Page 716 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 716

PCBs, PBBs, Dioxin, PCDDs Chapter | 51  681  mink, and monkey. The time period during which expo-  clefting; thus, the urinary tract is more sensitive to TCDD
                                                                than is the secondary palate (Birnbaum et al., 1989;
             sure of the embryo/fetus to TCDD occurs is just as impor-
                                                                Couture et al., 1990). In addition, while palatal sensitivity
             tant as the dose of TCDD administered in terms of
             prenatal mortality. In most laboratory mammals, gesta-  to TCDD increases with gestational age at days 6 12 in
             tional exposure to TCDD produces a characteristic pattern  the C57BL/6N mouse, the urinary tract appears to be
             of fetotoxic responses that consist of thymic hypoplasia,  equally sensitive throughout the major period of organo-
             subcutaneous edema, decreased fetal growth, and prenatal  genesis (Couture et al., 1990).
             mortality, as well as other effects of TCDD that are  Cleft palate in mice has been studied extensively
             highly species-specific. In the mouse, hydronephrosis is  (Abbott and Birnbaum, 1991; Abbott et al., 1992;
             the sensitive sign of prenatal toxicity, followed by cleft  Moriguchi et al., 2003). TCDD-exposed murine palatal
             palate formation and atrophy of the thymus at higher  shelves grow and make contact, but the subsequent pro-
             doses, and by subcutaneous edema and mortality at mater-  cess of epithelial-to-mesenchyme transformation does not
             nally toxic doses. In the rat, TCDD prenatal toxicity is  occur. Therefore, a cleft is formed as the palatal shelves
             characterized by intestinal hemorrhage, subcutaneous  continue to grow without fusing (Bock and Ko ¨hle, 2006).
             edema, decreased fetal growth, and mortality. Structural  Human embryonic palatal shelves are similarly affected,
             abnormalities occur in the rat only at relatively large  but at a much higher TCDD concentration (Abbott and
             doses. In the hamster fetus, hydronephrosis and renal  Birnbaum, 1991). The observation that humans are less
             congestion are the most sensitive effects, followed by  sensitive than mice is supported by studies with AhR-
             subcutaneous edema and mortality. In the rabbit, an  transgenic “humanized” mice (Moriguchi et al., 2003).
             increased incidence of extra ribs and prenatal mortality is
             found, whereas in the guinea pig and rhesus monkey, pre-  Neuroendocrine Effects
             natal mortality is seen (Dickson and Buzik, 1993;
             Peterson et al., 1993).                            PCBs are the most studied class of endocrine-disrupting
                Studies characterizing the developmental cardiovascular  chemicals, yet the neuroendocrine effects of PCBs have
             toxicity of TCDD in mammalian species have focused on  not enjoyed the same attention. The reproductive and thy-
             mice. Since fetal exposure to TCDD in mice does not  roid axes are organized with hierarchical control at hypo-
             cause overt toxicity and mortality when exposure occurs  thalamic, pituitary, and organ levels. Neuroendocrine
             after the fusion of the palate, studies assessing the develop-  systems within the hypothalamus depend on a relatively
             mental effects of TCDD on the heart have conducted expo-  more porous blood brain barrier at the hypothalamic-
             sures  on  GD  14.5,  a  developmental  window  of  pituitary interface, and are subject to negative feedback
             cardiomyocyte proliferation (Kopf and Walker, 2009).  from peripheral hormones. Therefore, it is likely that PCBs
             Fetal heart-to-body weight ratio is decreased on GD 17.5,  produce part of their actions via neuroendocrine disruption.
             with a reduction in myocyte proliferation. This decreased  Early-life PCB exposure results in long-term changes in
             heart-to-body weight ratio persisted, with a trend in PND 7  reproductive capacity. There is mounting evidence that
             pups. However, PND 21 pups from TCDD-treated litters  PCBs impact reproductive function via neurotoxic actions
             exhibited a significant increase in heart-to-body weight  on multiple aspects of hypothalamic neuroendocrine cir-
             ratios, decreased basal heart rate, and a concomitant  cuitry. In combination, the evidence suggests that neuro-
             increase in mRNA expression of atrial natriuretic factor, an  transmitters,  neurotrophic  factors,  steroid  hormone
             indicator of cardiac stress and hypertrophy (Thackaberry  receptors, and metabolic factors involved in the control of
             et al., 2005; Kopf and Walker, 2009). Expression of extra-  gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) activity are
             cellular matrix remodeling and cardiac hypertrophy genes  altered by PCB exposure (Bell, 2014).
             were dysregulated in both fetal (GD 17.5) and adult  PCBs can increase the responsiveness of the pituitary
             (3 months) hearts, suggestive of cardiac remodeling that  gland to GnRH in female sheep. In utero and lactational
             persists into adulthood. Additionally, adult mice exposed  exposure to PCB 153 can significantly enhance LH secre-
             to TCDD in utero had increased left ventricle weight,  tion induced by GnRH in PND60 offspring (Kraugerud
             mild hydronephrosis, and decreased plasma volume   et al., 2012). These effects may result from interactions
             (Aragon et al., 2008).                             with developmental processes, with adult functions, or a
                The teratogenic responses induced by TCDD-like che-  combination of both. Estrogenic PCBs can also suppress
             micals are species- and strain-specific. The induction of  LH levels on proestrus, the day of the preovulatory
             terata is one of the most sensitive indicators of TCDD  GnRH/gonadotropin surge in F2 female Sprague-Dawley
             toxicity in mice, as hydronephrosis and cleft palate are  rats. These profound transgenerational effects of PCBs on
             induced at doses below those resulting in either maternal  the reproductive axis of female rats may represent epige-
             or  embryo/fetal  toxicity  (Couture  et  al.,  1990).  netic reprogramming actions of their estrogenic activity
             Hydronephrosis is induced in the absence of palatal  (Steinberg et al., 2008).
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