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240   PART III    Therapeutic Modalities for the Cancer Patient

         cancer vaccine is based on the DNA plasmid technology. 209  The   IL-10–secreting T cells. 224  However, the methods of maturation
         ONCEPT Vaccine (Merial, Inc.) for canine malignant melanoma   matter as well, with studies showing DCs activated with a mixture
                                                               of IFN-α, polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid, IL-1β, TNF, and IFN-
         (CMM) uses xenogeneic DNA plasmids that contain the gene  encoding  human  tyrosinase  (huTyr).  Initial  studies  showed  the   γ elicit many fold more antimelanoma CTLs in vitro than the
                                                               standard IL-1β, TNF, IL-6, prostaglandin E  (PGE ) cocktail.
         development of an antibody-mediated immune response against
         the huTyr protein that cross-reacted to canine tyrosinase (also   Finally, new methods of targeting antigens to DCs through anti-
         see Chapter 19 for more details). 210  Improved survival of dogs   DC receptor (i.e., lectin receptors such as DEC-205, DC-SIGN,
         treated with this vaccine compared with historical control animals   or DNGR-1) antibody–TA fusions, appropriate selection of adju-
         has been reported with no severe side effects noted. 209,211  Further   vants to deliver antigens to DCs, and combination therapies using
         studies of this plasmid DNA technology demonstrated that the   chemotherapy and DC activation are being investigated. 221,223
         vaccine could induce antigen-specific IFN-γ+ T cells in normal   DC vaccination in veterinary medicine has been and is still
         beagle dogs. 212  The same group that developed the CMM vac-  currently being explored. An initial study of three dogs with oral
         cine has reportedly completed Phase I trials of murine CD20 for   melanoma showed that bone marrow derived DCs transduced
         treatment of canine B cell lymphoma and is initiating a Phase   with an adenovirus expressing human gp100 could safely be used.
         II trial soon. 213  Lastly, a recently developed vaccine against the   In this study, dogs received three subcutaneous vaccines over 4
         dog telomerase reverse transcriptase protein, for use in canine lym-  months. 226  One of the dogs, which was disease-free 4 years later,
         phoma patients, has demonstrated positive results, significantly   developed a robust CTL response against the gp100. Another
         increasing survival in dogs with B-cell lymphoma when added to   dog that relapsed after 22 months had no evidence of antigp100
         conventional chemotherapy. 214,215                    CTLs. A similar study performed in normal dogs was done to
                                                               assess the immune response of DCs pulsed with canine melanoma
         Tumor Vaccination Using Viral Vector Vaccines         cell (CMM2) lysates, where a good delayed-type hypersensitivity
         As discussed earlier (section “Oncolytic Viruses”), viruses have been   (DTH) response was seen against CMM2 after vaccination. 227
         used to target tumor cells, in particular ones with innate oncolytic   Another study described earlier (section “Interferon-γ”) saw
         properties. However, viruses can also be used as vectors for expres-  success using ex vivo activated DCs and IFN-γ for treating canine
         sion of particular TAs. Typically, attenuated or replication-defec-  solid tumors. Finally, a very recent study looked at the safety of
         tive forms of the virus are used to allow for effective stimulation   using a DC–mammary tumor cell fusion hybvrid vaccine. 228  In
         of the innate and adaptive immune responses without the risk of   this case normal dog PBMCs were used to generate DCs that were
         spreading and rapidly dividing within the host. The most com-  subsequently fused to canine mammary tumor cells. Injection of
         monly used viral platform for both human and veterinary studies   normal beagle dogs with this fusion plus CpG adjuvant resulted
         is the Poxviridae family. The poxviruses are easy to work with, are   in a robust antibody response against the fusion partner tumor cell
         amenable to large amounts of foreign DNA, and are highly immu-  line and three unrelated canine mammary tumor cells. However,
         nogenic, allowing for strong immune responses against weak TAs,   no CTL responses were noted. Hence, development of DC vac-
         such as carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). 216  In humans, one of   cines for use in veterinary medicine is currently being explored in
         the most commonly used viral vaccine platform is the canarypox   various tumor models and using various strategies to optimize the
         virus ALVAC. Recent published human clinical trials using ALVAC   induced antitumor immune response. 
         include combining CEA-expressing ALVAC with chemotherapy
         for metastatic colorectal cancer, 217  ALVAC expressing huGM-
         CSF or IL-2 for treatment of melanoma or leiomyosarcoma, 218    Antibody Therapy for Cancer
         and intranodal injection of ALVAC expressing gp100 in high-risk   Monoclonal Antibodies
         melanoma patients. 219  Interestingly, although all of these studies
         reported that the vaccine was safe to use and that immunologic   The use of mAb therapy for cancer has been studied for more than
         responses were observed, the efficacy of these therapies is limited. 220    four decades after the development of hybridoma technology by
                                                               Kohler and Milstein in 1975. 229  This technique consisted of anti-
         Vaccination Against Tumor Antigens Using Dendritic Cells  body-producing cells fused with mouse myeloma cells, thus becom-
         DCs possess very potent antigen presenting abilities and are an   ing immortalized and capable of continuously producing antibody
         attractive target for cancer vaccine strategies. Besides their role   that can be purified out of the culture media. Initially, the use of
         in vivo in processing and presenting TAs derived either naturally   mAbs clinically was limited because of the responses mounted
         or from tumor vaccines, there are many clinical trials published   by the host against the foreign mouse proteins. However, recent
         that examine the use of ex  vivo activated and expanded DCs   technology allowed for “humanizing” these antibodies by geneti-
         injected back into the donor as a way of activating tumor-specific   cally grafting the mouse hypervariable region of interest onto the
         T cells in vivo. The drawback to this method is that the ex vivo   human immunoglobulin, thus resulting in an antibody that is 95%
         processing of DCs typically is expensive, takes about 7 to 10 days,   human. Moreover, mice genetically rendered to express human
         requires growth in a combination of cytokines, and can be used   immunoglobulins can successfully generate 100% human antibod-
         only autologously. Nonetheless, ex vivo prepared DCs have shown   ies in response to various antigens. 230  Using humanized antibodies
         clinical efficacy, particularly in human patients with metastatic   improves antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC),
         disease. 221,222  Recently, it has been determined that the potency of   improves antibody stability, and decreases immunogenicity of the
         the DCs produced ex vivo depends on the combination of cyto-  antibody itself. The use of mAbs in human medicine has increased
         kines used. 223  DCs generated with GM-CSF and IFN-α or GM-  over the years. Table 14.3 lists those approved by the FDA for use as
         CSF and IL-15 display potent priming of T-cell–mediated and   human cancer treatments and some recent mAbs tested in human
         CD8+ T-cell–mediated immune responses in vitro. Moreover, the   clinical trials. 231  As a general guide, mAb names ending in -omab
         use of mature DCs is better than use of immature DCs, as imma-  are murine based, -ximab and -zumab are chimeric, and -umab are
         ture DCs actually induce immune tolerance via expansion of   humanized versions of the antibodies.
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