Page 718 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 718

PCBs, PBBs, Dioxin, PCDDs Chapter | 51  683  development, as well as gender-related behavior (Schantz  cell. The chaperone proteins are two molecules of hsp90
                                                                (a heat shock protein of 90 kDa): the X-associated protein
             et al., 2003). Furthermore, these studies have indicated
                                                                2 (XAP2) and p23 (a co-chaperone protein of 23 kDa).
             that the behavioral effects associated with PCB exposure
             appear to be species-independent, and that the most sus-  When TCDD or another ligand diffuses across the plasma
             ceptible period of exposure is during development and  membrane and binds to the AhR, the ligand AhR complex
             nursing. In several studies conducted in Michigan and  undergoes a conformational change that exposes a nuclear
             North Carolina, there were correlations between the PCB  localization sequence (Fig. 51.2). The complex translo-
             exposure levels in mothers who consumed fish contami-  cates into the nucleus of the cell and the chaperone pro-
             nated with PCBs and impairment of their children in  teins dissociate from the complex. The AhR ligand then
             terms of behavioral test performance and display of fine  binds to the bHLH-PAS nuclear protein, AhR nuclear
             motor skills (Jacobson and Jacobson, 1996; Stewart et al.,  translocator or ARNT. The formation of this heterodimer
             2000, 2008). However, unlike their children, the mothers  initiates conversion of the complex into a form that binds
             exhibited no effects of the exposure. Similar signs have  to DNA with high affinity on a specific recognition site
             been observed in children exposed to PCBs in the Faroe  called the dioxin responsive element (DRE). Binding of
             Islands, Germany, and the Netherlands, where in nearly  the ligand AhR ARNT complex to the DRE stimulates
             all cases there was a negative correlation between PCB  transcription  of  genes  encoding  cytochrome  P450
             exposure and cognition in children (Schantz et al., 2003).  enzymes in the CYP1A1 (Cytochrome P450, family 1,
                Several epidemiological studies have indicated that  member A1) subfamily and other AhR-responsive genes
             exposure to PCBs can contribute to hyperactivity, and  that are located upstream of the DRE (Denison and Nagy,
             may contribute to the prevalence of attention deficit  2003). Continuous and inappropriate modulation of gene
             hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in humans (Bowman    expression is thought to be responsible for a series of bio-
             et al., 1981; Rice, 2000; Hardell et al., 2002). Exposure to  chemical and cellular changes that result in toxicity char-
             PCBs during brain development has been shown to    acteristic of TCDD and related chemicals (Mandal, 2005).
             increase activity levels in rats and mice, indicating that
             PCB exposure could potentially lead to ADHD-like symp-
             toms (Eriksson and Fredriksson, 1998; Berger et al.,  Nondioxin-like Chemicals
             2001; Branchi et al., 2005).                       The disruption of Ca -homeostasis may have a signifi-
                                                                cant effect on other signal transduction pathways (e.g.,
                                                                inositol phosphate (IP) and arachidonic acid (AA) second
             Mechanism of Action                                messengers) regulated or modulated by Ca . The ortho-
                                                                substituted PCB, 2,2 -dichlorobiphenyl (DCBP), but not
             Dioxin-like Chemicals                              the non-ortho-substituted PCB, 3,3 ,4,4 ,5-pentachlorobi-
             The AhR is a ligand-activated transcription factor that is  phenyl (PCBP), affected basal and carbachol (CB)-stimu-
             involved in the regulation of a number of genes, including  lated IP accumulation in cerebellar granule cells
             those for enzymes that play a role in the metabolism of  (Kodavanti et al., 1994). AA is released intracellularly
             xenobiotics as well as genes involved in cell growth regu-  following activation of membrane phospholipases, and
             lation and differentiation (Safe, 1994; Denison and Nagy,  AA is an important second messenger in releasing Ca
             2003; Mandal, 2005; Kodavanti and Loganathan, 2014).  from endoplasmic reticulum (Striggow and Ehrlich,
             The AhR plays an important role in the altered gene  1997). Aroclor 1254 and noncoplanar PCB congener
             expression and species- and tissue-specific toxicity result-  increased [ H]-AA release in cerebellar granule cells
             ing from exposure to specific PCB congeners and PCDD  while coplanar PCB did not (Kodavanti and Derr-Yellin,
             and PCDF isomers. The toxicity of individual isomers  1999); this is in agreement with previous structure-
             and congeners is closely related to the affinity with which  activity relationship (SAR) studies on Ca 21  buffering and
             these compounds bind to the AhR, with the most toxic  protein kinase C (PKC) translocation (Kodavanti and
             compounds being those that bind with the greatest affinity  Tilson, 1997). A similar increase in [ H]-AA was
             (Okey et al., 1994). There are large species and strain dif-  observed with structurally similar chemicals such as
             ferences in sensitivity to TCDD and related chemicals.  PBDE mixtures (Kodavanti and Derr-Yellin, 2002).
             Mouse and rat strain differences in sensitivity to TCDD  One  of  the  downstream  effects  of  perturbed
             can be partially explained by differences in the ligand-  Ca -homeostasis is translocation of PKC from the cyto-
             binding affinity of their polymorphic AhR variants.  sol to the membrane, where it is activated (Trilivas and
                The AhR is a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) and Per-  Brown, 1989). [3H]-Phorbol ester ([ H]-PDBu) binding
             Arnt-Sim (PAS)-containing transcription factor (Denison  has been used as an indicator of PKC translocation. The
             and Nagy, 2003). In the absence of a ligand, AhR occurs  noncoplanar PCB congener increased [ H]-PDBu binding
             as a soluble multiprotein complex in the cytosol of the  in a concentration-dependent manner in cerebellar granule
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