Page 254 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 14  Cancer Immunotherapy  233

             Tumors also can express other immune suppressive molecules   suppression by MDSCs include suppression of T cells through
           that work in modulating the tumor microenvironment. An exam-  production of inducible nitric oxide species (iNOS), reactive oxy-
                                                                 gen species (ROS), arginase, and cysteine deprivation.  MDSCs
           ple would be CD73, an ecto-5 -nucleotidase that catalyzes the  breakdown of AMP to the adenosine. When expressed on tumors,   can produce transforming growth factor-beta(TGF-β) and IL-10,
                                                                 which stimulate Tregs and TAMs, and MDSC can cause down-
           this creates a local microenvironment rich in adenosine, which is
           immunosuppressive.  Indoleamine deoxygenase is another highly   regulation of the IL-12 production by TAMs, a cytokine involved
           immune suppressive molecule expressed locally by tumors and   in T-cell activation.  MDSCs cause NK cell anergy (lack of func-
           tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells. 29,30               tion) also by this decreased IL-12 production and through mem-
             Lastly, tumor cells are also capable of avoiding immune elimi-  brane-bound TGF-β. 62,63  Thus given the ability of these cells to
           nation by failing to be recognized by the immune system in the   use multiple pathways to induce tumor immunosuppression, the
           first place. For example, some tumor cells can down-modulate   development of effective immunotherapies that can target these
           major histocompatibility complex (MHC) surface expression to   cells and either eliminate them or lead to their maturation, rather
           escape recognition by T cells. MHC Class I expression can be lost   than ones that target specific pathways of suppression, is critical
           on tumor cells due to changes in protein synthesis, structure, or   for that therapy’s success. 
           allelic loss. 31,32  Moreover, defects in antigen processing and pre-
           sentation can occur that can also lead to decreased MHC expres-  Induction of Regulatory T Cells by Tumors
           sion. 31,32  A decrease in MHC class II expression is also observed   Numbers of regulatory T cells (Tregs) are expanded in cancer
           in certain human hematopoietic cancers, although it should be   patients, in tumor tissues, tumor-draining lymph nodes, bone
           noted that most tumors are normally MHC class II negative. 33,34    marrow, and blood. 64–66  These cells are phenotypically  defined
           Reduced expression of MHC class II has been recently correlated   by surface expression of CD4 and CD25 but are most specifi-
           with poor outcome in dogs with B cell lymphoma.  Thus tumor   cally identified by the intracellular transcription factor, forkhead
           cells themselves can actively and directly suppress antitumor T cell   box P3 (FoxP3). 67,68  Other surface markers used to identify Tregs
           responses through such mechanisms as decreased expression of   include CTLA-4, GITR, Lag3, and folate receptor 4 (FR-4). 69–72
           MHC molecules and increased expression of inhibitory molecules.   Tregs are capable of directly suppressing tumor-specific CD4+
                                                                 and CD8+ T cells and NK cells and are enriched in the tumor
           Active Immune Suppression by Myeloid-Derived Suppres-  microenvironment by  conversion of  CD4  T  cells to  Tregs by
           sor Cells                                             locally produced factors such as IL-6 and TGF-β. 73–76  Prolifera-
           A population of cells in the tumor microenvironment that plays a   tion of tumor-specific Tregs occurs after antigen recognition, or
           major role in tumor immunosuppression is myeloid-derived sup-  recruitment of these cells via chemokine signaling (i.e., CCR5).
           pressor cells (MDSCs). These cells consist of immature monocytes   Recent work has also suggested a role for the chemokine CCL-1
           and granulocytes released from the bone marrow into the blood in   in specifically converting T cells to Tregs and inducing their sup-
           response to sustained inflammation, including cancer. 36–44  Some-  pressive nature. 78
           times included in the functional description of this group of cells   Many studies demonstrate that increased numbers of  Treg
           are tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), which have the same   cells are correlated with a poor prognosis. 64,79–81  In addition,
           ability, and use similar mechanisms as MDSCs, to induce potent   Tregs present in metastatic lymph nodes inhibit the ability of
           tumor  immunosuppression. 45,46  Numerous studies demonstrate   tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes to mount an effective antitu-
           increased numbers of MDSCs in humans with cancer 47–49  and in   mor  response.   Work  in  the  author’s  laboratory  demonstrated
           mouse cancer models. 40,50  Furthermore, it has been shown that   that canine Treg cells can also be identified via the expression of
           the presence of these cells correlates with clinical disease stage and   CD4 and foxp3.  Moreover, they reported previously that can-
           metastatic tumor burden in humans with solid tumors.  MDSCs   cer-bearing dogs had increased numbers of Tregs compared with
           are  released  from  the  bone  marrow  in  response  to  cytokines   healthy dogs and that this difference was greater in certain types of
           released in inflammation, including granulocyte-macrophage   canine cancer. 65,83  Therefore current therapies aimed at depleting
           colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin-3 (IL-3).    Treg cells in humans could be applied to veterinary medicine. In
           MDSCs can be recruited to the tumor microenvironment by mul-  particular, many studies have shown that the use of cyclophos-
           tiple chemokines, many of which are produced by the tumor dur-  phamide or anti-Treg-specific antibodies decreases the numbers
           ing times of hypoxia and are regulated by hypoxia-inducible factor   of Tregs present in tumors and in circulation of tumor-bearing
           1α (HIF-1α) production. 45,52–60  Once within the tumor micro-  patients. 84–88  In addition, it was shown that the tyrosine kinase
           environment (TME), MDSCs differentiate into macrophages or   inhibitor drug toceranib (Palladia) can deplete canine Tregs both
           neutrophils  and  actively  suppress  the  local  antitumor  immune   in vitro and in vivo.  
           responses and promote tumor invasion and metastasis via the
           production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). 43,61  Moreover,   Impaired Dendritic Cell Activation and Function
           TAMs stimulate tumor angiogenesis and promote metastasis.  Of   Another important mechanism of tumor suppression is through
           note, there is still no clear consensus on how to identify MDSC   impairment of the potent antigen-presenting cells, dendritic cells
           in humans, mice, or dogs, thus making it more difficult to clearly   (DCs). Numerous studies have denoted that overall numbers of
           define the role that MDSCs play in cancer.            DCs are decreased in various human cancers studied, including
             The ability of MDSCs to suppress the antitumor response is   head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC),  breast and
           the subject of many recent studies. 42,62,63  Numerous mechanisms   prostate cancer, and malignant glioma.  A recent study showed
           of suppression have been reported and MDSCs have the ability   that indoleamine 1 (IDO1), expression in the tumor microenvi-
           to suppress not only T cells, but also natural killer (NK) cells and   ronment led to increased DC apoptosis.  The aforementioned
           DCs. They are also able to potentiate T regulatory cells (Tregs,   tumor studies demonstrated fewer circulating myeloid DCs with
           discussed in the text that follows) and differentiate into TAMs in   a concurrent increase in immature DCs (iDCs) with reduced
           the tumor (see Fig. 14.1). Current known mechanisms of immune   ability to present antigen and stimulate T cells; thus they induce
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