Page 703 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 703

668 SECTION | IX Gases, Solvents and Other Industrial Toxicants  Experimental Studies on Hydrogen Sulfide         439 ppm H 2 S for 4 h. Rats exposed to 439 ppm H 2 S
                                                                showed perivascular and pulmonary edema 1 h postexpo-
             Hydrogen sulfide is a toxic gas. It also has been shown to
                                                                sure. The edema cleared postexposure at hour 18. The
             be produced endogenously at micromolar levels in all
                                                                olfactory epithelium is considered a sensitive target for
             organ systems and performs regulatory functions in cell
                                                                H 2 S(Lopez et al., 1988b; Dorman et al., 2004). Ciliated
             cycles, apoptosis, is important in reducing oxidative stress
                                                                cells in the nasal passages, trachea, and bronchi are also
             and functions as a gasotransmitter (Olas, 2015). Toxicity
                                                                sensitive targets for airborne irritants including H 2 S and
             studies on H 2 S have shown that it has a steep dose
                                                                SO 2 . Ciliated cells transport mucus or foreign particulate
             response curve, is an irritating gas and uncouples mito-
                                                                matter from the lower respiratory tract toward the pharynx
             chondrial electron transport at the cytochrome c oxidase
                                                                where it is swallowed, and from the nasal passages to exit
             target (Khan et al., 1990; Haouzi et al., 2016). There is evi-
                                                                at the nares.
             dence to suggest that H 2 S interactions with cysteine can be
             an important factor in acute H 2 S poisoning. Exposure to
             high level of H 2 S causes abolishment of cardiac contrac-  Exposure to Environmental Sulfur
             tions while rhythmic contractions persist. Hydrogen sulfide
                                                                Sulfur removed from sour petroleum can be stored in
             poisoning inhibits L-type calcium channels and the effects
                                                                large stockpiles. The impact of elemental sulfur on cattle,
             on the heart mimic poisoning by calcium channel blockers.
                                                                especially to producers near sulfur stockpiles, is a concern
                Goats were essentially continuously exposed to H 2 S
                                                                to cattle producers. A study was done on the impact in
             during a 96-h interval in an exposure-hood delivery system
                                                                cattle of fugitive sulfur and other pollution from sulfur
             (Hayes, 1972). The exposure hood sealed around the head
                                                                mines in Poland (Janowski and Chmielowiec, 1981). The
             and neck and the animals could eat and drink. Exposure
                                                                principal pollutants were sulfur dust, sulfur gases, SO 2 ,
             concentrations of H 2 S were 0.0 ppm, four goats; 10 ppm,
                                                                and sulfur hydride. Fifty-five cattle within 1 km of the
             four goats; 50 ppm, four goats; and 100 ppm, five goats.
                                                                mine were evaluated during the summer months on pas-
             Goats exposed to 50 or 100 ppm H 2 S trembled during
                                                                ture, and during the winter months when the cattle were
             physical activity. At 50 ppm of exposure, epiphora
                                                                predominantly stabled. The control group of 27 cattle was
             occurred 24 h after exposure, and persisted for the remain-
                                                                kept in an area that was free of sulfur pollution, 20 km
             der of the exposure interval. Epiphora also occurred with
                                                                from the mine. Clinical findings in the polluted area
             exposure to 100 ppm H 2 S, and ocular injury was visible
                                                                were: decreased occurrences of infestation with external
             following 24 48 h of exposure. Corneal opacities, consid-
                                                                parasites  and  mycotic  skin  infections  (ringworm),
             ered to be reversible, caused partial loss of vision. There
                                                                increased body temperature, heart and respiratory rates,
             was an inverse relationship between exposure levels and
                                                                and decreased excitement response to pain. Other findings
             the decrease intake of feed and water. Plasma concentra-
                                                                were abnormal eyes (90.4%), respiratory disease (94.2%),
             tions of cortisol were increased 48% and 55% in the 50
                                                                and digestive disorders (21.1%). Clinical findings in the
             and 100 ppm groups, respectively. Respiratory and heart
                                                                eye were epiphora, erythema of the conjunctiva, and
             rates, and blood pressure were recorded each day at 08:00,
                                                                edema of the eyelids. Abnormal findings of the respira-
             10:00, 13:00 and 16:00 h. These data suggest that initial
                                                                tory system included dyspnea, coughing, mucopurulent
             exposure to H 2 S at the 10 and 20 ppm levels caused a
                                                                nasal discharge,  and abnormal pulmonary sounds.
             decrease in respiratory rate on day 1 of exposure. The 0.0
                                                                Digestive disorders included abnormal ruminal motility
             and 10 ppm treatment groups were not different for respi-
                                                                and diarrhea. Cattle were healthier when kept indoors.
             ratory rate; exposure to 50 ppm significantly decreased
                                                                Cattle in areas polluted with sulfur, as compared to con-
             respiration from 19.8 respirations/min on exposure day
                                                                trols, had a decreased burden of parasites in the digestive
             2 16.5 respirations/min on day 3; goats exposed to
                                                                tract. Pathological findings in the sulfur-exposed cattle
             100 ppm had a significant decrease in respiratory rate on
                                                                were: the respiratory tract contained gray-yellow tinged
             the last 2 days of exposure. Exposure to H 2 S did not sig-
                                                                mucus, inflammation of the trachea, thinning of cellular
             nificantly alter heart rate, blood pressure, or rectal temper-
                                                                layers in the bronchi, almost to the point of squamous
             ature; however, there was a trend for rectal temperature to
                                                                metaplasia, and interstitial inflammation. The authors
             increase during the exposure period.
                                                                concluded that sulfur pollution produces intoxication in
                                                                the form of a chronic disease.
             Pathology of Hydrogen Sulfide
                                                                Toxicology of Sulfur Dioxide in Cattle
             Detailed reports on the pathology of H 2 S and sour gas in
             livestock do not appear to exist in the scientific literature.  Inhalation studies (head-only exposure) on SO 2 in cattle
             There are reports on the toxicopathology of H 2 S in other  showed that SO 2 adversely affects the immune system
             species. Lopez et al. (1988a) exposed rats to 0, 83, and  and metabolism, and cold ambient temperature modulates
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