Page 717 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 717

682 SECTION | IX Gases, Solvents and Other Industrial Toxicants  been reported, suggesting complex interaction between  first trimester of pregnancy (Hisada et al., 2014). Several
                Hypothyroid and hyperthyroid actions of PCBs have
                                                                other studies showed no changes in TSH even though free
             PCBs and the thyroid axis. For example, low-chlorinated
                                                                and total T4 and T3 concentrations were suppressed
             PCB exposure during late gestation and lactation may sig-  (Morse et al., 1996; Khan et al., 2002). The varied out-
             nificantly decrease total triiodothyronine (T3) levels in 3-  comes of these studies is likely due to differences in the
             week-old children (Darnerud et al., 2010). In contrast,  PCB mixtures and doses used, length and time of expo-
             exaggerated circulating T3 has been shown in adolescent  sure, and gender differences. It is unclear if altered TSH
             children belonging to baby-mother pairs to be associated  levels resulting after PCB exposure is due, in part, to a
             with high body burdens of dioxin like-PCBs in the  reduction of neuroendocrine stimulation by TRH, or from
             Netherlands from 1987 to 1991 (Leijs et al., 2012). The  an increase in the peripheral metabolism of THs through
             latter finding suggests that developmental effects of PCBs  induction of hepatic microsomal enzymes or by other
             on thyroid function may continue to impact physiology in  mechanisms.
             adolescence. Studies on experimental animals suggest that  PCBs appear to have direct agonist action on TH
             inhibitory and stimulatory actions of PCBs arise due to  receptors. Gestational exposure to Aroclor 1254 (1 and
             reduction in circulating thyroid hormone (TH) levels,  4 mg/kg/day) produced stimulatory actions on TH-
             reducing pituitary sensitivity to thyrotropin-releasing hor-  responsive genes (RC3/neurogranin, Oct-1) in the fetal
             mone (TRH) and/or TH receptor agonism, respectively  cortex of GD 16 rat embryos (Gauger et al., 2004). These
             (Bansal and Zoeller, 2008).                        effects are contradictory to those seen in exposed preg-
                PCBs share a striking structural similarity with THs,  nant dams (reduced T3 and T4), suggesting that PCBs can
             making it likely that PCBs interfere with biosynthesis  have direct stimulatory actions on the fetus aside from
             and metabolism, transport of THs, and/or action at TH  inhibitory actions produced via maternal hypothyroidism.
             receptors. Chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as PCBs,   Exposure to PCBs and related compounds causes a
             result in T3 reduction and a compensatory increase in  reduction in THs in developing and adult animals
             thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) secretion, as well as  (Kodavanti et al., 1998; Kodavanti and Curras-Collazo,
             thyroid hypertrophy and increased incidence of tumors  2010). Several mechanisms have been summarized
             (Capen, 1994). In contrast, acute oral exposure of adult  (Kashiwagi et al., 2009; Kodavanti and Loganathan,
             male Sprague-Dawley rats to PCB 126 (75 and 275 μg/kg  2014) to explain how PCBs and related chemicals alter
             body weight) increased serum TSH and reduced serum  thyroid function. Since these chemicals are structurally
             thyroxine  (T4)  and  T3  (Fisher  et  al.,  2006).  similar to THs, PCBs, especially those that are nondioxin-
             Administration of 2,3,6,2 ,5 -pentachlorinated biphenyl  like bind to transthyretin (TTR) and displace T4
             (PCB 95; 32 mg/kg/day, i.p) to early-weaned male rats on  (Chauhan et al., 2000). This free T4 in serum is subjected
             PND 15 and 16 reduced serum concentrations of T4, T3  to hepatic metabolism and elimination. PCBs that are
             and increased serum concentration of TSH at PND 17 and  bound to TTR will be transported to the target sites,
             18 compared to controls. This negative correlation  where it can bind to TH receptors to elicit a physiological
             between organohalogens and serum T4 has also been  response. Dioxin-like PCBs act through the AhR. These
             demonstrated in a North American human cohort (Makey  PCBs can bind to the AhR in the liver and induce hepatic
             et al., 2016b). This hypothyroid state was correlated with  uridine diphosphate glucuronyl transferases, leading to
             higher serum concentrations of leptin, adiponectin, and  biliary excretion and elimination of T4. Consistent with
             lower serum concentrations of insulin compared with  these multiple modes of action of PCBs on the thyroid
             the control group, pointing to a possible link between  axis and the importance of thyroid status during
             PCB-induced hypothyroidism and metabolic disease   neural development, functional studies have also demon-
             (Ahmed, 2013).                                     strated delayed hippocampal and cerebellar development
                Fetal and neonatal neurons express TH receptors  and altered dendritogenesis after neonatal exposure to
             before the fetal thyroid is functional, suggesting a role for  Aroclor 1254 (Lein et al., 2007; Royland et al., 2008;
             maternal THs. An important question is whether develop-  Yang et al., 2008). Disruption of dendritic growth by
             mental exposure to PCBs interferes with TH signaling  PCBs could explain, in part, the impairment in learning
             indirectly by producing maternal hypothyroidism or  and memory after perinatal exposure (Yang et al., 2008;
             directly by disrupting the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid  Parent et al., 2011).
             axis (HPT) of the offspring. Nevertheless, maternal expo-
             sure to PCBs is associated with lower TSH during preg-
                                                                Neurobehavioral Effects
             nancy, warning of adverse consequences for maternal
             health and fetal development (Lv et al., 2015). In the case  In humans as well as wildlife, laboratory along with epi-
             of hydroxylated PCB isomers, neonatal TSH has been  demiological studies have shown that exposure to TCDD-
             positively associated with maternal exposure during the  like compounds can impair cognitive functions, motor
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