Page 213 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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192   PART 3    Therapeutic Modalities for the Cancer Patient

         uptake of streptozotocin is dependent on the GLUT2 transporter   Antitumor Antibiotics
         and expression of this transporter determines sensitivity of both   The antitumor antibiotics consist of natural products from micro-
                     and pancreatic beta cells.
                                      the blood after IV administration with a reported half-life of 15   bial fermentation including the anthracyclines, mitomycins, and
            Clinical Pharmacology. Streptozotocin is rapidly cleared from
                                                               actinomycins that have yielded clinically useful compounds with
         to 40 minutes in humans. 168  Streptozotocin has unique activities,   diverse mechanisms of action. Included in the discussion here are
         including inducing diabetes in animals 169,170  and lack of signifi-  the anthracycline DOX, the anthracenedione (synthetic analog)
         cant bone marrow toxicity. 171,172                    mitoxantrone (MTO), and actinomycin D.
            Clinical Use.  Streptozotocin is used to manage insulinoma.
         Limited reports of efficacy have appeared in the literature,   Doxorubicin
         although transient normoglycemia occurred in the experience of   Basic Pharmacology.  The cellular pharmacology of DOX is
         the authors. 173  The drug is dosed at 500 mg/m  as an IV infusion   dominated by its ability to react with a number of cellular compo-
         every 2 weeks with saline diuresis to avoid renal toxicity.   nents and a multimodal mechanism of cellular toxicity. Its activi-
                                                               ties include DNA intercalation and inhibition of RNA and DNA
         Other Alkylating Agents                               polymerases 192  and topoisomerase II, 193  alkylation of DNA, 194
         Dacarbazine                                           reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, 195,196  perturbation of
            Basic Pharmacology. Dacarbazine (DTIC) is a prodrug that   cellular Ca  homeostasis, 197,198  inhibition of thioredoxin reduc-
         requires metabolic activation by the hepatic cytochrome P450 sys-  tase, 199  and interaction with plasma membrane components. 200
         tem 174,175  to the resulting 5-aminoimidazole carboxamide and the   These processes are involved in both the antitumor effects and
         active methylating intermediate methyldiazonium ion. 176  Result-  AEs of DOX, with their relative contributions still open to some
         ing DNA methylation products are 3-methyl adenine, 7-methyl   debate. 
         guanine, and  O -methyl guanine, 177  which are presumably   Clinical Pharmacology.  After intravenous dosing, DOX is
         responsible for the cytotoxic activity.               extensively distributed to tissues, with binding to cellular DNA 201
            Clinical Pharmacology.  DTIC has poor oral bioavailabil-  and anionic lipids 202,203  determining the magnitude of tissue
         ity and is administered intravenously. Use in cats is not recom-  uptake. 204  Elimination occurs through renal and biliary elimi-
         mended because of a lack of information regarding their ability to   nation of parent drug and metabolism to doxorubicinol and the
         convert the parent drug to the active form. DTIC is extensively   7-hydroxy aglycone. Metabolism to doxorubicinol is via side chain
         metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine. The major DLT   reduction mediated by aldo-keto reductases 205  and 7-hydroxy
         is GI toxicity, although occasional severe myelosuppression can   aglycone by reductive cleavage of the sugar moiety both by the
         be observed.                                          liver and extrahepatic tissues. 206
            Clinical Use. In dogs, DTIC is used as a single agent, or in   Rapid administration of DOX can cause an anaphylactoid-
         combination with DOX or CCNU, for lymphoproliferative   like reaction associated with increased plasma histamine levels. 207
         diseases in a relapse setting. 178–181  It also has been used in com-  Routine pretreatment with diphenhydramine typically is not
         bination with DOX, with or without vincristine, for hemangio-  needed as long as DOX is administered over 15 to 30 minutes.
         sarcoma. 182,183  As a single agent, an IV infusion dose of 800 to   DOX is a vesicant and in the event of an extravasation, cold com-
         1000 mg/m  every 3 weeks has been used. 178  When combined   presses should be applied. Dexrazoxane (Zinecard, 10 mg per 1
         with other cytotoxics, the dose must be reduced (600–800 mg/  mg DOX IV) has been shown to substantially reduce the extent of
         m  IV) 179,181,183  or spread out over several days (200 mg/m /d IV   tissue damage and should be given IV (different vein from site of
         for 5 days). 180,182                                  extravasation) immediately after extravasation, and ideally again
                                                               24 and 48 hours later. 208
         Procarbazine                                             The acute DLTs associated with DOX are myelosuppression
            Basic Pharmacology. Procarbazine (PCB), like DTIC, is a pro-  and GI toxicity. In dogs, cardiotoxicity is well established. 209,210
         drug requiring chemical or metabolic alteration for the genera-  Acute cardiotoxicity manifests as transient arrhythmias associated
         tion of active metabolites. 184,185  The mechanism of action of PCB   with transient increases in circulating histamine and cathechol-
         could involve multiple interactions, including inhibition of DNA   amines and is usually of little clinical significance. Cumulative car-
         and RNA synthesis, but a predominant role for DNA methylation   diotoxicity manifests as a decrease in myocardial contractility and/
         to form O -methyl guanine seems likely. 186           or arrhythmias, which often leads to congestive heart failure. The
            Clinical Pharmacology.  PCB is rapidly and completely   damage is irreversible and carries a grave prognosis. The mecha-
         absorbed after oral administration followed by rapid disappearance   nism of cumulative cardiotoxicity by DOX is complicated, 211  and
         of the parent compound and subsequent appearance of metabo-  may involve ROS generation, 212  altered calcium homeostasis, 213
         lites. 187  PCB and/or metabolites equilibrate rapidly between the   topoisomerase-IIβ–mediated DNA double-strand breaks, 214  or
         blood and cerebrospinal fluid. 188  IV delivery has been tested in   upregulation of death receptors on cardiomyocytes. 215  It is con-
         humans with the appearance of neurotoxicity not seen with oral   troversial whether or not every dog should have cardiac evaluation
         delivery, suggesting that first-pass metabolism associated with oral   with echocardiogram and electrocardiography before receiving
         dosing significantly alters the spectrum of exposure to parent drug   DOX, but evaluation should be considered in dogs with known
         versus metabolites. 189                               heart disease and breeds predisposed to dilated cardiomyopathy
            Clinical Use. PCB most frequently is used in combination with   (e.g., Boxer, Doberman Pinscher). Dogs with normal baseline
         mechlorethamine or CCNU, vincristine, and prednisone for lym-  myocardial function should be able to safely receive a cumulative
         phoma. 111–113,190,191  It is dosed at 50 mg/m /d PO for 14 days of   DOX dose of 150 to 240 mg/m . For dogs with impaired systolic
         a 21- or 28-day cycle. Every other day dosing or use of reformu-  function or dogs in which the cumulative dose has reached this
         lated capsules is required for smaller dogs and cats owing to the   maximum, dexrazoxane can be administered immediately before
         limitations of available capsule sizes.               DOX to help prevent cardiotoxicity. 216  In cats, DOX can cause
   208   209   210   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218