Page 330 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Reproductive Toxicity and Endocrine Disruption Chapter | 17  297  EDCs can also hinder reproductive function in these spe-  and/or continuing environmental exposures to EDCs
                                                                (Milnes et al., 2006).
             cies (Evans, 2011a).

             Endocrine Disruption in Wildlife Species
                                                                Endocrine Disruption in Humans
             There have been many, well-documented instances of
                                                                Based, in part, on the observations of endocrine disruption
             reproductive abnormalities in species of wildlife living in
                                                                in wildlife and ongoing concerns about reproductive dys-
             environments contaminated by industrial and/ or agricul-
                                                                genesis, as well as the effects of embryonic and/or fetal
             tural chemicals (McLachlan, 2001; Hess and Iguchi,
                                                                exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES), the emphasis with
             2002; Jobling and Tyler, 2006; McLachlan et al., 2006).
                                                                respect to endocrine disruption in humans and one of the
             The deleterious reproductive effects of DDT on birds
                                                                bases for the “Theory of Hormone Disrupting Chemicals”
             reported in Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring have been
                                                                (THDC) or the “Environmental Endocrine Hypothesis”
             shown to be the result of eggshell thinning related to
                                                                (Krimsky, 2000, 2001) has been the enhanced effects of
             abnormalities in prostaglandin synthesis induced by the
                                                                prenatal, as compared to postnatal, exposures to suspected
             p,p-DDE metabolite of DDT (Lundholm, 1997; Guillette,
                                                                endocrine disruptors. The embryo and fetus, without a
             2006). Wildlife populations are very likely sentinels for
                                                                developed blood brain barrier and with only rudimentary
             endocrine disruption because of the contamination of the
                                                                DNA repair mechanisms and hepatic detoxifying and
             aquatic habitats in which many of them live and the like-
                                                                metabolizing capabilities, are especially susceptible, as
             lihood that predatory animals will have relatively high
                                                                compared to adults, to the adverse effects of low-level
             exposures to chemicals which bioaccumulate within the
                                                                exposures to xenobiotics (Newbold et al., 2006). In addi-
             environment (Hess and Iguchi, 2002). Lessons learned
                                                                tion, previous discussions in this chapter and other test-
             from instances of endocrine disruption in wildlife species
                                                                books have described the important organizational events
             can be applied to EDC exposures involving humans and
                                                                taking place during gonadal and phenotypic sexual differ-
             domestic animals (Evans, 2017).
                                                                entiation, which are potentially very sensitive to altera-
                                                                tions in the normal endocrine milieu (Evans, 2017).
             “Androgenic” and “Estrogenic” Effects                Although still controversial, there is a growing body
             of EDCs on Wildlife Species                        of evidence to support the observation that sperm counts
             Prenatal and postnatal exposures to androgenic and estro-  in men within some industrialized regions of the world
             genic environmental contaminants, as well as chemicals  have been decreasing over the last several decades (Swan
             classified as having the opposite phenotypic effects, have  et al., 2000; Skakkebæk et al., 2006; Jørgensen et al.,
             been associated with various reproductive abnormalities  2006a). In conjunction with these alterations in sperm
             in wildlife. Effluents from pulp and paper mills, as well  numbers within ejaculates, there appears to have been a
             as runoff from cattle feedlots where the synthetic andro-  concurrent increase in developmental abnormalities
             gen trenbolone was used for growth promotion, have  within the male reproductive tract consistent with TDS
             been shown to be androgenic and capable of masculiniz-  (Skakkebæk et al., 2001). Similar to what has been
             ing female fish (Orlando et al., 2004; Gray et al., 2006).  observed in xenobiotic-exposed wildlife, reproductive
             “Androgenization” or a state of indeterminate sexual  dysgenesis in human males (i.e., TDS) is associated with
             development encompassing both feminization and demas-  a suite of clinical abnormalities which include reduced
             culinization in males has been observed in populations of  semen quality, cryptorchidism, hypospadias, decreased
             fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals and is  anogenital distance and testicular cancer (Skakkebæk
             thought to be similar to the testicular dysgenesis syn-  et al., 2001; Edwards et al., 2006). Failure of Sertoli cell
             drome described in humans (Edwards et al., 2006). Adult  proliferation and functional maturation within the seminif-
             and immature amphibians exposed to the herbicide atra-  erous tubules has been one mechanism proposed for the
             zine, which has been associated with increased aromatase  pathogenesis of TDS (Sharpe et al., 2003). The findings
             activity in a number of species, have been reported to  of a recently completely epidemiological study have sug-
             exhibit various manifestations of feminization (Hayes  gested a relationship between decreased anogenital dis-
             et al., 2006). Hatchling, juvenile and adult male alligators  tance and prenatal phthalate exposure in male infants
             (Alligator mississippiensis), originating from a Florida  (Swan et al., 2005), and a possible rodent model for
             lake previously contaminated with DDT and other persis-  human TDS has been developed using prenatal exposure
             tent, bioaccumulated pesticides, as well as ethylene  to dibutyl phthalate [di (n-butyl) phthalate] (Fisher et al.,
             dibromide and DBCP, have demonstrated varying pat-  2003; Mahood et al., 2005, 2006).
             terns of androgynization, including phallic malforma-  In addition to phthalates, which are used as plastici-
             tions, which are thought to result from ovo exposure of  zers, a number of other widely used agricultural and
             maternal origin, as well as post-embryonic modifications  industrial chemicals have been associated with adverse
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