Page 256 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
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252  SECTION II  III  The Mammals

                                                                               Figure 21-22  •  Veterinarian closely observes guinea pig
                                                                               that has been described as being lame by its owner.

                    dislocation, they usually produce little more than a   some respects resembles the radiographic appearance

                    nonspecific localized or regional swelling. In the case   of chondromatosis that often affects the stifles of older
                    of a moderate  (second-degree) or severe  (third-degree)   cats.
                    sprain, it may be possible to palpate a dislocation, but
                    this usually requires a strong analgesic or sedative to   Infection
                    examine the animal humanely.
                       I have identified by ultrasound an intramuscular   Hematogenous infections, most of which are pre-

                    hematoma causing a compartment syndrome in a         sumed, typically occur in immature and young adult
                    young puppy that had sustained a severe crush injury.   guinea pigs, usually in the peripheral appendicular
                    This injury is yet another means by which a non–     joints. Less frequently, infections, including abscesses,
                    weight-bearing lameness might occur in a traumatized   occur in the cranial mediastinum, lung, peritoneal
                    guinea pig and then identified without radiographic   cavity, and individual organs, including the liver and

                    evidence of injury.                                  stomach.
                                                                           Although these infections begin by causing one or
                                                                         more swollen joints (in the case of skeletal lesions) and
                                                                         thus can be recognized radiographically as being
                    Traumatic Osteoarthritis.  Osteoarthritis in guinea   intraarticular, they soon spill into the extraarticular
                    pigs, or any of the small mammalian cage pets, is often   tissues, masking the initial nidus. Because the perios-
                    the result of a previous injury, particularly articular   teum covering the tarsal (and carpal) bones is the rela-
                    fractures and serious sprain injuries that are associated   tively primitive fibrous type, it is slow to react; for

                    with dislocation. Proximal femoral growth plate frac-  example, it takes a month or more in most in-
                    tures are notorious in this regard, with some chronic   stances, unlike the periosteum covering the long bones,
                    injuries so radically changing the appearance of the   which typically responds in a few days after being
                    joint that it becomes nearly unrecognizable (Figure   stimulated.
                    21-23).                                                Thus, if interior bone destruction is seen, especially
                                                                         when accompanied by one or more widened cartilage
                    Nontraumatic Osteoarthritis.  Guinea pigs can also   spaces, the infection probably did not begin recently
                    develop osteoarthritis for which there is no obvious   (Figure 21-26). An exception to this is some types of
                    explanation. The stifle seems particularly prone to this   penetrating wound in which the bone or joint has been

                    type of disease (Figures 21-24 and 21-25), which in   inoculated directly by one or more bacteria.

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