Page 705 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 705

670 SECTION | IX Gases, Solvents and Other Industrial Toxicants  chronic pneumonia, chronic intestinal disease, mycotoxi-  WISSA, 2006). Static monitors were used to determine
                                                                predominantly monthly averages of selected emissions
             cosis and others. Temporal connection to petroleum
                                                                from oil and gas field operations, including sour gas
             sources such as crude oil and previous acute cases is
             important in the differentiation. The possible role of  plants, gas gathering plants, and batteries (Burstyn et al.,
             adverse effects of petroleum compounds on the immune  2007). Assessing exposure parameters for pollutants that
             system increasing susceptibility to infectious disease fur-  are complex chemical mixtures over a wide area is diffi-
             ther complicates the situation. Decreased reproductive  cult. A substantial portion of the variability in analytical
             performance may have multiple causes. The time delay  values occurred in sampling and analytical techniques.
             often present between exposure and clinical signs makes  Distance from the wells rapidly decreases the concentra-
             diagnosis very difficult, if not impossible. Abortions that  tions of H 2 S, and the number of sour gas wells increases
             result during an acute toxic episode are the easiest to  the expected concentration of H 2 S. Including flaring and
             associate with the exposure incident. The potential hor-  sourness (sulfur content) of the wells improved the model
             monal disruption from chemicals that disturb the endo-  fit. The primary predictor of SO 2 was the distance of the
             crine hormone system relating to conception and    sampler to gas processing plants. The results suggest that
             pregnancy may not be possible to determine days or  SO 2 levels peaked during December to March. There was
             weeks after the exposure.                          poor correlation between the logarithms of H 2 S and SO 2 ,
                                                                suggesting that SO 2 levels are not a good predictor for
                                                                H 2 S levels. Sampling equipment was operating close to
                                                                the lower range of sensitivity.
             Scott and colleagues used licensed SO 2 emissions from  The positive associations with exposure to oil and gas
             sour gas plants to estimate the exposure of cattle to air  field pollutants that have been reported are given (Waldner,
             emissions from oil and gas fields (Scott et al., 2003a d).  2008a d; Waldner and Clark, 2009; Waldner and Stryhn,
             Using Alberta Agriculture extension survey data for beef  2008; Waldner et al., 2010). Calving interval in mature
             cattle, these authors found that there was no association  cows exposed to greater than 0.236 μgbenzene/m was
             for annual risk of culling, calf crop delivered, stillbirth,  estimated to increase by 3 days compared to that of mature
             twinning, mortality, and calf crop weaned and estimated  cows exposed to less than 0.236 μgbenzene/m . Exposure
             exposures to SO 2 . For dairy herds using Dairy Herd  to SO 2 at the time of calving also increased the risk of calf
             Improvement data, there was no association with time to  mortality. Exposure to SO 2 ,H 2 S, and volatile organic com-
             culling and no association for annual culling risks and  pounds measured as benzene or toluene was associated
             mortality. There was a small risk for increased calving  with a minor increased likelihood of calf treatment after the
             interval with high estimated exposure levels. Geographic  first month of life. There was a linear relationship between
             area was interactive, suggesting the effect of emissions is  H 2 S exposure and the risk of treatment. The proximity to
             subject to modification by soil type, vegetation, and cli-  sour gas flares was not examined. In calves that died,
             mate. A study was done in the high density petroleum  increasing postnatal exposures to benzene and toluene were
             production and cow-calf area of Alberta (Waldner et al.,  associated with increased odds of respiratory lesions in
             2001a,b). Seven beef herds were nonrandomly selected  calves older than 3 weeks. Increasing prenatal exposure to
             for study, and herds with health problems previously iden-  SO 2 increased the odds of lesions in skeletal muscle or
             tified with oil and gas field pollution were not included in  myocardium. The odds were higher in calves exposed to
             the study. Associations were identified for exposure to  levels greater than 9 ppb SO 2 . Thyroid lesions of several
             unaudited industry reported oil and gas field pollution and  types, including hypoplasia and lack of colloid, necrosis
             increased calving interval, increased calf mortality,  and degeneration, and hyperplasia, were recorded in calves
             decreased cow productivity, and increased risk of still-  aborted, stillborn and calves dying postnatally. Changes
             birth. Lead dioxide-impregnated gauze in Petri plates and  were most common in stillborn calves and least in calves
             filter paper impregnated with zinc acetate were used as  born alive. Calves with thyroid lesions often had other
             static monitors to measure SO 2 and H 2 S, respectively.  pathology as well.
             These static monitors were assayed every 30 days for sul-  Immune parameters in yearling cattle from 22 herds
             fate and sulfide. Total sulfation increased the risk of odds  were examined for effects of ambient PM 1.0 and selected
             of nonpregnancy and increased the risk of twinning.  PAHs. Immune parameters were peripherally circulating
             Increased H 2 S increased the calving-to-calving interval  B  lymphocytes  and  CD4,  CD8,  γδ,  and  WC1
             and increased the risk of nonpregnancy and abortion. The  T-lymphocyte subtypes (Bechtel et al., 2009a). The anti-
             relationship between nonaudited industrial reported emis-  body response to rabies vaccine was also evaluated. No
             sions and total sulfation was not reported.        associations between PM 1.0 and selected PAHs were dem-
                A large epidemiologic study was done on the effects  onstrated in the epidemiologic models employed. In
             of oil and gas pollution in beef cattle (Waldner, 2008a d;  another model, in which exposures to SO 2 ,H 2 S, benzene,
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