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CHAPTER 14  Cancer Immunotherapy  241

            TABLE 14.3     Approved Monoclonal Antibodies          With the current excitement surrounding immune checkpoint
                                                                 inhibitor therapy, it is anticipated that fully caninized antibodies
                                               Year Approved by   may be available for cancer therapy in the near future. In fact,  Target  mAb      Indication     the FDA           a chimerized anti-PD-L1 antibody was tested in a small clinical
                                                                 trial in Japan with some positive results.  There has already been
                                                                 USDA approval of the Cytopoint (Zoetis), a canonized antibody
            CD20    Rituximab   Non-Hodgkin    1997              that targets canine IL-31, which is involved in allergic skin disease
                                  lymphoma                       and pruritus in dogs. 
            HER2    Trastuzumab  Breast cancer  1998
                                                                 Conjugated Monoclonal Antibodies
            CD33    Gemtuzumab  Acute myelogenous   2000
                                  leukemia                       Another use of mAbs is linking them to potential toxins, immu-
            CD52    Alemtuzumab  Chronic lymphocytic   2001      nocytokines, or radioisotopes. Initial studies involved linking
                                  leukemia,                      chemical toxins to immunoglobulins to generate molecules called
                                T-cell lymphoma                  immunotoxins. Such chemicals tested were ricin and diphtheria
                                                                 toxins, but these conjugates were immunogenically and chemically
            CD20    Ibritumomab    Non-Hodgkin   2002
                      tiuxetan    lymphoma                       unstable. Development of recombinant immunotoxins helped
                                                                 address this issue, although the current concern with immuno-
            VEGF    Bevacizumab  Colorectal    2004              toxins is their ability to nonspecifically kill any cell expressing the
            VEGFR   Cetuximab   Colorectal     2004              antibody-specific receptor.
                                                                   Recently Paoloni et al developed an “immunocytokine” that
            EpCAM ×   Catumaxomab  Hepatocarcinoma  2005         targets necrotic areas of the tumor and is linked to IL-12. 232  A
                                                                 dose escalation was performed with this drug, called NHS-IL12,
            EGFR    Panitumumab  Colorectal    2006              and it was demonstrated that it could be safely administered to
                                                                 dogs  with  melanoma  at  the  appropriate  dose,  and  that  IL-12
            CD20    Ofatumumab  Chronic lymphocytic   2009       could be measured in dog serum postadministration and was cor-
                                                                 related with an increase in systemic IL-10 levels. Interestingly,
            CTLA-4  Ipilimumab  Melanoma       2011              they observed increased IFN-γ levels that correlated with adverse
            CD30    Brentuximab   Lymphoma     2011              reactions. In five of seven dogs, they observed an increased infil-
                      vedotin                                    tration of CD8+ T cells. Some partial responses and stable disease
                                                                 were observed in the dogs in the study.
            HER2    Pertuzumab  Breast cancer  2012                mAbs can also be linked to radionuclides. The concept behind
                    Ado-trastu-  Breast cancer  2013             these antibodies is that the antibody targets tumor tissue and the
                      zumab                                      energy released by the radioisotope attached to the antibody can pene-
                                                                 trate bulky solid tumors and can also kill surrounding tumor and stro-
            CD20    Obinutuzumab  Chronic lymphocytic   2013     mal cells. Examples of radiolabeled mAbs in clinical use in humans are
                                                                 found in Table 14.3. The current use of radiolabeled mAbs in dogs is
            VEGFR   Ramucirumab  Gastric cancer  2014            limited to imaging modalities rather than treatment of cancer. 
            PD-1    Pembrolizumab  Melanoma    2014
            CD20    Tositumomab b  Acute lymphocytic   2014      Cancer Immunotherapy Using Adoptive
                                  leukemia                       Transfer of T Cells
            PD-1    Nivolumab   Melanoma       2014
                                                                 Adoptive T-cell transfer (ACT) is a technique whereby cells are
            GD2     Dinutuximab  Neuroblastoma  2015             collected from a cancer patient, expanded, and activated in cul-
            CD38    Daratumumab  Myeloma       2015              ture and then transferred back into the patient. Although this
                                                                 technique allows for the enhancement of tumor-specific T cells,
            EGFR    Necitumumab  Lung cancer   2015
                                                                 it is labor intensive, expensive, and time-consuming; thus its use
            SLAMF7  Elotuzumab  Myeloma        2015              is limited in both human and veterinary patients. In the text that
                                                                 follows, we will discuss historical methods to generate these cells
            PD-L1   Atezolizumab  Urothelial cancer  2016
                                                                 and new techniques currently being investigated to improve this
            CD19/   Blinatumomab  Acute lymphocytic   2017       form of immunotherapy. As mentioned at the beginning of this
              CD3                 leukemia                       chapter, one limitation to most immunotherapies is the fact that
            PD-L1   Avelumab    Gastric cancer  2017             tumors can orchestrate an immunosuppressive environment. Thus
                                                                 even if one instilled thousands of activated, tumor-specific T cells
                    Durvalumab  Urothelial cancer  2017          into a cancer patient, the majority of these cells will become inac-
                                                                 tivated on reaching the tumor, particularly when dealing with
             CD, cluster of determination; CTLA-4, Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4; EGFR, epidermal   solid tumors. 233  It is currently being recognized that strategies to
             growth factor receptor; EpCAM, epithelial cell adhesion molecule; GD2, glycolipid antigen
             disialoganglioside 2; HER-2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; PD-1, programmed   overcome immunosuppression must be implemented to enhance
             death molecule-1; PD-L1, ligand of PD-1; SLAMF, signaling lymphocytic activation molecule   the efficiency of tumor-specific T cells in ACT studies. One tech-
             family F; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; VEGFR, vascular endothelial growth factor   nique to address this suppression is performing lymphodepletion
             receptor.                                           before ACT. 234–236  Recent studies have also suggested the isolation
             a111 In/ Y-labeled.
             b131 I-labeled.
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