
             that undergo this detoxification pathway. Products of glu-  and Jones, 1996; Watkins, 1999).
             curonide conjugation are excreted in bile or urine. Those  Epoxides and other electrophiles are molecules with
             excreted in bile sometimes undergo hydrolysis in the  electron seeking properties. These form covalent bonds
             intestine, leading to enterohepatic cycling. Phenobarbital  with nucleophilic molecules, e.g., by binding thiol groups
             is an agent that induces glucuronyltransferases.   on proteins (Dahm and Jones, 1996; Watkins, 1999;
                Sulfation is the primary conjugation reaction for ali-  Zimmerman, 1999). Electrophiles produced by phase I
             phatic alcohols and substrates with phenol groups  reactions cause cell death by damage to critical proteins
             (Sturgill and Lambert, 1997; Brown, 2001). These reac-  such as membrane calcium transport proteins. Aflatoxin
             tions are catalyzed by cytoplasmic sulfotransferases.  B 1 binds to guanine residues in the DNA, leading to
             Substrates for sulfate conjugation include acetaminophen,  defects in protein transcription, resulting in carcinogenesis
             morphine, ascorbic acid and endogenous compounds like  or cell death.
             chondroitin, heparin and some steroid hormones. The  Aromatic amines and NSAIDs can form reactive phase II
             pool of available sulfates may become saturated in drug  metabolites, as mentioned previously. Glucuronides of
             overdoses.                                         aromatic amine metabolites, N-hydroxyaromatic amines,
                Drugs with amine and hydrazine groups, such as sulfo-  form highly electrophilic aromatic nitrenium ions that can
             namides, are often conjugated to acetate (Sturgill and  bind to DNA and other macromolecules, leading to urinary
             Lambert, 1997; Brown, 2001). N-acetyltransferase is a  bladder cancer. Several drugs, including NSAIDs, can form
             cytoplasmic enzyme involved in acetylation reactions.  acyl-glucuronides, which are reactive intermediates that bind
                GSH and cysteine have sulfhydryl groups that readily  to proteins to form adducts.
             bind many phase I metabolites (Brown, 2001). GSH, a  In addition to phase I and II biotransformation
             free radical scavenger, prevents membrane damage from  enzymes, studies suggest drug efflux from hepatocytes
             reactive metabolites in spontaneous reactions or with the  using hepatic transporter systems as a means of hepatic
             selenium-dependent GSH peroxidases as a catalyst.  xenobiotic excretion. These are called the phase III trans-
             Because these enzymes are cytosolic, damaged membrane  porter systems. Several transporter families that mediate
             phospholipids must be released by phospholipase A2 for  uptake of chemicals into liver and excretion of chemicals
             detoxification. GSH is also involved in reduction and  from liver into blood and/or bile have been identified.
             recycling of other antioxidants such as vitamins E and C  Generally, the organic anion transporting polypeptide
             (Dahm and Jones, 1996). When oxidized, GSH forms a  family (OATPS), organic cation transporter 1 (OCT1),
             dimer that must be reduced by NADPH-dependent GSH  and organic anion transporter 2 mediate uptake of a large
             reductases. GSH becomes depleted in the fasting or over-  number of xenobiotics from the blood to the liver.
             dosed patient (Dahm and Jones, 1996; Sturgill and  Conversely, multidrug resistance proteins (MDRS), multi-
             Lambert, 1997; Pineiro-Carrero and Pineiro, 2004).  drug resistance-associated proteins (MRPS) and breast
             N-acetylcysteine is used to replenish GSH.         cancer resistance protein (BCRP) mediate efflux of xeno-
                Significant species differences exist in phase II  biotics from liver into bile or blood (Klaassen and Slitt,
             enzymes. UDP-glucuronosyltransferase is deficient in  2005). Similarly to phase I and II enzymes, these
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