Page 333 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 333

300 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  TABLE 17.1 Xenobiotics/Environmental and Physiological Factors that Affect Male Fertility

                                                            Observed Effect(s) on Male
               Metronidazole                                High doses: k sperm number; m abnormal morphology
               Nitrofurantoin                               High doses: k sperm number
               Tetracycline                                 Very high doses: k sperm number; k sperm capacitation; testis atrophy
               Trimethoprim                                 1-month course: k sperm number by 7 88%
               Ketaconazole                                 Decreased testosterone and libido; k sperm number and motility
               Miconazole                                   Interferes with testosterone in male fetus
               Cyclophosphamide                             Decreased sperm number; birth defects in offspring
               Testosterone                                 Decreased sperm number; testicular degeneration
               Anabolic steroids                            Decreased sperm number, motility and morphology
               Trenbolone                                   Increased sperm abnormalities
               Estrogens                                    Decreased sperm number; behavioral feminization
               Phytoestrogens                               Bioaccumulation in cats on soy diets can cause poor fertility
               Zearanol                                     Decreased spermatogenesis
               Acyclovir                                    Dose- and age-dependent testicular degeneration
               Ganciclovir                                  Decreased sperm number and quality
               Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
               Acetazolamide                                Decreased libido and impotence
               Psychoactive drugs
               Buspirone                                    Decreased libido and impotence
               Benzodiazepine tranquilizers                 Impotence and possible ejaculatory dysfunction
               Tricyclic antidepressants                    Decreased libido and erectile dysfunction
               Chlorpheniramine                             In vitro experiments: k sperm motility
               Adrimycin                                    Dose- and age-dependent testicular toxicity
               Cisplatin                                    Decreased sperm number; kgrowth in offspring; pregnancy loss
               Vincristine                                  Decreased sperm number; possible reversibility
               Cytarabine                                   Decreased sperm number
               Gastrointestinal tract drugs
               Cimetidine                                   Decreased sperm number
               Metaclopramide                               Impotence
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