Page 322 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Reproductive Toxicity and Endocrine Disruption Chapter | 17  289  testosterone (Evans et al., 2007; Evans and Ganjam,  sexual contact in these species can interfere with the ovu-
                                                                latory process.
             2017). In granulosa cells (reportedly theca interna cells in
             some species), the release of FSH from the anterior pitui-
             tary induces aromatase-mediated conversion of testoster-  Formation and Function of a CL
             one produced in the theca cells into estradiol (Senger,
                                                                Following ovulation, a cascade of endocrine changes
             2003; Evans et al., 2007; Evans and Ganjam, 2017).
                                                                takes place in the female subprimate which facilitates the
             Stimulation of aromatase activity by xenobiotics can have
                                                                transition from sexual receptivity to non-receptivity. Once
             an overall estrogenic effect on exposed animals (increased
                                                                an ovulation occurs, blood concentrations of follicular
             production of estradiol).
                                                                estradiol and inhibin return to their basal levels, and gran-
                                                                ulosa cells continue their growth, differentiation and
             The Effects of Estrogenic Feedback                 increased production and release of progesterone (luteini-
             on the Hypothalamic Pituitary Gonadal Axis         zation) under the influence of LH (Evans et al., 2007).
                                                                The functional ovarian structure which eventually devel-
             Increasing concentrations of estrogens associated with
                                                                ops from each ovulated follicle is a CL, which is com-
             estrus alter the hypothalamic GnRH secretory pattern and
                                                                prised of large and small luteal cells derived from the
             decrease pituitary secretion of FSH, while greatly increas-
                                                                granulosa and theca interna cells (granulosa cells in
             ing the amount of LH produced and released by the ante-
                                                                horses), respectively (Senger, 2003; Evans et al., 2007).
             rior pituitary gland (preovulatory LH surge) (Senger,
                                                                In most species, luteal cells are responsive to LH and pro-
             2003; Evans et al., 2007; Evans and Ganjam, 2017).
                                                                duce progesterone until, shortly before the usual end dies-
             Although inhibin produced by granulosa cells further
                                                                trus in non-pregnant animals, the CL undergoes luteolysis
             decreases FSH secretion, dominant follicles surviving to
                                                                mediated by oxytocin-stimulated production of prosta-
             estrus do not undergo atresia because of an enhanced sen-
                                                                glandins F 2α (PGF 2α )(Ginther, 1992; Senger, 2003;
             sitivity to basal FSH levels (Senger, 2003; Wilker and
                                                                Evans et al., 2007). While luteolysis is an intraovarian
             Ellington, 2006). Xenoestrogens have the potential to
                                                                event in primates, oxytocin-stimulated endometrium pro-
             either imitate or inhibit these estradiol feedback mechan-
                                                                duces the luteolysin (PGF 2α ) in subprimates (Senger,
             isms in sexually mature females, depending on the
                                                                2003; Evans and Ganjam, 2017). Xenobiotics, which can
             amount of estrogenic xenobiotic, the endocrine milieu at
                                                                cause endometritis or mimic the actions of oxytocin or
             the time of the exposure and the relative binding affinity
                                                                PGF 2α (e.g., endotoxin or lipopolysaccharide (LPS)) can
             of the xenobiotic for ERs.
                                                                be associated with premature luteolysis. Conversely, toxi-
                                                                cants with the opposite oxytocin/PGF 2α -related effects
             Ovulation                                          would be expected to disrupt normal reproductive cyclic-
                                                                ity by prolonging the lifespan of the CL and causing a
             The granulosa cells in the one or more dominant estrous
                                                                prolonged diestrus or pseudo-pregnancy (e.g., xenoestro-
             follicles (Graafian follicles) cease to divide shortly prior
                                                                gens in swine).
             to ovulation and undergo further differentiation, with
                                                                  Species of animals can vary in the number of fertile
             increased numbers (up-regulation) of LH receptors which
                                                                ovulations and, therefore, CLs, which are characteristi-
             will be responsive to the estrogen-induced preovulatory
                                                                cally associated with each estrous cycle. Monotocous
             LH surge (Senger, 2003; Evans et al., 2007; Evans and
                                                                mammalian species usually only ovulate a single second-
             Ganjam, 2017). As LH increases, granulosa cells (theca
                                                                ary oocyte each estrous cycle. The ovaries of litter-
             interna cells in some species) continue to convert preg-
                                                                bearing (polytocous) mammals generally develop multiple
             nenolone to progesterone, but estradiol production
                                                                follicles which mature, ovulate and form functional CLs.
             decreases, resulting in a slight preovulatory decline in
             estradiol (Evans et al., 2007; Evans and Ganjam, 2017).
             The preovulatory LH surge is associated with increased  Summary of the Effects of Estrogens and
             follicular pressure, degeneration of theca cells and weak-  Progesterone During the Female Reproductive Cycle
             ening of the follicular wall, completion of the first meiotic  The endocrine changes which occur during the estrous
             division within the oocyte (end of meiotic inhibition  cycle are reflected in behavior and the size, morphology,
             except in dogs and foxes) and, finally, ovulation of a sec-  position and function of the tubular genitalia. Estrogens
             ondary oocyte arrested in metaphase II (Senger, 2003;  have multiple effects on the female reproductive tract
             Evans et al., 2007; Evans and Ganjam, 2017). In felids,  which include: the previously discussed interactions with
             ferrets, mink, camelids and rabbits, the preovulatory LH  the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to alter the pat-
             surge is induced by copulation (intromission or vaginal  terns GnRH and gonadotropin secretion, which govern
             stimulation in most induced ovulators; seminal fluid in  follicular development and ovulation; facilitation of sex-
             camelids). Toxicants which interfere with copulation or  ual receptivity; increased blood flow, genital swelling,
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