Page 113 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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92    PART I    The Biology and Pathogenesis of Cancer

         Environmental Exposures                                  Exposure misclassification is a primary limitation of using geo-
         The identification of environmental exposures that are related to   graphic proximity as a marker of exposure to an industrial or waste
                                                               site because it may or may not be a good proxy for individual-
         canine cancer risk have a broad public health interest, given the  shared environments of companion animals and their owners,   level exposure. For example, a validation study would need to be
                                                               conducted that provides information on whether dogs that live
         and they have similar etiology of some cancers.  In a compre-
         hensive review, a historic perspective is provided on how stud-  close to an industrial site are necessarily exposed at higher levels to
         ies in pet populations have informed human health with respect   environmental hazards compared with dogs that live further from
         to the specific exposures of air pollution, environmental tobacco   the site. Misclassification of exposure that does not differ by dis-
         smoke (ETS), and pesticides.  The shared etiologic characteristics   ease status (e.g., nondifferential misclassification) typically results
         of cancers such as lymphoma, OSA, and mammary cancer also   in an underestimate of the exposure–cancer association, although
         support the utility of looking to both pet and human populations   there are situations when the observed association results in an
         to investigate environmental–cancer associations. 51  overestimate of the true association. 70,71  
            There is experimental evidence for an underlying biologic
         mechanism  for  the  compounds  of  cigarette  smoke  to  have  a   Hormones and Neuter Status
         causal relationship with canine carcinogenesis. 52,53  There are few   Hormones may act as either growth factors or inhibitors, depend-
         observational studies that were designed to specifically evaluate   ing on the sex of the dog and the tissue type. 72–74  For some
         associations between ETS exposure and canine cancer risk. 54,55    cancers, such as breast cancer, less exposure to sex hormones is
         There is support for a positive association (3.4-fold increased risk)   protective; whereas for others, such as OSA, lymphoma, and pros-
         between ETS and lymphoma  and sinonasal cancers,  but not   tate cancer, less exposure has been reported to increase risk. 72,75–82
         for lung cancer.  In a clinic-based case-control study, household   Neuter/spay status and age at neuter/spay are the most commonly
         ETS exposure was strongly associated with feline lymphoma.    used measures of endogenous hormone exposure. In spite of some
         The OR for any exposure, compared with no exposure, was 2.4,   newer studies, there is limited evidence that the age of the dog at
         and statistically significant trends were reported for more years of   the time of neuter/spay can have an effect on the risk of develop-
         ETS exposure, more smokers in the household, and number of   ing cancer in certain breeds of dogs. 79,81  Given the widespread rec-
         cigarettes smoked per day in the household. In contrast, there is   ommendation for early spay/neuter, especially in North America,
         only weak observational evidence for ETS as a risk factor for oral   this is a topic in need of further study.
         squamous cell carcinoma in cats.  In summary, avoiding ETS   In a mammary cancer case-control study, there was clear evi-
         exposure may reduce the risk of lymphoma in cats and dogs and   dence that spayed dogs were at lower risk of mammary cancer.
         the risk of sinonasal cancers in dogs.                In particular, the earlier age at which dogs were spayed the lower
            Pesticides are a heterogeneous group of chemicals, some of   their mammary cancer risk compared with dogs that were not
         which are known human and canine carcinogens. 58–60  Dogs may   spayed. This finding has been supported by other observational
         be exposed to pesticides in the home, in the yard/garden, and   studies of spay status and mammary cancer risk. 83
         on application of flea and tick treatments. The most consistent   Contrary to human epidemiologic and experimental evi-
         observational evidence for pesticide exposure as a cancer risk fac-  dence, 84,85  exposure to sex hormones such as androgens may be
         tor is for phenoxy acid–containing herbicides and lymphoma risk,   protective for canine prostate cancer.  From two case-control
         both in humans and dogs.  These data, however, have not been   studies  using  large  veterinary  teaching  hospital  databases,  neu-
         deemed strong enough to establish causality.  In a large case-  tered dogs had a 2.8- and 3.4-fold increased risk of prostate cancer
         control study (n = 491 cases and n = 945 controls), any use of   compared with intact dogs. 77,78  The apparent opposite associa-
         pesticides that contained dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) was   tions between hormone exposure and prostate cancer risk in men
         associated with a 30% increased risk of lymphoma compared with   and dogs are likely a result of the higher rate of androgen-indepen-
         no use. 63,64  Although modest, the positive association also dem-  dent tumors in dogs than in men. 86,87
         onstrated a dose-dependent effect in which more frequent use of   Neuter status is also a risk factor for OSA and transitional cell
         2,4-D pesticides resulted in a stronger positive association with   carcinoma of the urinary bladder, 44,72,76,78  regardless of sex. 72,76
         lymphoma risk (p for trend <0.02). Additional support for 2,4-D   Cooley et  al conducted a retrospective cohort study in 1999
         and canine bladder cancer risk is from the result of a small case-  among 683 Rottweilers and used a self-administered question-
         control study in Scottish terriers. 42                naire to test the hypothesis that neuter/spay status was related to
            Residential  proximity  to environmental hazard–containing   the development of OSA.  The owners were identified through
         sites has been used to estimate chemical exposure and canine can-  eight national Rottweiler breed specialty clubs and had a purebred
         cer risk in several observational studies. 43,65,66  A 2.4-fold increase   Rottweiler that was alive on January 1, 1995. The participation
         in risk of lymphoma was observed among dogs living in the cit-  rate ([number of participants] ÷ [total number of invited owners]
         ies  containing  illegal  waste  sites  compared  with  dogs  living  in   × 100) was 49%. This low participation rate suggests that selection
         other cities.  No association was observed with mast cell tumors   bias may have influenced the results of this study. In other words,
         (MCTs) or breast cancer. Mortality caused by cancer is also higher   the participants of the study are likely to have systematic differ-
         among human populations living near the same waste sites com-  ences compared with those who did not participate. However, a
         pared with the general population.  Chemical mixtures that have   strength of this study is the ability to calculate incidence because
         been identified at hazard waste landfills include organic solvents,   the total number of dog-months of observation were estimated
         polychlorinated  biphenyls, and heavy  metals. These can reach   retrospectively among dogs that were neutered/spayed and those
         human and pet populations through contaminated air, water,   that were not. During a total of 71,004 dog-months of obser-
         and/or soil,  and have been causally related to adverse human   vation, there were 86 cases of OSA. Collectively, the findings of
         health effects, including childhood lymphoma.  The biologic   a positive association between neuter/spay status and OSA from
         plausibility and the observational findings from Marconato et al    both case-control and cohort studies, and the biologic plausibility
         both help strengthen the evidence that living near the waste sites   of the association, provide strong evidence that neutering/spaying
         increases risk of canine lymphoma.                    dogs, regardless of sex, increases risk of OSA.
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